Chapter 3 - Dinner for two.

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The excitement Sarah felt on the drive home was the complete opposite of the feeling of driving there. “Look.” She whispered, sitting in the front passenger seat nodding towards the back, giving Luc a wink. He checked his rearview mirror and grinned. “They grow up so fast.” He sighed contently, making her giggle. She took a deep breath and looked out at the road ahead. This felt so right, her heart told her. Don’t trust it! Her head screamed at her. It felt like leaving the pack house to drive back home, as if she was leaving part of her heart behind. A feeling she didn’t know and a feeling she didn’t feel comfortable with when she got home to her half-empty flat. What if he just wanted a good time? She started unpacking her things and made some coffee, so she could get to work. For the next hour, she sat in front of her computer trying to focus on writing all the reports she needed to get done for Fiona’s court case, but her attempts were futile. Her heart kept overrunning her mind with images of his smile, his perfectly toned body, soft lips… “UGH!! I need a cold shower.” Her phone rang, and his name popped up on the screen. “Hi.” She answered on the first ring and rolled her eyes at herself. Eager much! “Hi, just checking in to see how your work is getting on.” He sounded happy. “Great. I’m getting so much done.” She waved her hands in the air, hoping she sounded as if she was getting stuff done. “Good, then come open your door. I brought dinner.” He laughed. “You did WHAT?” She looked at her door. “Are you going to leave me hanging?” He laughed, and she couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled out as she walked to open the door, finding him there with take-out. “Oh, you really are here.” She was stunned, and he took her phone out of her hand and gave her an unexpected kiss. “Yup, and I brought food. You can’t work on an empty stomach. Where is your kitchen?” He walked past her, and she pointed him in the direction of the kitchen. “I was actually on my way to take a shower, uhm…” She felt completely frazzled! “No problem. I will have it all warm and ready when you are done. Go shower. I won’t peek. I promise.” He winked at her, taking the front door handle out of her stunned hand and closed the door. She turned around and walked to the shower… So much for a cold shower to get him out of her mind! She turned on the water and got undressed. How was a girl supposed to get anything done with him around?! The girls did warn her about wolves being obsessively possessive. What if he was a stalker?!! She should keep her gun handy. She wondered about how strong he might be and if she would be able to overpower him. “He is a werewolf, you stupid woman! Not you or your gun are going to stop him!” Oh, hell, how did she get mixed up with this man? Why was she fighting this? He hadn’t been anything other than the perfect gentleman. She climbed out of the shower, dry herself and got dressed in sweats and a t-shirt. When she was about to step out of the bathroom, she hesitated. F@ck! She should probably put on something a little more… Well, just more than sweats! Opening the door and about to walk to her room, she found none other than a smiling Luc standing leaning against the wall. “I was just about to send a search party to look for you. Come on. Dinner is ready.” She was about to protest when he took her hand and almost dragged her off to the dining table. Her files were neatly put on one side, with dinner set up on the other. “You don’t really have much to use to set up a proper romantic dinner, you know. Paper plates? Really?” His eyes danced with amusement. “I don’t really eat at home.” She shrugged. “So, I’ve noticed. No food in the fridge!” He pulled the chair out for her, and she sat down looking at the Chinese dinner he put out. He really did try to make it all look romantic and even brought a flower. It looked familiar… He laughed, popping the top off the bottle of wine, and poured it into the only two coffee mugs she owned. She felt really silly for allowing him into her kitchen. “I just move around too much to keep a fully stocked kitchen. It’s easier to just have one box and my suitcase to move each time.” She shrugged. “Have you ever had just one place to call home?” He frowned. “No.” She didn’t hesitate in answering because she hadn’t. “Hang on. Have you ever had a place where you felt like you could stay and call it home?” He was stunned. They were entering that part of the conversation she had always tried to completely avoid, and she stopped dishing up her food. Looking into his beautiful eyes. She had grown so used to answering the question without showing any kind of emotion. “No, my work is my home. Tell me more about how you and the wolves got together.” She was also an expert at changing the subject. He started telling her how he met Ant and Matt and the rest of the pack. “I had to prove myself, of course, but I didn’t know they planned on tricking me, but it was all good fun. We are a family like no other. Other packs might be pack by blood, but we are a pack by choice.” He smiled. She nodded, finding their dynamic pretty interesting. “And you guys just grew to this huge mafia family over the years?” She frowned, making him laugh. Pouring more wine, before she took a huge gulp from her mug. “Yes, people who belong with us just seem to end up being part of the family. Like you.” He winked at her. She didn’t know what to say and stuffed more food into her mouth. “How is the case coming along?” It was Luc’s turn to change the subject, and she swallowed and nodded, trying to get the food out of her mouth, so she could talk. “Okay, I think. I should have everything wrapped up in a couple of weeks, then I will be moving onto the next assignment.” Again, she answered honestly, and his eyes immediately moved to hers. “Next assignment? What do you mean?” He looked upset. She felt the sudden change in the atmosphere. “The next investigation. The next undercover job. I’m a so-called assassin. Remember, that is my cover that we used to catch these people. That is why I travel and don’t put down roots.” She grabbed her mug of wine and drained the rest of it, pouring more. This was why she preferred one-night stands!! He looked down at his plate as if he had just lost his appetite. “Yes, yes, of course. Do you have an idea where that is going to be yet?” Thankfully, there was no awkward silence as he carried on the conversation even though it was clearly very tough on him. “No. I still need to make sure everything is finished here.” Again, she drained her mug of wine. Oh, brother… She could see the wheels turning in his mind and wondered if that stalker, obsessive, possessive wolf was going to jump her bones!! “Uhm, I need to get back. I can’t let those boys take over the house.” He stood up suddenly, grabbed his jacket from the back of the chair, and swiftly walked to the door, but on his way there he made a U-turn. Walking up to her, he pulled her out of her chair, took her into his arms, and kissed her with such passion that she felt her knees go completely weak. “Don’t leave me.” He whispered when he broke the kiss. Sighing, he left without another word, and she stood there, touching her lips where he kissed her just a moment ago. Staring at her front door as if he was still there. “What just happened?” She looked at the half-eaten dinner, then at the door and back at the table. Deciding that she was not hungry any longer, she cleaned up and grabbed the bottle of wine. She normally didn’t watch television, but that night she needed something to distract her from what happened. There was still a quarter bottle of wine left, which she finished while watching some stupid romantic comedy you would never see her watching, even if she was a week-old corpse!!! ON HIS DRIVE BACK to the pack house, he couldn’t get her scent out of his mind. She couldn’t leave! He needed to find a way to keep her there and pulled his Jeep right up to the reception area of the main house. He knew Ant and Meg usually didn't go to bed early and walked right through the reception area, through the kitchen, and into their office without even thinking about it. “She can’t leave.” Luc barged into their office. “What?” Ant was stunned at his sudden appearance. “Who, oh, Sarah. Why is she leaving?” Meg was confused. Luc flopped down on one of the huge chairs in the office, hanging his head, and pulled his fingers through his hair. “Dude, we just got back from the perfect weekend. Slow down and tell us what happened.” Ant frowned and Luc explained what happened, and felt his heart beating a mile a minute! “She can’t leave. You can’t let her leave. I will die if she leaves.” Luc was actually on the verge of tears. “No, you won’t! You are such a drama queen! She won’t leave, not yet at least. You just need to be patient and show her that she belongs here, with us. Let her choose to stay. Humans are different to wolves, Luc.” Meg waved off his act. The last time he felt this scared was when he thought Star would reject him, and he was sure Ant saw the fear in his eyes. “Luc, buddy, calm down.” Ant got up, poured Luc a drink, and patted him on his shoulder when he handed it to him. “We will make a plan. She isn’t going to leave. I promise.” Luc took a sip of the amber liquid that was the same colour as her eyes, and took a deep breath. “She is the most breathtaking, beautiful, stubborn, amazing, intoxicating, human creature I’ve ever seen in my entire life.” Luc threw his head back, resting it on the back of the chair. Meg started giggling. “Yup, you are definitely head over heels for that girl.” Her giggles turned into laughter. “Yeah.” He smiled shyly. “Sorry for just barging in like this, guys.” “That’s what family is for, buddy. You know we are always here for you.” Ant sat back and sighed. There had to be a way to keep her there! “What if I mark her?! Then she can’t leave me. She might even become one of us.” Luc looked hopeful. “Are you insane?!! Not without her permission or a pack vote you don’t! And what if she doesn’t survive the transformation? Then we have to deal with your sulking a$s and her death! NO! Forget about that idea immediately.” Meg reprimanded him. His eyes grew wide at her immediate anger towards him. Her eyes were so gray they almost looked white. He realized that Storm was talking, and he knew she was against doing anything that might harm someone unless, of course, they deserved it. “Okay, okay. I give. I won’t bite her. Geez, woman.” He lifted his hands in surrender. Ant laughed and slid his arm around her waist. “You tell him, beautiful.” Ant looked proud as usual whenever Meg showed her strong side. “Okay, I’m out before the two of you make me feel nauseous with your sweetness when I can’t have my girl!” Luc wished them a good night and walked out, climbing in his Jeep and driving out to the cabin. What used to be one of his favourite things to do now seemed so dull. The scents of the outdoors didn’t reach his nose. The stars weren’t as bright. Even his cabin didn’t smell like home. “Dad, back so soon?” Chris walked out the door when he climbed out of the Jeep. He loved to be the first to tease his dad. “Son, love sucks!” Luc patted him on the shoulder. “Tell me about it.” Chris laughed, and Luc felt like kicking his young butt! “Did she chase you away?” Harold walked out the door. “Human girls, they can be so full of sh!t.” Blake laughed, standing behind Harold shaking his head, and Luc was just about to kick all three of them in the a$s. “She didn’t do anything wrong, boys. I was being an i***t! What are you lot doing up in any case? Get back to bed!”
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