1. Prolouge

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Dreaming of an independent life might cage you forever. So think before you dream as a dream might cost you your soul. Most Wounds can Time Repair;But some are mortal – these;For a broken heart there is no balm;No cure for a heart at ease - - Walter de la Mare “Let me out…..Let me goo….Please let me go...I swear you will never see my face again……,” I said screaming at the top of my lungs, but no one responded. What have I ever done to deserve this? All my life I tried to get myself free from the horrors of my past but they never left me alone. Now when I was an inch away from achieving my dreams, he came along bringing all the bad memories along with him. I even started to love him but he shattered all my hopes by taking everything from me. I thought he was broken like me and maybe we can both help each other fighting our inner demons but I was really wrong. He has now become the monster which he tried so hard to get rid of. His obsession has taken the best of him but the funny thing is I am going to be the one paying the price for his coercion. Maybe in this way, he can get rid of his horrifying past, but I am going to be broken twice I thought to myself wiping my tears with the back of my bruised hands. “Let me go please……if you have ever loved me then please let me go….,” I screamed again with all the strength left in me, which was close to nothing. The door opened this time with a screeching sound and the devil himself entered the room with his usual cold aura surrounding him. “Please don’t do this…..I beg you…. please let me go,” I said, sobbing my heart out in front of him as I dragged myself towards the corner of the room. “Now where is the fun in letting you go Sunshine?” he said grinning like a maniac and crouching down to me. “You see going away was never an option. Either you are going to submit to my love willingly or I am going to tame you according to my needs,” he whispered in my left ear and gave a long lick to my earlobe, to which I tried to scoot away in disgust but he yanked me back to him with his sturdy hands. “You don’t like my touches but after today you will have to like them as I will make it impossible for you to repel them,” he said cupping my face in his left hand while his other hand roamed freely over my body. His eyes were black with lust. “You can do whatever you want because right now you have the power to do so, but mark my words I am not going to be one of your submissive sluts.I am going to fight you with all the strength left in me and I will keep fighting until I die,” I said removing his hand from myself and looked him in the eyes with utter disgust. “I have fought many battles with the world and within myself, just to get freedom. I am not going to give it away that easily,” Fury lightened in his eyes, gripping my wrists in his hands he again yanked me to him. Then he said something in my ears and my whole body froze. I felt like all the blood from my body has been squeezed and I have nothing left in myself. I was empty all of a sudden. “Baby girl you have no choice, submit to me or pay the price,” he said. “Now get ready I don’t want to wait any further to feast on your porcelain body. I have waited long enough. Now it’s time to get what I have desired for so long,” saying that he stood up and left the room, leaving me in a state of pure agony. Why it always happens to me? Why all my life I had to pay the price for the well-being of others? Why the dream of freedom always cost you your soul? This story is not about love or romance but it is a tale of a battle for freedom. Freedom from the monsters hidden within yourself, monsters that haunt you for your life and freedom from the obsession that makes you bind someone with yourself forever. Join me in the tale of two broken souls who have fought all their lives for a glimpse of peace but little do they know that they can only find peace within each other but that’s an impossible thing to believe.
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