The Wrong Side of the Bed-1

1195 Words

On Sunday morning, Bobbie was dealing with a very cranky Max and found herself wondering if the boarding school Olivier had attended was still in operation. He had woken up on the wrong side of the bed, which was to be expected considering the melt down he’d had the night before when he’d refused to talk to Olivier again but both Ollie and Lark had talked to him for almost an hour. “Max, eat your breakfast.” “You burned my toast.” “I didn’t burn your toast. One corner of the bread was touching the element. Eat around it.” “It tastes like fire.” “Then put peanut butter on it.” “With my eggs? I need it to eat my egg yolks with. I can’t mix eggs and peanut butter, mom. Don’t you know anything?” “I know you’re going to find yourself locked in your bedroom for the remainder of the day i

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