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BACK TO  Joardan is sitting on a balcony while thinking what just happened. He lied. He is afraid, so afraid that he want to jump off the cliff to end all of this suffering that he is experiencing. "You know, everytime I want ot be alone and think about things and stuff about myself, I always go here or in every balcony of every world." Joardan look behind him and saw a pretty girl whose name is Cayetanas. Joardan haven't seen this girl since he woke up, but he can tell that she's a friend, no harm at all. "I don't want to be alone and don't want to think things and stuff about me, that's why I'm here, not to think." Joardan said. "Well maybe we're opposite." She said and sat down beside him. "Why this place? The most peaceful place is where you don't want to think. It's weird." She said and look to Joardan who is looking back at her. "That's the answer. The peace distracts me from having a problem." Joardan said. "Are you alright?" Cayetanas asks to Joardan. Joardan nodded. "Yes, I am. Why'd you ask?" He asks back. "I am just asking if you're alright." "Are you alright?" Cayetanas shouted from the distance after she bumped someone on the road because of her drunkness. The rain is so heavy that makes her unable to see the person she hit. The sound of the rain is distracting her too from hearing what the person she hit is saying. "Sir! Are you alright??" She shouted and she still walking towards the person she hit with a zigzag direction because she is so dizzy from the wine she had earlier. "O my God!" Cayetanas expresses when she saw what the person she hit looks like. The man is old and his head is bleeding opened. His stuff are everywhere and the blood is spreading through his head to the sent of the road. "Sir! Are you alright? Are you alright! Jesus Christ!" She said and she didn't know if she's going to help the man or run away from the situation she had right now. She decided to look everywhere to see if someone is there or watching her, but no one, the road is so empty like the apocalypse from a horror movie, added the weather that is having right now, it is raining. "I'm sorry!" Cayetanas said and she run towards her car and leave the body on the road for her to get out of the crime she had. "I will never be like Karl! I will never be like Karl! I will never be like Karl!" She keeps saying those words while she is driving home. She remembered that Karl get away from what he did to Max Caliban, and she doesn't want to be like Karl, she doesn't want to get away from her crimes, but she already did. "I will never be like him. Never!" She said until she reaches her home. After she park her car she was shocked when she saw the condition of her car. The front of her car is wreck and it is smoking. "Caye?" She look back nervous and she saw her dad standing behind her looking to her car. "What did you do Cayetanas? What did you do??" HE said and run towards the car. "I am so sorry daddy! It is raining! I couldn't see the road, I didn't see him! I didn;;t see him!" Cayetanas cried and she kneeled down on the ground while she is crying. "What happened here?" Her mother asks and she was surprise on what she saw. "O my God!" She exclaim and run towards the car. They both look to Cayetnas who is crying on the ground. "Did you know how much this car is? It's 1 million Cayetanas! We borrowed some money just to buy you a car and this is how you will repay us? Destroy the car?? How dare you not to think about the car!" Her mother shouted to her aand she cried, not because of what happened to Cayetanas, but what happened to the car. "Did you kill him?" Herman asks Cayetanas, but she did not answer because she's so scared of what just happened earlier. "His head is c***k open! The blood. The blood is everywhere... His stuff too, and... and... His eyes are opened looking back at me." She answered while she is still crying. Jessica, Herman's wife look to Herman. "Handle it Herman. I don't want to face any issues just because of your daughter. I don't want to end up the same way the Norman's ended." She said and she leaves the two in the garage. "Dad.." Cayetanas whispered but Herman just shoved his head because of disappointment. "I'll handle it, but you are suspended from using any car and you will not go out with your friends until someone paid for the crimes you did." Her dad said and leave Cayetanas alone in the garage, crying and traumatize on what just happened. She keeps crying and crying until she fell asleep inside the garage. The night falls and the moon rises, a loud dog barking are the only thing Cayetanas can hear. Because of the noise from the dog bark, she opens her eyes and found her self in the middle of the road. The rain stops but the darkness from the sky stayed. "Hello?" She called and she slowly stood up to explore where she is. The cold shivers to her throat and the hair from her skin stands as the cold touches everything about her. "Please! This isn't funny!" Cayetnas then cried as she explores the road. "Hello?" She called again, thinking that someone might find her, but no one is in there, no one, she is alone in the middle of the lonely road in the night. As she continues to walk, the air is getting colder, and colder. She hug herself to warm her own body when she heard a scream from the distance. A scream that defines terrified, scream of  afraidness, scream of death. She then follow the voice and it lead her to a forest, a dark scary forest. "Hello? Are you alright?" She asks in the middle of nowhere expecting that the one who is screaming will scream again so she's just going to follow the voice. She continue walking when she saw a light form the distance. She follow where the light is, thinking that it might a way back home, but then she was stunned to death when she saw a creepy dark alley where a kingdom was built. She slowly walk on the alley to look and see the kingdom behind at the end of the alley. She keep walking until someone covers her face with a sack of rice and drag herr somewhere. "Help!! Get off of me! Help!" Cayetanas keep screaming until she heard a crowded voices, until the voices disappears. After minutes of her being dragged down on an alley, she was pushed inside a room and fall on the ground. She cried continuously and slowly shaking take the sack off of her head. A dark room with an only one candle is the source of the light of the room. She look around and was surprised to see a young handsome boy sleeping on the ground inside the room where she was. "What the hell." She whispered. "Yes I am only asking if you're alright." Cayetanas said and she smiled. She look to Joardan who is looking back at her and grin. "Now tell me Joardan, how dark is your life before you wake up from being dead." She asks. "So dark that I can remember being expelled in heaven." Joardan said and he immediately closes his mouth as soon as he said that. Cayetanas was shocked on what he said. Cayetanas walk to face him in front. "Joardan... Can you remember?" She asks
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