Unbridled Chaos-2

1247 Words

“Okay, you and mom can hang out. I’ll be around if you want me to join you.” Max shrugged and barely cast him a glance as he twiddled his mother’s fingers. “Mom, you should wear the pink bathing suit with the flowers. It’s the prettiest.” “I will wear it just for you,” she kissed his nose. “I love you mom,” he said suddenly wrapping his arms tight around her middle. Bobbie noticed Olivier walking stiffly out of the room from the corner of her eyes. While she felt a twinge of guilt for his feeling badly, he needed to learn his feelings came second to Max and Ollie’s feelings. While Ollie was very much a go-with-the-flow kind of girl, Max was not. He needed to learn to balance the two. He had taken control of everything, dictating they simply accept he and his rambunctious family were pa

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