Mad or a hero?

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Third pov  "This can't be good, this can't be good. Oh God, please help us" - Irene cried out in distress, as the royal messengers still were announcing to the villages, that the king had ordered the women and children's seek refuge in the castles, to be safer.  "Calm down Irene, it's just a precaution measure from our merciful King. Everything will be okay" - her husband patted gently her shoulders, taking a sit in the chair next to her.  "Come with me, I beg you." - Irene looked at her husband with teary desperate eyes, hoping that he would change his mind and would not join the army.  "We already discussed this Irene. It's only the right thing to do, it is my duty. Try to understand"  "Your duty is to be next to your wife and your daughter, that is still a young unmarried lady" - she replied immediately, breathing hard, as her lower lip trembled.  "You'll be fine. And even that crazy man, Prince Darius would invade Amantia. I'll be more worried about him. You two alone would bring him down in no time" - Hans tried to joke, to light up the tense atmosphere, but it only made Irene more nervous.  "This isn't a joke Hans, our lives are in line. You are not a soldier, you have never fought a day in your life. God damned you don't have the heart to even kill a chicken, let alone fight in a war"  "I know how to use a sword, Irene. I have studied the art of war when I was a student."  "You are not a student anymore Hans, but rather an old man who has passed his entire life with your head buried in the books. Please, come with us. It will be better. Let the young men fight" - Irene insisted desperately, taking his hand over hers, hoping to convince him.  "I love you, Irene. I want you to know, that even if I die, I have lived a great life with you, and I would not change a single thing. I hope I have been a good husband to you and made you happy" - he replied caressing gently his beloved wife's cheek, looking at her eyes with the same love and care, when they first felled in love, years ago. A lot of things had changed since then, but their bond had only grown stronger.  "Oh, Hans! How can you say that? Have you lost your mind?" - Irene raised her voice and started walking back and forth to the small living room, rubbing her temples with force.  "You old fool!" - she shouted turning towards her husband "I knew it! I knew that all the nonsense you read on those dusty books of yours would one day make you lose all reasoning. This is reality Hans, we are not living in a story with knights and dragons."  "I know, Irene. It will be my great privilege to die protecting my homeland, my people, and most importantly my family" - Hans responded in a calm soothing voice "And what about me? Huh? I can't even remember the life I had before I married you. I can't lose you, I just can't" - Irene burst into tears, and dramatically fell on the soft sofa behind her.  "Let him go, mom" - Isolda spoke from behind her back, standing in the door. Her eyes were filled with tears, but her voice was so calm and demanding even. "Can't you understand? If the father would refuse to obey the king and serve our kingdom, he would die every single day, by shame and regret. A life without freedom and honor, it's not a life worth living for" - she looked at her father straight at his eyes, while taking a deep breath. With their eyes only they could communicate a thousand unspoken feelings,  after all, they were made of the same essence, so much alike to each other.  "Oh, here come the other lunatic" - Irene replied in annoyance  "I want to come with you also father. I want to fight"  "What?" - her parents answered at the same time, shocked and surprised  "Have you lost your mind, girl? This is not a time to be spoiled. Get your things, we need to keep going. Our neighbors have already fleed their homes" - her mother said with anger, in a tone that did not accept a no for an answer. But Isolda ignored her, and approached with quick steps to her father, holding his hands.  "I can use the sword better than any young man in this village, I know how to ride a horse, I can fight and plan attacks. I have studied the art of war since I was a little child. I can fight and I want to fight. I also have a duty to my homeland."  "Oh, you both will kill me. Oh, my God" - Irene cried out, raising her hand toward the sky, as she was asking divine help to interfere in her favor.  "I know my precious. You are an exceptional woman and I am very proud of you. Right now you to do your duty by obeying the King's law and orders"  "But.."  "Women are not allowed in the army, and your presence will cause more harm than good. It will only make a fuss and probably even a trial in the military camp. What is urgent right now is to protect our country, we need to follow the rules" - Hans said in a calm but firm voice "It's not fair. I want to fight, I have to"  "You have to follow the laws, for the greater good of all, and most importantly your safety. Isolda, in these troubling times, my heart finds peace knowing that you are more than able to protect yourself and your mother if you must. Promise me, Isolda that whatever happens, you will live. You have to live."  "Is there any meaning to life if I lost what I love the most? My family? "  "Yes, Isolda. You are the future, you are the meaning of life. My mother and I have lived a long and happy life, but you have not even started yet. You are God's promise that there will be tomorrow. You have to live, so you can pass on our story, our legacy, our values, and most importantly our love. Because I love you, my daughter. We love you so much" - Hans said looking straight into his daughter's eyes, trying hard to stop some tears.  "Oh, father. I promise I will live. Whatever happens, I will never forget your lessons and your love. I love you so much" - Isolda hugged her father, and in his arms that for her whole life had been the safest place on the earth for her, she burst into sobs, knowing that it might be the last time she ever hugged her father.  Irene also approached them, crying. There were all into tears, as they hugged each other wishing this moment could never end.  After a long time, Hans tried to compose himself as best as he could and broke off the hug.  "It is time" - he said in a solemn voice. "You have to get going before it's too late and gets dark. I also have to go, the garrison of man will depart in one hour.  ...................................... third pov  Prince Darius military tent "Your highness" - Lord Dukan bowed down to Prince Darius "The ambassadors of King Agon are here. They have requested to speak with you, my Prince"  Prince Darius took a deep breath, looking at the maps in front of his table, which he knew by memory. "Let them in Dukan. I am feeling generous today" - he replied, without even looking at his advisor. He put his crown and sat down to his throne, taking a royal stand, looking majestic. Prince Darius was an incredibly handsome man, he was tall and muscular. His beard and sharp jawline made him look very masculine, while the gaze in his dark eyes was like lightning strikes. The power he imposed over people was not only by the crow he wore but by his dominating energy. He was a powerful man and he knew that.  "His Royal Highness, Prince Darius, Crown Prince of the Empire of Dardania, the rightful heir of the throne, all lands and the seas. Hail" - the guard said in a solemn voice as the Amantia's ambassadors entered his tent. Both of the old men who King Agon had sent bowed down in deep respect, before the Prince.  "Your Highness, may I introduce you to Duke of Arbanon and the Duke of Matranga, who have come in the name of their King Agon. Throughout the years the noble gentlemen have always been a tremendous help in the maintenance of peace and the regulation of trade between Amantia and our holy empire" - Dukan added in a solemn voice trying to warm up the prince towards them, to make him more receptive on what they would have to say.  "I am listening gentlemen. I suppose your coming here has a purpose, a very important what" - Prince Darius spoke with a straight face. His deep voice and authoritative presence were enough for him to already dominate the energy of the tent.  "Your Royal Highness,  we have come in the name of our great King Agon. Your coming here, placing the Dardanian army in front of our gates, without any warning or reason for war has been a great shock, especially considering that our Peace Treatment has been ongoing for decades now. I am sure this must be a terrible mistake, since your father, King Richard descended the throne we have never had any reason to doubt the goodwill of Dardanians, to preserve peace between us. Even though the surrounding of the gates, which has unexpectedly forced us to close all of Amantia road trades, had already damaged our economy, King Agon is willing to accept an apology, as long as you retreat your troops from our gates. As a sign of his goodwill, King Agon also promises to keep our Peace Treaty intact, as well as the trade negotiations which has helped both of our countries flourish." - Sargon, the Duke of Arbanon finished.  "Is that all?" - Darius replied back, looking at him coldly, but his face did not express a single emotion. His regal stand, his presence, the way he carried himself and the spark in his eyes creeped Sargon out. "This man may be the end of us all" - he thought to himself and fest a shout of fear going through his spine, but he tried hard to stay composed.  "In the name of King Agon, we are willing to negotiate Your Royal Highness. Amantia defense is invisible, however, we don't want war." - Sargon added carefully  "Oh, so you are ready to negotiate. I thought you were here for an apology?" - Darius replied with a smirk on his face, leaving Sargon stunned for a moment. "As I said, your Highness, we don't want war. " - Sargon added, but his voice was not as sure as before, which surprised the Duke of Mantraga  "Your Highness, if I may add our Peace Treaty has been intact for years, and King Agon has kept his word..."  "The Peace Treaty has been broken the moment Amantia decided to help the rebellion of Arguba, in hopes to damage my empire" - Darius spoke, his voice once again echoed in all the tent, even though he did not lose his temper. "Your King thought that he could get away with this betrayal? Well, I am here wipe out his kingdom from the map once and for all"  "I may assure you Your Highness that such a thing has never happened. The King has not broken the Treaty, nor has he supported in any kind of way the rebellion. Our economy has also suffered from.." - Sargon tried to explain, but the Prince cut him off "Save it. I don't have the time, nor desire to hear your lies."  "It's the truth, Your Grace. I can guarantee you..."  "Tell your King that the days he can still seat in Amantia's Throne are counted. Just like I crushed the rebellion and took the Arguba all in my dominance, so will I with Amantia" - Darius said with a determination and security so strong it stunned the ambassadors.  "Are you speaking in the name of King Richard? Are these his final words? Because this Your Highness, will not give any space now or in the future, for negotiations. An ongoing war would damage us all.."  "I AM speaking and I assure you that there will not be an ongoing war. It will be all over pretty quickly"  "Amantia defense has been invincible for centuries...."  "So has been the "Golden Thorn " right? You sure have must found out by now. Not a day into the war and you have lost your navy" - prince Darius replied with a smirk, leaving the ambassadors but even his counselors speechless.  "You may leave" - Prince Darius gestured for them to go away, the ambassadors bowed down to him and left in shock, knowing that the war was too close. "This man is lunatic, he is mad. Did you saw his eyes? He knows no negotiations, no reason" - the Duke of Mantraga whispered as they left the tent.  "A mad man? Yes! But let's just hope that he will not be the hero of his people, who concurred Amantia." - Sargon replied back, breathing hard. 
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