
1020 Words
"Bye Alissa see at Monday." my friend, Julie at work waved at me before walking out or the doors as she was done with her work for the day. She seemed so happy finally it being the weekend. Whereas me? Well, it is going to be just another day to get by. Since my mom got sick, nothing has ever been the same for me. I don't like going out and drink on weekends or maybe catch up with long lost friends or whatever that everybody else does on their days off. All I ever do is to drag myself throughout the day and wait for the day to end just for another day to start. Living like a robot? It has become a routine for me. Except living like some walking zombie there is one more thing that I do with my out most sincerity and that is praying. I pray to God like every damn day while wishing only one thing- to let my mom have some more time with me. I do know, its far-fetched, she has last stage lung cancer. But I still hope for a miracle to happen! "You should go home now Alis, its late." I get startled at the sudden voice but smile a little when I find Cassie standing in front of me with her bag in her hands, maybe she is also clocking out now. "Yeah, I done. Let's go." I shut down the computer and pack my stuff while she patiently waits for me. "So, what you gonna do today? Like we have off tomorrow?" Cassie asks me and to be honest I have known idea maybe I will spend it by sleeping. "Nothing specific till now. You got any plans?" I see her eyes light up at the question. "Yeah, Jack asked me out. Soooo... I am going out today with him." Jack also works in the same company and as far as I remember Cassie has been crushing over him ever since he has joined in. Well, at least God is listening to someone. "I see. I guy you have hots for finally got the courage to ask you out." her cheeks flared red at my tease as she covers her face while I smirk at her. "See ya..." I yell a bye back as I get into my car. "Maybe I should pay mom a visit." I haven't visited mom for like a whole month. I just didn't know how to. I am a coward. I just can't see my mom getting thin and thin by each day. Whenever I visit her I can see how much weight she has lost, how much weaker she has become, how much paler has her skin gotten. It's just too hard. But I miss her. And it is so difficult to stay strong alone, yeah, I haven't told to anyone. I can't throw this at my co-workers and aside mom I don't have any other family. I was six when my father had died in a car accident and because my grandparents didn't approve of my mother despite my father married mom out of love so mom dad had never reminded in touch with them after they were kicked out. And now I only have mom. I don't want to lose her too. "Damn this rain." why out of all times it is raining right now. They clouds are roaring and rain pouring down so wildly. "I can't see a frigging thing." the water droplets on my car's window aren’t making it any easier to see what is ahead of me and at this point I literally am feeling like cussing and destroy everything within my peripheral vision. "What the- Don't tell me I hit someone." I freak out as all of a sudden, a man comes in front of my car and I try to pull the breaks and the look around. But he is nowhere! Where did he go? I have pulled the breaks but the distance was too close. I fear if he got hit. Freeing myself out of the seatbelt, I walk out of my car to check if the man was okay. Oh Gosh, he needs to be okay. He should be okay. Don't tell me that I ended up killing someone. My heart is hammering crazily and I feel my heart beat quickened as I make my way to the front of my car while chanting prays for him to be alive. "Was I hallucinating?! How could a huge ass man disappear into thin air." there is no body on the ground, no blood. As there was a person standing in front of my a few minutes ago. This is making no sense to me at all. Where would he go? I shiver as the cold wind is blowing and rain continues to pour down. I clutch my coat around me tightly and turn around to go back in my car with a frown on my face. I am still weirded out by the fact that I had nearly drove my car over someone when there is no sign of a living being on this road at the moment. Or maybe I am really thinking too much, maybe there was no one to begin with after all it is raining so heavily, I might have mis-interpreted. It starts raining more and more badly, the clouds are bursting and there is even lightening. What the hell is happening all of a sudden! I am completely drenched from head to toe, it is even hard to tell if it is the water dripping down my hair or it is just the rain. I should get in car and take my ass out of here, fast. This not-so-normal weather has started to creep me out. Too much for a good weekend. "Look who do we have here, Alissa Morrise?" my feet halt but I don't turn around. That deep voice is giving me chills and I feel an uneasy feeling building up in the pit of my stomach. I don't know but, something ain't right about this.
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