Chapter 12: Horace

271 Words

Chapter 12: Horace Horace opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. He kept trying to remember if the insanity of the last couple of days was a dream or if it was real. And if it was a dream, was it a normal one or a nightmare? He heard giggling coming from the living room. Real, then. He got up, threw water on his face and became presentable, then made a frappe for himself. From the aftermath in the kitchen, it seemed Gula had already made herself one, plus a couple of sandwiches. At least she cleaned up after herself in the end. Sipping glorious coffee, he walked into the living room. Acedia, not surprisingly, was curled in the same spot on the sofa. Gula sat on the armchair. They were watching some sitcom. Horace didn’t need to watch no sitcom. His life had currently turned into

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