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The Sun Rises means new day had started, but new memories are still shattered by a glorious darkness inside Joardan's mind. The family start eating their breakfast, together with their maids. It is weird to see your maids eating with you, but Joardan said that they aren't just a maids, but also a family who helps them with everything. No one believes it at first, because Joardan himself, or Karl himself said that maids are maids, no matter how long you've been working with the family, you are a maid, not part of the family. "So Joardan, it's been months since you start going to school, what's the update?" Michael Norman said, his father. "Just normal, nothing to be worried about, in fact, our school rules become stricter than before, ever since that attacked happened last month." JOardan answered to his father while still eating. "IS your memory coming back?" His father asks. Joardan didn't know what to answer, since up until now his memories are erased, he doesn't want it to tell to his parents' he doesn't want them to be disappointed. "Even my memories are back, it won't help the present where we are now." JOardan answered. "Why are you so worried about my memories? Are you afraid I might remember something you don't want me to remember?" Joardan added and he continue eating. Veronica chuckles secretly. Joardan is right, his father has something to hide, and the only one who can remember is Karl, but Karl is gone, he is afraid that Joardan might remember everything... Another reason why his father could be the reason why Karl is dead. "That's what I am trying to do. Maybe knowing who killed me can help me remember everything!" Joardan said while talking to Alex on the phone. "The how could you know who killed you if you can't remember everyone's motives?" Alex asks him back. Joardan stop and he think what Alex said. Alex is right, how could he know who killed him, if the motives are unknown? "Maybe I have to start from the beginning, the beginning of last year?" Joardan said and he sat down on his bed. "Then you have to start with someone." Alex recommended. "I already working with that, I will start with Ohm, next is my girlfriend, and next is that b***h Hero who always do is tease and bully me and his girlfriend who's daughter of the principal." Joardan said while reading the names written on the notebook. "Ohm, Hero, Cayetanas and Sally. Are the first group of people I have to know the motives." Joardan hid the notebook under his bed. "Where's the Caliban brother?" Alex asks out of nowhere when he didn't heard the names of Nigel and Daniel. "They have nothing to do with my death, I mean, I am sure that they didn't kill me." Joardan said and lied down on his bed. "How are you so sure that they didn't kill you? They hated you!" Joardan sigh and thinks about what Daniel said. "You hate us." "No, they don't hate me, Karl hated them. You can't kill someone just because you hate them, but because you are jealous of them." Joardan said. "They have nothing to be jealous of me, what I have, they have them too." Joardan added. They keep talking on the phones not knowing that someone is listening o what Joardan is saying outside his room. His father. Michael Norman didn't know who Joardan was talking too, but he is sure about what the topic they are having. Michael got distracted on what Joardan said earlier while eating their breakfast. HE can sense that Joardan knows about his affair with the Caliban brother's mother. And he won't let him talk about it, but if Joardan left him with no choice, he will it again, to make him shut up forever. It's Sunday and they have no work that's why everyone is at their house, home. Except for his brother who's until now not coming home. It's like he disappeared, but the difference is, no one is trying to search for him, when there is a possibility that he is dead. But it was his choice to disappear, but why did he decided to leave, after Karl went missing? Michael and Veronica are watching movie together while Joardan is just staring at the movie without watching it, because he is trying to make it all sense. Joardan want to remember Karl's past, so he could remember his and why is he here, he believes that when he remembers everything he can go back to heaven, or he will know his fate. Joardan is doubting if he really is an angel, but he has power that normal person couldn't have, but if he really is an angel, why can't he remember that he is one, and why he couldn't remember his own past life. "Did you like the movie?" Veronica asks Joardan while wiping the tears that she had after watching the movie. "yeah I do like the movie, specially when the main character died, it's like a dramatic tragical event that could happen in real life, because we are all going to die, and we are all the main character in our own life. That's why it touched me that he died, it's like fate brought back the past to me right?" Joardan answered and look to Veronica with a smile on his face. "Are you okay?" Veronica asks him. "Yeah I am fine mom. I am fine that I coulnd't remember anything! I wish I stay dead! I don't want to live this pathetic puzzled life that I am having. It's like I couldn't have my own life because everything is missing! I wanted to start my new life but I can't because the past keep coming back because it cannot be erased! But it looks like my past was erased intentionally! I don't want to find who killed me, but I want to find my past and why did he kill me!" Joardan complaints. Veronica and Michael shut their mouth after hearing those words from Joardan. Veronica walks towards Joardan and calm him down. "Hey, don't say that okay? Maybe God has a reason why he brought you back. With or without your memory, be thankful that you are alive alright?" Veronica said and he hug Joardan to calm him down. "And the main character didn't die, it's the antagonist who died in the movie." She added and laugh thinking that JOArdan would laugh too, but it's the opposite. "Well good for him, I wanted the main character to die so he won't face any challenges that the antagonist are giving, and I hope the antagonist didn't die, so he would suffer the fate he had in earth. Being dead is what the peace go, but being alive, that's where conflicts are trying to make you alive, because they don't want you to be in peace." Joardan said and smiled to Veronica. Joardan stood up and he walk away from her mother and walk towards the door of their house. "I forgot that I am meeting someone. See you later guys." Joardan said and left the house. They just look to each other confuse on what is happening to their son. It's like he changed since that attack that happened in Las Midstone. He become distant to them, he always spent time in his room, or his friend that they still didn't meet but they do know the name, Alex. "Just let him be hon. It's better not to lock him up in this house if we don't want him to be rebellious again." Michael said and he touches Veronica's shoulder to calm her down. "I don't know Michael, I felt like Alex is a bad influence to JOardan." Veronica said and she touches her husband hands. "And you're right, we should never repeat what we did before if we don't want him to be that person again." Veronica said and she left Michael alone in the living room looking to Joardan who is living the house. "Poor boy." Michael said and he follows Veronica. After a minute, Joardan and Alex meet again to the place where he is practicing his power. "So you started with your father?" Alex said to Joardan after he told Alex what happened to their house earlier. "He was the first person who hass the first motive Alex. Do you remember the moving pictures I showed to you that is on Karl's phone?" Joardan asks him and he nodded as he remembers what Jaordan showed him. "My dad's motive is to shut me up for me not to tell mom that he is having an affair with Nigel's mother." Joardan said. Alex touches Joardan's shoulder and stares at him "It can be a motive Joardan, but family can't kill family Joardan, maybe betrayed them but not kill them." Alex said to Joardan to calm him down. "And in fact, we should focus on your power Joardan, that is the only thing that can protect you from any danger that is waiting for you oout there to be not prepared." Alex added and he stood up but before he walks away from Joardan, Joardan touches his wrist to stop him. Alex turns back to look to JAordan on why'd he stop him from walking away from him. "That's the thing." Joardan said. "I found out about my dad's motive because I can read his mind." He added and Alex gulp after he was surprised about what Joardan's new power is about. "H-how did you read his mind though?" Alex asks him in curiosity and he walks back to his seat and listen to Joardan. "I was talking to you earlier through phone right? Then suddenly, I heard dad's voice and I thought he was talking to me from outside my room, but he wasn't. He was talking to me through his mind. At first I got distracted but after he says that if I remembered again and I left him no choice, he will do it again, do what he did to shut me up forever." Joardan said to Alex. "What if... He killed me to shut me up forever? And you have to understand Alex, if family can betray each other, then family, can kill family. No matter what relationship you have, if you have a motive to kill somebody, then you will kill somebody with that motive." He added. Alex was silent after what Joardan said. He couldn't believe that family can hurt each other, but... Look what he is doing now, hurting his only family. "Can you read my mind?" Alex asks Joardan. "I can, but I won't. I set rules to myself that I won't read the mind of the person who I know won't hurt me." Joardan said and smiled. "Thank you Joardan. You're the only family that I have right now." Alex said. "If you want me to be your family, then I will. But make sure you won't hurt me, okay?" Joardan said. Alex nodded as a promise. "Wait, you can read minds right?" Alex said and Joardan nodded. "What if you will read Karl's mind?" Alex suggested. Joardan got confused on what Alex said. "Look Joardan, if you read your own mind, then maybe you'll discover your real power? And don't you want it? Don't you want to see what's in Karl's memory?" Alex asks him. Until Joardan realizes what Alex is trying to say. He smiled and run to Alex to hug him. "You are so freaking genius! Thank you very much!" Joardan said and he stood up in front of Alex. "Let me see what's on your mind Karl." He said and he touches his own head and closes his eyes, trying to rememeber, until he couldn't. "Joardan!" Alex shouted and ran towards Joardan to wake him up. "Jaordan wake up!" Alex said when Joardan start having a seizure in front of him. HE wouldn't stop until Alex finally called the emergency hotline. "s**t dude! Wake up!" Alex said while trying to wake Joardan but it's all useless, he won't stop. "I should never suggested that stupid ideas of mine." He added. "So have you met them?" A boy whose hair is down on his forehead asks to Karl while he is playing a psp on Karl's bed. "Yeah. They are the worst of the worst! I can't believe the mom is comparing me to those losers brothers." Karl complaints and sat down on the bed where the boy is chilling down, playing his PSP. "Then what did you do?" He asks. Karl look to the boy and that's when the boys face was familiarized, it was Ohm he was talking to. "I showed them that they can't mess with me. I am a Norman, the normal Norman in this family. My dad is so much busy having a competition with that Hugo man, my mom is so busy caring about my dad without knowing what dad is doing and busy tracking money that she is having to her company, and my brother? My brother is an asshole who always bring girls every week and no one knows what he is doing with them in his room." Karl said. Ohm put the PSP on the bed and just listens to Karl. "And I am here helping dad with the school, being the top 1 in the whole Las Midstone high and being a friends with you." He added. "You know, if you needed something, I am always here, always and no matter how trouble you're in, I won't leave you like anybody else." Ohm said and he hug Karl. "Just promise me one thing Karl." Ohm whispered to Karl's ear. "If I died, you won't be the reason right?" He asks. Karl smiled and chuckled. "I won't. And I know, you won't be the reason why I will die too, because you will always be there before I die." Karl responded. A white bright light is the only thing he can see, an echoing static sounds is distracting him from opening his eyes widely. "Doc! The patient is awake!" A girl shouted. He felt that someone is forcing him to open his eyes by touching his eyelid and opening it. The doctor focus the light form his flashlight on Joardan's eyes. Joardan's parent ran to him and asks the doctor if he will be alright. "Are you alright Joardan?" Veronica asks to Joardan but he only stared back at her like he is examining her whole face. Veronica smiled and touches Joardan's hair. "He will recover soon after we finished examined his body." The doctor said to the Normans. Up until now Joardan is staring to Veronica like he couldn't remember his own mother. "Who are you?" Joardan asks to Veronica. And he forgets again. Veronica and Michael look to each other confused and they both look to the doctor at the same time, even the doctor was surprised to Joardan's responds to Veronica. "Where am I? Who are you people?" He asks again but this time, he is looking to all of them, even looking around his surroundings. It looks like Joardan have to start all over again for him to remember every single memory that Karl had and that he had in this earth. Like a reset of a something, but for better...
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