CHAPTER 3: Think About It

2034 Words
Oppa = older brother  Pabo = fool/idiot ------------- “HELP YOU? WHY WOULD I-“ I sigh and lower my voice as girls run past us waving at Wintyr “Help you with what?” I whisper shout “When technically I'm helping you too” I look at him for a while baffled “How?” “You like Cole and I like Ruby” My eyebrows shoot up at the revelation “You like my Ruby?” He nods “Yes I like you sister Ruby” I cross my hands over my chest “Well step sister” I correct him but he shrugs “So what’s your crush got to do with me? Wow I want tell her” He pushes me on the lockers quickly boxing me in “Do not dare tell her” “Jesus, I was just joking” I push him off me so I had space to breathe  “If you like her though you can tell her, I’m sure she would like you back” Well technically I knew in my head Ruby always tends to go for either black boys or white boys, she’s never ever gone for an asian but then again peoples types change all the time and Wintyr was a pretty good looking boy even though it was painful to admit  “If you help get her jealous then I can help you get Cole’s attention” “But you’re basically best friends with her, I mean you hang out with her, you're all populars so why don't you use one of the girls” “Cause you're her sister” “And that’s creepy” I nod slowly not understanding him at all   “And my dad is Kim River” He adds sarcastically and I hold my hand out not even surprised “See, it’s easy for you” He shakes his head as I didn't get his joke but I really did “How long have you liked him for?” “I don't like him” I answer quickly causing his smile to grow “You can't deny it anymore I know” Our heads turn to the side as Megan and Lily walk out the girls bathroom and I push Wintyr further away from me when they catch us alone “Erm” I scratch the back on my head as they approach us confused  “Is everything okay?” I laugh weirdly as if it were nothing “Of course I told you guys that Wintyr is my partner haha” “Ohh right” They nod remembering and he smiles tightly “Think about it” He says out loud for them to hear then pulls his bag closer to him walking the other way around “Think about what?” Lily jumps in front of me “What we are focusing on! Our subject on duh” I speak gibberish “Isn’t everything in chemistry on chemistry?” My brows scrunch at her confused look “Look she smarter in English not science, she would never understand” Megan joins in elbowing me “Where’s Lyra? I thought we lost Lily” I look around even though I was thinking about Wintyr words “With…” Megan starts but then her brows scrunch “Hm, I actually don’t know” Lily shrugs too “Well let’s go watch the fit boys play basketball” We smile at once "The fit boys we hate" I remark as we skip down the hall  “Hey dad” Me and Ruby say together as she drops her car keys into the bowl “Hey girls” I smile at him coming out with a mixing bowl “What are you whipping up?” I throw myself on the couch then Ruby pushes my legs down sitting by me “Ugh” I grunt as I move suddenly then she politely returns my legs onto her lap “Making a cake with your mum, you guys want raisins in it” I make a disgusted face “Yuck” “Yes” We reply at once  “Sorry baby, you're the only one that doesn’t want it, so I'll put less” My dad frowns looking at me “Dont bother” I get up tiredly “I’m going to sleep” Ruby holds onto my hand before I leave “Are you okay sis?” I nod quickly “I heard what happened with the girls, I gave them a big telling off” I look up thankful that dad had already left the room so he didn't hear her “I mean Bailey hurt my knee but I didn't want to get your friends in trouble” I explain but she sighs “If its against my sister, I don't care Gab” She winks and I bend down to hug her “You’re the best sister” I let go of her “But I’m actually tired waiting for you to leave class so late, so I’m going up early, say hi to Alex when he gets home for me” I slowly walk out knowing my little brother always got home later than us cause he spent time with his ‘girlfriend’ after school. I just never understood 14 year olds and their relationships these days  “Ahh” I lay in my bed still in my uniform “Why am I still thinking about his stupid words?” Wintyr crosses my mind for the 100th time today as I remember what he found out ‘He said he can get Cole to notice me and they are best friends so he can't be lying’ I roll over distressed ‘No he's lying Gabriella, he's childish!' I put my pillow over my head 'But he told me about Ruby....but I mean, him getting Ruby is going to be a piece of cake, I wouldn't really be doing much work’ I shrug actually wanting to know more about what he was saying I reach in my pocket for my phone and search his name ‘Wintyr❄️ ‘ I was happy he wasn’t like the movies when they save their names as some cringe name but the emoji did throw me off a bit. I realise he only put that there because everyone saved on my phone also had an emoji too so he saved me time by picking his “Wintyr” I say his name out loud as I didn't even realise it was spelt with a ‘y’ “Win-Ter...” I say slowly “That’s cool” I lock my phone “But Cole” I kick my legs happily knowing that if he noticed me I could use my charms to win him and we could- OMG ‘I need to speak to Wintyr’ I conclude quickly then get up to get ready for an early night in  Since Wintyr supposedly skipped school on Thursday I was just left to waiting for him after school on Friday hoping he'd actually showed up today since I hadn’t seen him or his twin at all today “Stop it Win win” I hear someone complain from behind and see Summyr and Wintyr messing about as they exit “Oh Gabriella” Summyr notices me and Wintyr turns to look for me “We were waiting for you inside cause it’s kinda cold we didn't realise you were here, sorry” Summyr takes my hand rubbing warmth onto them  “Gabriella” Wintyr sighs acknowledging me “I should’ve texted you but I don't have your number since you have mine” He explains and I smack myself internally ‘Why didn’t I text him? Ugh thinking too much about Cole’ “It’s okay” I quickly forgive them and he point us in the direction of the parking lot “Let's go now” We follow him to his Mercedes, with Summyr allowing me sit at the front beside Wintyr which they had seemed to plan before hand “Do you drive too Summyr?” I turn to look at her looking down at her phone “No need to drive when my brother does” Wintyr scoffs looking at her through the mirror “No. she is just lazy, I'm not her taxi she follows me like a mosquito” She sticks her tongue out him looking down at her phone again “I got snacks” Summyr enters with some food and places it on the dining table as Winytr places his MacBook in front of me and takes his seat “Thanks Summyr” I sit up looking at the snacks “Cheetos?” I look to the side “Takis” I reach out for the bag “Oh that’s Win’s fave too you can share” I look at Wintyr  who just nods and take it from hands placing it between us “I would help you guys but I’m so drained, so I wanna get rest before the party” She explains stretching her arms up ‘Party? That's probably explains why he needed to be done by 8, of course its a Friday how didn't I realise’ I squeeze my eyes shut as I kept missing the obvious “Daddy sent me money for tonight” She brags to Wintyr who shrugs not caring, typing in his password in “Daddy likes to give to the poor” She gasps covering her mouth and I giggle at their interaction “Ignore my ugly sister” He says loud enough for her to hear “You’re calling yourself ugly too pabo” She repeats the nickname he had called me previously  “She calls you pabo too?” I look at him rolling his eyes “She thinks that being born first gives her the upper hand but in reality I’m the older one” “What’s that got to do with the nickname?” He chuckles taking a Taki out the bag “Nothing, I’m getting more juice” He leaves the room quickly taking my glass cup with him quickly and I start up a new predestination on his laptop and wait for it to load up “Hey, who are you, I am Solar but my siblings call me Sun hee, are you Summyr’s friend?” A little girls comes beside me with her school bag still on her back and two pick tails sticking out on either sides of her head “Erm” I smile at her cuteness “Ya!” Wintyr comes out placing the glasses down  “그녀는 학교에 나와 함께 여기에 (go she's here with me for school)” Wintyr bends and kisses her head making my heart melt “Oppa can you make me fruit loops?” “Sunny I can’t, ask Miss Jacky or Summyr, she’s upstairs catch her before she sleeps” She smiles sadly then walks around Wintyr down the hall  “She’s cute, what was her name again? Sunny?” He sits taking a sip from his drink “No, her english name is Solar, Korean name is Sun Hee, but I call her Sunny for fun cause Summyr and Sunny” I chuckle understanding what he meant “I don't think she realises you're calling her Sunny” “I know” He laughs breathlessly getting the sheets to see the information provided “This looks like it might be quick, let’s try get it done today” I nod agreeing with him as he suddenly enters serious mode
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