The Wilds of the Bayou-1

1205 Words

Three minutes later a single knock on the door had both kids clutching at each other on the sofa, their stuffed toys hanging by their ears, their faces tear stained and biting their bottom lips nervously. Bobbie looked at them, “you sure?” They both nodded vigorously, and she walked briskly to the door, leaving them to sit together while she opened the door a fraction. The man on the other side had clearly been pulling at his hair. His shirt he’d obviously buttoned and unbuttoned several times as a middle one was undone, and the top done. His face was serious and unsmiling. “They’re not a firing squad,” she mocked him and reached up with her fingers to fix his hair and then his buttons. She stepped past the door making certain the kids couldn’t see her and lowered her voice, “they’re sc

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