Chapter 4

1090 Words
A few months had gone by and I had really settled into a routine between working and being a full time guardian to my brother. I had even managed to save money for a holiday. Ben and I both deserved a nice break after the devastating year. We were living comfortably. Andrea had finally allowed me to pay her something for all the babysitting duties she had been doing. I really do not know where we would be right now without Cara and Andrea, I owe them everything. I was going to treat them both by inviting and paying for them to join us on our break. It would be nice to have some down time with them.  I was getting ready for my shift at Scarlett's when Andy text me wondering if I would like to host tonight instead of bar work as he had some very important clients just booked a booth. I jumped at the chance, basically it is just waiting on a table all night and Red says the tips can get pretty hefty.  I said my goodbyes to Andrea who had already made herself at home and jumped in my car, making my way to the club. Once there I could see several Limousines lined up outside the entrance with security detail all around them. I tried to get a peek inside but the windows were so heavily tinted. I walked through the double entrance doors and made my way to my locker. Our informs were laundered daily and hung back on our locker for the next shift. I must admit we do get looked after and the money is decent, Cara makes a small fortune. I changed into my uniform, touched up my make up and spritzed on some expensive perfume I had treated myself to my last shopping spree. I then grabbed a pad and pen from behind the bar for taking drinks orders and headed for the table I was hosting.  These guys were built. Built like houses. And practically god like. They had to be models or something, I mean they were s*x on legs, all six of them. I could feel my heart rate pick up a little and the nerves kick in. I expected rich, older guys, like in their sixties not these gorgeous beings. My palsm were clammy and I wiped them down the front of my skirt before they could see. " Good evening gentlemen, my name is Maddy and I will be your host for the evening. Would you like to order drinks ?" I managed to get out without making direct eye contact with any of them. What had got into me? The table went completely silent for a moment and they all looked at one another before looking back at me. " Six bottles of your best champagne please Maddy, we are celebrating it seems " Said the guy on the end. He had a 3 piece suit, blonde hair, blue eyes and wore the most cheeky grin.  " Excellent, I shall be right back with your drinks" I scurried off to the bar and grabbed 6 bottles of our top shelf champagne, bottle coolers and glasses, loaded them onto a silver trolley and made my back to the table. I popped the first bottle and poured them all a glass. That was the first bottle gone. They practically downed them! Bottle after bottle disappeared, these guys could drink and it didn't even seem to have any effect on them.  " That was the last bottle, can I get you anything else ?" I said. " Yes, your name"  I looked up to the man who had spoken. His eyes seemed to glow under these lights. They were such a vivid green. And then I noticed the rest of him, the strong jaw, the stubble that graced it, the slight crook in his nose, the pecs peeking out from his crisp, white opened shirt. Something stirred inside me, my stomach was doing flips and my heart was racing. "Maddison but everyone calls me Maddy or Mads"  My voice quivered slightly. This isn't embarrassing at all. " A bottle of tequila Maddison"  And with that I cleared the table of the empty bottles and glasses and took the trolley back to the bar. Grabbed the tequila, shot glasses the lime and salt. I felt like I was being watched and that racing heart wasn't going away. Oh god please don't tell me I am having an anxiety attack or something. Turned around and there he was. I almost walked smack bang into his chest. Not that I'd mind. Jeez Maddy get a grip.  " Let me help you with those Maddison" he said with that deep husky voice. " Thank you Sir, I can manage" He leaned down and whispered into my ear " It wasn't a request Maddison". I stood there for a second frozen with these spine tingling sensations and every hair stood on end. I felt aroused too, what was going on with me tonight? He just grinned at me took the bottle out of my grasp and walked us back to the table. The rest of the men were all sat watching our interaction and giggling like teenagers.  I poured them the shots and they all started to loosen up a little more, introducing themselves. The blonde guy on the end he was Eric, the green eyed God was Jaxon, then there was Mason, Scott, Caleb and Josh who looked similar, I was guessing they were either brothers or related. Eric was Jaxon's right hand man whatever that meant. Jaxon kept looking at me, it didn't feel uncomfortable but just unusual. I mean, they had come to a strip club but not once looked at the girls dancing or asked for a private dance, the whole situation was a bit unusual.  Once it hit closing time the guys got up to leave. Eric approached me. " Thank you for a wonderful night, it was nice meeting you Lu... Maddy" He said. " And you Eric, maybe we will see you again soon" I answered. I am sure he was about to call me Louise or something, maybe the alcohol had finally kicked in. Then Jaxon took my hand and sparks fluttered over my skin where he touched, almost like little electric shocks. " Thank you Maddison, I will be seeing you soon " and with that they all left leaving me stood there bewildered. Maybe I need that break after all. 
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