Chapter 3 – A Warrior in Wolf Clothing

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A week has passed and I was mostly confined in my room. Another pack had been here and was gone again in a matter of days. During this time I wasn't even allowed to leave my room to use the bathroom and Catherine couldn't visit me in those days which made my days feel longer than they were. Annie had come to visit me, until she had to leave to go to her really pack in Scotland. She had taken her small little friend, who I later realized was her little sister and whose name was Aria, leaving me alone with nothing but a pencil, eraser and a book filled with Sudoku. I had to admit, Sudoku wasn't easy and my brain hated the thinking work, but I only told it to shut up and to go on. There was nothing for me to do anyway. My drawing next to the closet was done. A wolf’s face and his master's just behind him. The fangs of the wolf was easy to see, seeing as the wolf was snaring at everyone. The master of course was Leonardo Da Vinci, or the way I imagined him to look. Also during my week, Casper has made little appearance. His only appearance really was to tell me I’m not allowed to leave my room and that I had to use a bucket if I had to use the bathroom and that somebody will deliver my food for me. Just then I knew how a prisoner felt and every time the door opened, I'd get such an awful fright, that me jumping up and caused the girl who brought my food jump every time. Her face was often surprised when she found my bucket placed in the corner empty. When the other pack finally left, and I was free to use the bathroom, I ran like my life depended on it. There was no way I'd uses the bucket to do you-know-what. No way. Another person I only saw four times, was Doctor Banks, wanting me to confirm the pill he gave me did indeed make me high. And then we argued. He told me he tested those pills and they don't make you high, but I kept swearing to him on my life it did. And then he just never came back, claiming I was as fit as can be. My dreams in that week were terrible. Every time the same one. My dad, the shadowed man, Simon. And it scared me a lot. I often woke up in the middle of the night, screaming, scared my dad was coming towards me with a scalpel. As I said, a week has passed and I was alone basically all those times. Whenever I wasn't busy with a Sudoku, the question Catherine had asked, played in my head. The truth was as I said it. Everyone is a monster and nobody is innocent. My father wasn't the exception. Even with him haunting me in my dreams, my heart filled with love as I thought of him. He wasn't always such a bad person. His heart can love, but for now it buried in darkness and bitterness and everyone here will only see one side of him. They will never allow him to prove for himself he is good. I often found myself in conflict whenever I should storm towards the Alpha and yell at him and blame him, or just tell him why my Dad was in such a bitter mood or if I should just shut my mouth. The last one always wins, though the second was following quickly behind. I don't think I could do the first. To childish for my taste and I was an adult now. I could behave like one at the very least. What always stopped me from going to the Alpha and tell him why my Dad was after him, was my loyalty for my dad. I couldn't seem to break that loyalty even after what I saw he had become. I think it might be the supernatural part of me. I think I heard it somewhere, but I have no way of telling. At this very moment I was doing Sudoku, though. No thinking other than these damn numbers that doesn't seem to fit. I just want to not think at all, but I was taught to think so if I had to think it will be Sudoku. My door swung open loudly, causing me to jump. In came a man, Catherine just behind him. "What the hell happened to my room," the man said harshly, turning towards Catherine. "We needed to place the girl somewhere, darling," Catherine said and folded her arms around the man, in an adoring and somewhat motherly way. That when I noticed this man had to be her brother. They had the same nose. Or maybe a son? "But why my room?" he insisted as he looked at me with disgusted eyes. "You could have placed her in jail or something.” "We did, until I noticed she wasn't quite human," Catherine said as gave me a quick look. The man laughed harshly and then stopped as he looked at me and tilted his head. "Jeremiah Simmons wouldn't house a supernatural, Mom," he said as he turned to Catherine. Son it is, I ticked off in my head. Catherine's arms fell to her side and then a hurt expression filled her face. Her son's face softened and he looked over his shoulder at me, then back at his mother and he sighed. "Mom, she tortured…” "No," Catherine words were sharp and made me cringe. "No, she did not torture me, Sebastian, and even if she did torture me, I decide if I'm willing to live with her or not. She is a good person and not at all like her father. She is a good person.” Her words filled my heart with warmth and made me realize that she had a good heart. A good heart my father nearly corrupted. A good heart, I said to myself, sadness overtaking the warmth, but a misguided on one. I couldn't help but feel she is wrong, while the rest is right. At the thought, I felt a little shift in the air. Catherine and Sebastian seem to not notice it and it made me wonder if I just seeing or feeling thing. "And," Catherine continued on. "And it was I that was tortured, so you and your father can stop pretending it was you guys. I get to choose if I'm the wounded or the strengthened in this story and I choose to be strengthened.” "Mom that wasn't…” "Yes, you were Sebastian. You and your father judge to harshly.” Sebastian tried hold his mother's hand, but Catherine pulled her hand away and took a step back. The shifted air seemed to get worse and I felt the vibration take over. The newly brought vase seemed to rattle on the nightstand and my plate of this morning's breakfast seemed to rattle as well. I shut my eyes as I realized what was happening and took a deep breath, but an image came to my head, causing the stuff to vibrate even worse. It was an image just before I was kidnapped, when Catherine was still in that little room. A similar fight then this one right here, but still very different. A fight between my dad and myself. "We got another one," my Dad's voice rung through the house and I shut down the television. Then my father entered the room, Simon and Ivan following closely by. "Another what?" Riana asked as she turned towards my dad. As always there was lust in her eyes as she watched my dad and I had an image in my head of me gagging and throwing up all over her. Instead I rolled my eyes and looked towards my dad. "A werewolf," Simon said and fisted bumped with Ivan. "and she will be a beauty to have in her wolf skin.” Simon came towards me and sat on the couches arm, which annoyed me a lot seeing as there was a spot next to me where he can sit. I pushed the annoyance away and gave Simon a great smile and took his hand and kissed his palm, which I quickly regretted. His hand was sweaty and smelled like rust and it made me want to gag. Simon smiled down at me and then turned to Dad. "Is Sammy coming with?” "Of course," Dad said like Simon had just asked the most ridiculous question to be asked. He then walked towards me and reached with his hands towards me, pulling me up. "Go on, honey. Go and dress something better for the occasion.” I rolled my eyes and then ran up towards my room and quickly got dressed in my worn out clothes, but I took my time to go down the stairs. Everyone was down there, ready and already packing the surgical instruments. The drive to the new torture place was a silent one. Everyone was probably thinking what they were going to do. I just wanted to get this over with. My job was simple. To warn my father and his disciples whenever there was a civilian about to approach the building. I found it the best job between us all, because I mostly get to relax in the sun and soak up all those Vitamin D's. As we reached our destination, everyone in the car made ready to exit the car. "After I drop you guys off, get ready for the mutt," my dad's voice boomed in the silence. "I'd like to have a word with my daughter.” Ivan, Riana, Cyrus and Simon nodded and as soon as we parked, they jumped out the car and ran towards the building like they were a bomb squad ready to defuse a bomb. I opened my door and had my feet outside the car when my dad spoke. "And where are you going?” "Nowhere, Daddy," I said honestly and looked at him. "I just don't want this conversation inside the car. It's annoying as hell.” "Fine," my Dad said and stepped outside the car. I sat on the bonnet and looked at him. “Sam,” my Dad began, and I already knew I wouldn’t like where this was going. “Today you will be torturing the mutt.” "What?" I asked, unsure what I heard. "You want me to torture the dog?” "Yes, it's about time you learned to take part in this.” "I am taking part," I said harshly. "I am taking part in this. I am doing the most important job…” "You are not, Samantha,” my dad's face filled with anger. "Stop pretending you are. We have motion detectors that will alert us…” "Motion detectors that can be easy enough to dodge…” "No, Samantha," Dad's words pierced through mine. "Stop playing pretend and torture the mutt.” "No," I said and shook my head and jumped off the bonnet. "I will not torture. I won't and you can't make me. It's my choice whenever I want to be even a bigger monster or if I want to be me. You are making me in a monster…” A sharp sting fell across my cheek and instead of my head looking towards my Dad, I was looking at the building where I saw Riana peek out, a smile on her face. I turned backed towards my dad, cupping my cheek with both hands. I saw the regret in his eyes, but I knew he was too proud to say sorry. "Fine," he said, his voice was like ice. "If you won't torture the mutt, you will babysit the mutt.” With that my dad walked away, leaving me confused and heartbroken. The car behind me vibrated softly and I was glad my Dad was walking away… The bed was shaking now and I felt tears going down my cheeks. I tried to take a deep breath just to control my feelings, but the image of my Dad breaking my heart the way he did, broke it even more. "…not human," I heard Sebastian say, and somehow those words forced my feelings under control and the vibrations stopped. Relieved, I allowed a half laugh to came out, until I noticed what he had said and my heart stopped beating for a few seconds. I felt my eyes grow large and I looked at Sebastian and Catherine, who both looked like their eyes are about to bulge out of their eye sockets. There was an uncomfortable silence during which Sebastian and Catherine looked at me like I had grown wings and was about to fly away. Just then Casper decided to enter the room. "There you guys are…" He stopped short as he noticed his expression on his mate and sons face, but when he had spoken, the spell had broken and Catherine and Sebastian gained life. "She can have my room," Sebastian said and walked towards the closet and stopped short. "What the hell is that?" he said and pointed towards the drawing of the wolf drawing. "Um," I said and answered shyly. "A wolf and Leonardo Da Vinci.” "That isn't Da Vinci," Sebastian said, and I realized he was trying to make me feel better. "That is Da Vinci," I said as frowned. "No that isn't," Sebastian said as he folded his arms. "I know how he looks like.” "So do I," I said as I looked at Sebastian. "This is Da Vinci, my Da Vinci. The way I always envisioned he'd look like until my dreams were killed.” Sebastian and Catherine laughed, while Casper looked missed, clearly expecting something different from his son. Mentally I told him he should have been here slightly earlier. The next day somebody knocked on my door hesitantly and I of course told who ever to come in. Not like I can yell at them to get off my property. Sebastian entered my room and the truth was he looked like a lost puppy. I frowned, but kept quiet. "Um," Sebastian said, scratching his hair. "I would like to apologize for my behaviour yesterday. I continued keeping quiet, truly unsure what to say. "My mother was right," Sebastian said as he stood, his arms folded in front of him. The way that he stood make him look small, which was ironic, seeing as he was kind of huge. Sebastian continued on. "I judge you to harshly and I shouldn't have.” "Um," I said, trying to search in my mind for some kind on a reply, but nothing came to me. So I just stared at him, my eyes probably big as I tried to look like I understand. Sebastian looked at me for a moment, then tried again. "I judged you for who your father was and for what he did to my mother. I shouldn't have. Clearly," his voice now started to sound less sincere. "I didn't expect the daughter of the man that tortured my mother would be… well not human.” He then looked at me expectedly, for what, I wasn't sure. Then he stomped his foot, which caused me to flinch. "Come on, are you going to make me stretch out this apology?” "I just don't understand," I said as I frowned a little more. "You are apologizing for judging me for what my father did?" I said the words slowly. "Shouldn't I be doing that? Well the apologizing for what my dad did to your mom?” Sebastian blinked and then snorted. "No, what I meant was, yesterday I stormed into your room and nearly bit your head off about my mother being tortured, and I was to blind to see that you are probably been tortured in your own way, maybe even worse.” I rubbed at my head and tilted my head. I headache was starting to form and I really didn't want to use what is left of my mental strength to decipher what he was saying. So I nodded. "Um, sure. I guess I could forgive you.” Sebastian looked at me, tilting his head as well. "And I guess I forgive you, not your father, mind you, for being part of my mother's torture." He then gave me a smile. "So, friends?” "Sure, friends," I said with a nodded and then looked at my Da Vinci drawing. "So," Sebastian said, as he leaned against the door frame, drawing my attention away from the drawing. "Mind telling what you are?" He smiled at me, like I was about to tell him a dirty secret. I then found myself laughing at his casualness for asking the guess. It wasn't funny in the slightest, but I couldn't stop myself from laughing. After a few moments, Sebastian joined in. Maybe he understood why I was laughing. In the following days not much has happened, other than my dreams had become less and less hostile, but Sebastian and I have become good friends. He had only asked me twice what I was, which I easily escaped. Sebastian told me a lot about himself. He was an artist and enjoyed drawing landscapes. He told me he did try to draw wild life, but everything just seems out of balance. I told him that was the way I felt about drawing landscapes. Thankfully he never asked questions about my life. He just babbled over his own. "I think my sister will like you," he said out of the blue one day as we were eating. "Hmm." I looked up at him, confused. "Annabeth," he said as ate at the chicken. "She'll like you.” "You're not the only child?" I asked as I placed my plate next to Sebastian, knowing he'd want my chicken. "Nope," he said after he swallowed. "There is Annabelle and the newly added twins Kim and Ronan.” "And you're the oldest?” "Nineteen this year," he said proudly. "No way," I said and smiled. "I'm nineteen, too. What are the odds.” "Next year I get to be chief," he said as he ate more of his food. Sorrow filled my heart and I fell backwards and looked towards the ceiling. "Hey," Sebastian said and placed his plate on the ground. "What's wrong?” As I continued looking at the ceiling, I considered not telling him, but I had a strong urge to tell him. "I don't know what I'll be doing next year. I don't even have a say in what I'll be doing next year. I use to have a dream of being an artist and singer, but as soon as my dad got into the whole hunting story, my dreams were just gone.” "You can still be an artist or singer," Sebastian as he took my hand. "You don't need to be a hunter.” "I know that," I sighed and sat up right. "I know that, but I can't. You wouldn't understand, because I don't even understand. I can't simply pack my bags and leave my Dad alone. He did so much for me. When my mother had walked out on us, he was nearly destroyed, but he kept on going for me. I don't want to see how he will look like if I walked out too.” I sighed again and looked at Sebastian. "He fought for me every chance he could and he made me happy." I felt a tear go down my cheek just out of the blue. I hated that tear, but I didn't move to wipe it away. "He made me so happy and he fought for me. It is so much more than what my mother did. My mother left me and he held me every day for weeks after that. He is a good man…” My tears seemed to grow bigger and fall faster and my voice went a little hoarse. "He was a good man and now he is a monster. I know it and it hurts, because he is the opposite of what I remember him. I can't pack my bags because he held me and fought for me and made me so happy once upon a time. And I don't understand why…” Sebastian wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly to his chest as I sobbed. I must have passed out while I was crying, because when I woke up, my room was dark and Sebastian was gone. My throat was a great deal sore and I rubbed at it gently. I couldn't understand why I had that breakdown, but I did. I haven't cried in years and it felt odd that my eyes were swollen, but now I have cried and it had lasted for a little over an hour. I stumbled out of bed and felt with my hands for the wall. I used the wall as a guide towards the door and then made my way towards the bathroom, also using the wall. It was too dark to see and I really needed the toilet. As I drew nearer to the bathroom, I heard two people shouting. They were arguing about something. Curiosity got the better of me and I creeped passed the bathroom door towards the thundering voices. As I drew near I realized who were shouting at each other. Casper and Catherine. "… son," Casper shouted. "And you act like you don't care!” "Of course I care, but I don't see any problem with him hanging out with her," Catherine said, her voice icy. "She is corrupting him," Casper said and sighed. "He is going to be Alpha next year and she will influence him and not in a good way.” "Only influence she will have on him is to make him a better person," Catherine hissed. "Next thing I'll hear from your mouth will probably be you want them to get married," Casper said, sarcastically. There was silence that spoke many words, but I still felt confused. What are they talking about? And was Sebastian seeing a girl his father didn't approve? I wonder why he never mentioned her. "Oh, you can't be serious," Casper said, sounding tired. "She is good," Catherine said, sounding evenly tired. I was so absorbed by the conversation, I didn't notice the presence until a hand covered my mouth and being pulled into a strong body. My body went stiff as images filled my head at what might happen next. "Shhh," the person said, and leaned at little forward. A sigh of relief filled me as I saw the person behind me was Sebastian. I ripped off his hand from my mouth and glared at him. "What are you doing?" I hissed. Sebastian raised an eyebrow and tipped his head slightly. "I could ask you the same thing.” I rolled my eyes and backed away. "I was going to the bathroom," I said, truthfully. He just rolled his eyes back to me and then turned towards the door after a crashing and shuttering sound came from inside of the room. "Go back to your room," Sebastian said as he frowned. "If my father sees you, I don't know what he will do.” I sighed and then turned and went to the bathroom. There I washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror for a few minutes and then washed my face again. Then I went back to my room and just curled up on my bed and pulled the blanket up high. I started to wonder if the girl that Casper and Catherine had talked was perhaps me. Yet, it couldn't have been me. Sebastian was a… not entirely a friend, but something very close to a friend. I probably looked like a loser in front of Sebastian because of earlier, so there was no way Sebastian had a liking towards me. Werewolves liked strength and I got everything except that. Speaking of earlier, why did I start talked to Sebastian about my problems? That wasn't me. I wasn't the type of girl who cries about my problems, I either ignored them or handled all on my own. I rubbed my face and turned around on my bed. As I laid there I looked directly at the drawing on the wall. More importantly I looked at my dad. He looked so strong and I missed him. I wonder if he misses me. I hope not, because then he'd probably feel guilty. His last words towards me had been in the line of he was disappointed in me and I knew that it would upset him a lot. I knew he was looking for me, I felt it in my guts. I hated that he was looking for me. I really did. I scoffed at myself and then pulled the pillow over my head and smothered myself with it and then threw the pillow across the room and rolled again. I gave a yawn and looked meaning at the pillow, hoping it will float towards me. Nothing happened and I was force to stand up and go fetched it. As I bend to pick it up, I noticed a book under the bed. I picked up the pillow and placed the pillow on it spot and then went down on my knees and pulled the book towards me. As I held the book and inspected it, something fell out onto my lap. It was a photo of a beautiful girl, Sebastian in the middle and another girl smiling shyly at the photo. I turned the photo around and saw a small scribbling of words. "August 15, 2008," I read. "Amanda, Annabella and I, friends forever.” I turned it around and looked at the picture again. Sebastian looked happy with his arms around the girls. The shy girl had to be his sister, because they both had the same eyes. I placed the photo on the bed and moved my attention back to the book. Truth was, I was too scared to open it. It could be a diary and I'd invade Sebastian's privacy and I'd bet he wouldn't like that. There was no marking on the book cover and it was faded. The pages were yellow from what I could see. I took a deep breath and opened in the middle of the book, expecting to see a scribbling of words. Instead it was a typed book. I closed the book again and let go the breath I had been holding. Then I opened the book again, but this time to the introduction of the book. Why You Never Should Love a Demon, I read and laughed. I found myself reading the first page and the next and the next. The story was about a girl who lost her family in an accident and was forced to live with her crazy aunt, who in my opinion was really crazy. Her aunt had banned her from going to the basement and like all children (Lola was only fifteen) she ignored her aunt and went down the basement where she met a demon called Atherti. And for two years she sneaked to the basement at night and slowly she fell in love with the demon and she gave up everything just to be close to him. In the end, he betrayed her and send her to the underworld. There Lola met a tortured soul they ended being good friends and then lovers. And they escaped the underworld. (I was so very glad about that). Then after a few months Atherti found them and killed Lola's lover and Lola killed the demon. The story ended with Lola being pregnant. I had to admit, the story was good, but I hated the ending. Lola's lover is dead and she is pregnant? Why? Why is he dead… again? Where is the happy ending? Shouldn't all stories end up happily? And I couldn’t believe I finished that book in like five hours. It was thick with nearly five hundred pages. Then again, the words were slightly big and there was a great deal of spaces between them. So maybe it really wasn't such a surprise. I shook my head and placed the photo in the book and shoved it under the bed again. Slowly I fell asleep again and dreamt that Sebastian and the beautiful Lola getting married and my heart filled with jealousy. "I got you a surprise," Sebastian said the next day as we ate breakfast. "What?" I asked as I ate my porridge. "I'm going to show you around," Sebastian said and smiled. "Show me around?" I asked, confused. Of all the thing I expected him to say, that wasn't one of them. "Yeah, Annabelle and Amanda wants to meet you, but Bell won't come here.” I tilted my head, more than a little confused. Sebastian laughed. "Bell is my sister. She and Mom had a fight so she isn't talking to mom. And Amanda is a very good friend of mine.” "I still don't understand," I said and placed my bowl on the bedside table. "Show me around?” Sebastian laughed again. "I mean we are going outside this house. You need to see more green other than that green plant on the window sill.” As I understood what he said, I shook my head. "Sebastian, I don't think so.” "Why not?” I couldn't help the short laugh that escaped my mouth. "Every werewolf wants to kill me, because my daddy kidnapped your mommy.” "I"ll protect you," he said and smiled. "I don't need protection," I said and rolled my eyes. "I can take care of myself.” "Good," Sebastian said and placed his bowl next to mine then pulled me off my bed. I nearly fell face down at the pull. I tried to resist, but Sebastian was strong and pulled me easily out of my room. "Fine," I said, mortified. "I'll come willingly." See, I got pride, too. I really didn't want others to think I was weak. After all, I was Jeremiah's daughter and weakness wasn't allowed. I already showed weakness in front of two wolves. I didn’t need more wolves to see it. Sebastian let me go and seemed to be waiting for something. I rubbed at my wrists and rolled my eyes as I started walking. Sebastian seemed satisfied and leaded me outside. As I took my first step outside, I felt blinded. I blinked a few times and the brightness dulled a bit as my eyes focused. Sebastian laughed and kept walking. I ran slightly to keep up. "Told you needed to come outside," Sebastian said. I said nothing, but kept my eyes on my toes and realized I was walking bare feet. I felt hundreds of eyes on me, but held my focus on my toes. Sebastian talked, naming places that I didn't even look towards and greeting fellow werewolves. Some he even tried to me to, but I kept my head down. From Sebastian's shadows, I saw him shrug. The sun that shined on my back felt good and wanted to sigh in happiness, but the feeling of eyes was still on me and felt like I would offend them if I showed any sign of pleasure. Then there was a chorus of sympathetic ooeeeeh's which made me look up. In front of us were a group of werewolves. Then somebody on the outskirts of the circle caught Sebastian's attention and he grabbed at my wrist mumbling excitingly "come on.” I recognized her as the shy girl from the photo. "What's happening?" Sebastian said as he looked over the crowd. "Benjamin challenged Amanda," she said as she looked at me. "I told him 'wrong move, back away slowly' and he just laughed. Now his ass is being handed to him.” "Good old Amy," Sebastian laughed and then turned to me. "This is my little sister, Annabelle," he said proudly. "Bell, this is Samantha.” "Please to meet you," Annabelle said shyly and gave a little wave. There was another round of oeeeh's, which caused the three of us to look towards the fight. I was impressed. Benjamin was easily twice her size, but Amanda had him on the ground, begging for mercy. And she was a wonder herself. She was hardly covered in sweat and breathing hard. She looked so relaxed, like she was coming from a spa instead of a battlefield. Somebody came to get Benjamin and dragged him out of the ring. "Who is next?" Amanda said softly and looked at the ring of people. There was a tense silence and then a man walked into the ring. Amanda rolled her eyes. "Again Alex?” "I know how to beat you know, Amy," the man said, a slight smile on his lips. Amanda had a smile on that said she highly doubted he will beat her. After a matter of seconds Amanda had Alex on the ground with a broken nose and arm. "She good," I mumbled to myself and frowned. "Yet, still beatable.” "You think you can beat her?" Sebastian said, looking ready to burst out of laughter. "I wasn't talking to you," I said and rolled my eyes. Sebastian looked at me for a few seconds then turned to his sister. "Bell, let's see what she's got.” Annabelle smiled and gave a nod, then made her way towards Amanda. They seemed to be in a small conversation and then Amanda nodded and looked in my direction. I flushed, unsure why, and looked away, towards Sebastian. "You are mean.” Sebastian laughed. "I challenge the hunter," a voice rung out and I turned towards it. There was a scowl on Amanda's face, but she shrugged and then stood with her hands on her hips. Everyone was looking at me now. "Bell told me you could win me," Amanda said. "I think you are bluffing.” I scowled and then walked towards her. As I drew near, I nodded towards her. I stood in front her, feeling slightly awkward. I really didn't know what do. Amanda was looking me up and down and analyzing me. I just gave Sebastian a quick scowl and then took two steps back. Then I looked at Amanda and blocked out the crowd around me and just focus on her and what she might do as her first move. Amanda stuck out her foot to make me fall, but I jumped and saw her next move to be was to punch me, so I ducked. I took a step back and looked at her. I guess I could tire her out first, but where is the fun in that? In my thought, I didn't realize the punch that came towards my face until a few seconds before it landed. I jumped backwards and covered my cheek with my hand and then instinct took control of my body. I didn't know what happened until had Amanda on her stomach and pulling at her hair. I really didn't like it when I was hit in the face. Lots can happen when you walk down the street and your cheek is all swollen up. The enemy might be walking right beside you and you won't be able to see him, because your cheek is so swollen your eye is shut. The eye that would have been able to spot the enemy and he would get away and my Dad would go mad with anger. Or you walk into school with a swollen cheek and children would wonder what happened and teacher would think you were abused, especially when they see every other part of your body covered in bruises. My lips were near her ears and I hissed into them: "Not the face, dog, or I snap your pretty little neck.” Amanda laughed and then rolled causing the position to shift and I stood up not wanting to be the submissive in this fight. Amanda stood as she looked at me. "Ouch," she said breathing hard. "Looks like I've hit a sore stop in the hunter.” Then she aimed to hit my face again, but I blocked. And fell. My focused so forced onto the fist, that I didn't realize she had lung her foot out, causing me to fall. I rolled and heard her fist hit the ground. I stood up and looked at her and then I kicked out at her and she dodged. I grunted in dissatisfaction and kicked again and this time hitting her. She let out a pained cry and somewhere deep inside of me I felt bad. I was about to punch her when I thought better of it and walked away. I thought I'd feel cheerful after this, but it felt wrong and I didn't like it. I felt good walking away. As I walked through the crowd, which was looking me open mouthed, I started to feel faint and the sun seemed sharper. At first I didn't understand what was going on, until I suddenly realized what was happening. I've only had this feeling once in my life and it nearly got me and my family killed. Desperately I searched for a face and I found it. The Chinese man was talking to Casper in hushed whispers. "Hey," Sebastian said and stood in my view. "Are you okay?” I cleared my throat and stood taller. "Yeah," I said, looking at Sebastian and lied. "I didn't feel well this morning. I guess the fight only made it worse.” "Well," he said, a look of concern on his face and then smiled. "You nearly won against Amy, though.” "Neatly won?" I said as I looked I looked at him. "You might have won if you hadn't walked away," Sebastian said and then pulled me towards Annabelle. I looked over my shoulder at the Chinese man. I was save for the most part, because he won't realize what I am. "I got to say, hunter," Annabelle said, her voice sounding small. "I really thought you were going to lose.” I looked at her and then sat on the ground like a stubborn child. "What's wrong with her?" Amanda said as she walked towards us. "Not feeling well," Sebastian said, and then changed the subject. "Hey, we're still on for going to the club, right?” "Tonight at ten," Annabelle confirmed. "Wait," Amanda said, in a half shocked way. "Who is paying?” "You do realize you got enough money to buy your own drinks, right, Amy?" Sebastian said and rolled his eyes. "Where is the fun in using my own money?" Amanda said, pouting. "Fine," Sebastian said and gave Amanda a little punch on the shoulder. "I'll pay for both you girls.” They continued on talking like I wasn't there. I didn't even continue listening to them, knowing it didn't concern me. Instead I started thinking and wondering why a dragon would visit the wolves. Dragons were rare and were mostly Asian. Pick up on the mostly. Then one I had seen when I got sick before had been a black guy. Then again, it was a black dragon. Some culture thing they are magicians that use spells to turn into dragons. The reason for that is so simple. In dragon form, depending on their eye colors, they breath out magic. Purple eyes are acid, red eyes are fire, very light blue are frost, and so on. The most dangerous is the dragon with black eyes though. They can not only breath a black fog that causes paralyses you, but can also see your past and everything you did bad, you relive over and over again. Then you get to visit the mental house for the rest of your live, which probably wouldn't be long. In human form, though, they are magic. Their human flesh isn't their true form. Dragons get their magic from nature and that's probably why the plants looks less cheerful when they are around. That is why dragons are sky creatures. Or that's what I'd like to believe. In human form they can also manipulate nature. They use it to make the earth shake or make water go in a sphere form and drown the thing they have inside. In short, they control the four elements of Earth. Casper and the dragon had disappeared into a building what felt like ages ago. I still kept on thinking what they were conspiring about, but drew a blank. I laid back instead to enjoy the sun. It felt so good. I felt like I slowly being charged. And then I started to get an image in my head. My dad's betrayed face. Cringing, I sat up again and looked towards the house that was a few houses and shops down. "Hey, Samantha," Sebastian said and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Are you really okay?” "Yeah, yeah," I said absently. "You don't seem alright," Amanda said, looking at me scornfully. "I am," I said and looked at her. "I promise. Just have a lot on my mind.” "Such as?" Sebastian poked. "I don't know," I said and shrugged. "Stuff.” Amanda scoffed and looked away from me and to Annabelle. "So, when is the Dragon Mass Parade?" Amanda asked Annabelle and Annabelle shrugged. "Well, Sebastian," I said as I stood up. "I'm going to my room.” "You sure?" Sebastian said as he helped me up. "You seem to enjoy the sun.” "I do," I said. "I just… it doesn't matter.” I started walking away. Truth was, for a while I'd forgotten I was an enemy among these people. I wouldn't have minded it, but I felt their eyes on me now that Sebastian was talking to me. And I remembered where I was. It felt wrong to enjoy the sun while being with the enemies. Sebastian didn't follow me physically, but I felt his eyes me until I slipped into the house. I walked directly towards my room and found Catherine sitting on my bed.

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