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“This is the big secret that your beloved king was keeping from you. His “son” is no man at all.” James declared. The royal Court was packed with not only pack members but also alphas of every pack that was in our kingdom. I had been tricked into attending this meeting by the wolf I trusted the most and a wolf that I considered as my father. My very own uncle had connived with and helped my father choose a mate that would ultimately be my downfall. Sophia, the one my father had chosen for me before he died, had worked with my uncle James to expose who I truly was. They had both made sure that no one would ever listen to what I had to say. No one was on my side. They all wanted me dead. “if she is a woman, prove it…” one of the alphas said, and the rest burst out laughing. “I can prove it,” James said, looking at me in the eye and ripping my clothes off. I was completely humiliated as I tried to cover myself up with my hands. I dropped to my knees and let out a loud cry. I raised my head and looked at James, who looked at me with so much resentment. I don’t think I had ever been hated by anyone this much. “she is a woman, and I have a question for you alphas…will you be led by a mere woman? She is not just any woman but a woman who was willing to live her life deceiving the entire kingdom” said “no” the crowd echoed “What punishment should be given to her?” he asked “I am the only one fit to take over this throne, and you all agree…am I right?” he asked me, and it seemed they all did. Even if some didn’t agree, they wouldn’t dare speak up, fearing that they would suffer the same fate as me. “I say we throw her off the cliff,” James said “You…..” I started speaking as they quieted down “You may do as you wish…but I promise you that you will pay” I shouted. “how will I pay for anything? Why would I pay for anything when you and your father are the ones who brought this abomination on us” James said. “She must die!” someone from the crowd shouted, but I couldn’t see who it was. I wanted to see all their faces and memorize them. I didn’t know how I was going to get out of this, but I was going to find a way out, I knew that this wasn’t the end of the road for me. I was going to fight for justice for myself and my mother. If anyone should have been punished for this, it should have been my gather. He was the one who planned this, and now I was suffering because of him I was led out of the royal court by guards and all the elders of the pack. They were going to parade me in the kingdom to further disgrace me. Any respect that I had left from my subjects was going to be destroyed by me walking around in my bra and panties. Maybe this was a good thing. Maybe I could finally live my life the way I wanted to, but then again, what life did I have left? What if I didn’t make it? The fear of dying at their hands paralyzed me, and I almost stopped walking, but I was pushed forward by the guards behind. The whole kingdom had already heard about my deceit, and they came out in numbers to see what punishment I would receive as their former king. It was then that I recognized a scent that I had been searching for a long time. I had been searching for him ever since I had come of age and I wasn’t sure of how to feel about the fact that I was only finding him now when I was on the verge of death. Was this the so-called moon goddess mocking me? Was she trying to get me to fight so that I could be with him? Would he even fight me for me if he had the opportunity to? Our eyes locked, but he quickly looked away before even giving me a chance to take in how he looked. I must have done something in the past life to deserve a life like this. I had found my mate, and yet I was going to die without a memory of his face in my head and heart. Aside from walking on, I kept looking back to see if he was following us, I hoped he would speak up and say something, but what could he say? He was just a son to one of the kingdom elders. I guess this made things even harder for him but I still wanted him to fight for me "This is the end of the road for you,” one of the guards said as he started untying the rope that had been tied to my hands. “I will remember this disrespect,” I said and he scoffed “There isn’t much that you can do about it now is it?” he asked me and then James stepped forward. “We have all agreed that the deserving punishment for…’ her’ crimes is death,” he said, and the small crowd that had been following us which included the elders shouted in agreement with what James had just said. "This is goodbye” I didn’t even get a chance to respond to what was being said to me before I was pushed down. Even though I knew that I wasn’t going to make it out of this alive I was still hoping and parking for some miracle. I was hoping my mate or anyone would realize how wrong this was and try to stop it. But no one did.
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