
1589 Words
Edith: "Please tell me that was the last time you're hooking up with Isaac," Sam looked over at me as if she really expected me to answer her stupid question. I rolled my eyes. "What I do with Isaac is none of your business. My urges are stronger than yours. My virtue was lost long ago. I do not understand how yours is still intact," she growled at me making me smirk at her. I get under her skin. Good. Before she could say another word mother walked into the armory diverting everyone's attention to her. The predatory way mother walks in says how truly deadly she is. Yet she doesn't have to dirty her hands with simple tasks like getting rid of the trash the breaks the supernatural laws. "Tonight I want it to be clean, quiet, and bulletproof. Sam hold outside, allow Edith and Isaac to do their job. Make me proud girls," I pushed the silver nitrate bullet case into my barreta and c****d it back and reached for the other one to make sure it was loaded. I placed them both back into the holsters strapped to my waist. Sam reached for the loose strap to the bulletproof vest and tightened it. I growled at her. She rolled her eyes as she walked away from me. I don't really need the vest. Not with the enhancement but I don't like to get shot. It brings Flayme out. I really don't like when she's out. She tends to rip everyone apart. Doesn't know who's friend or foe but I guess that's to be expected from a wolf. "Permission to voice an opinion Alpha," Isaac asked as we reached our destination. "Permission granted," I answered without looking at him. "Request to be the first to enter the hot zone," his voice always gives away the worry his cold composed features lack. I really hate that he was the only other male wolf around. Mother had made it clear that we weren't allowed to fornicate with species outside of our own. That was rule number one. Rule number two is don't fall in love. We would be tagged compromised and suspended for two years. Two years cut off from all we know and cast out into the world with our bank accounts that only grow with each assignment. It might sound like a great vacation to some. Not to me. Not when you've only been let out of a cage to kill. Not when that's the only thing you know how to do. Not when it means that I have to stop the enhancement completely throughout my time away from the base. I can't afford to be compromised. Isaac is a good guy. Caring and loyal. He's stayed by my side since the beginning. Since the enhancement was tested out in the field. Great results when active. The problem was learning to control it and deactivating after the job was done. Let's just say I'm not exactly proud of all the navy men that were sent home K.I.A. (Killed In Action). "Request denied," I said. He came forward leaning down getting closer. "E, please I have a bad feeling about this," I growled at him. I hate it that he's become so attached to me. Sam is right. I have to cut the guy loose. "You're overstepping your boundaries, Private. Speak to me that way again and I'll kill you myself," He moved away from my tone settling back without taking his eyes off of me. He didn't say a word as we got out of the truck and took our places surrounding the warehouse where a small coven of Demons set up a meth lab. The mission is simple. Do as you're told. We're all in position. Sam sent through our mind link. I fixed earpiece in order to keep contact with the humans. "Alright, here we go. Start to close in," I ordered. Slowly we all approached the warehouse. The sound of silent bullets flying reminded me to pull out my silencer and screw it in on one of my Barretas. "All clear," several voices echoed over the earpiece. I pressed my body against the wall right next to the entrance. Isaac put his back against the wall behind me, his Glock pointed at the ground while mine is aimed upward. He nodded letting me know he's ready. I reached for the doorknob and quietly began to turn it until the low click told me I could pull it open. The thing with doors is I never know which ones will creak or what is behind them. Before I could pry it open a Demon barged out without noticing me. I stayed still as Isaac let out two silent rounds taking the demon out. We both let out a nervous sigh. I checked to see if anyone followed behind him. "Clear," I whispered. I motioned him to hold the door while I made sure the path in is clear. Three demons were guarding the stairway down to the lab. I came up behind the first one putting my gun too his back pulling the trigger three times with one hand and covering his mouth with the other. I took the dead weight, slowly laying him on the ground before going for the other two. I motioned Isaac in and he followed. These rounds don't kill demons the way they would normally kill a wolf. I designed them to enter the bloodstream and immobilized demons or Vampires. The dose in each of these bullets would kill a wolf slowly with just one shot. I haven't found a chemical that was lethal to an angel. Not that we come across angels a lot. The objective was to capture a Demon named Jeffery Keller. That's the only one we need alive. Target in sight. I sent to Sam. I felt her bored mood perk up. We had taken care of most of the demons that would potentially try to stop us from getting our hands on Keller. The ones on guard are what we call the fourth class demons. Humans who had once sold their souls to the first class and have taken rank because of their contract. The closer we got to the bottom of the lab the higher rank the demons got. Jeffery is a second class demon. The hybrid s**t was born a Nephilim. Half human half fallen and chose the path of demons. Those aren't as much trouble as the first class demons. Those are harder to take down. They're fallen angels that vowed allegiance to the demon king Lucifer. Killable it's just a harder task. They don't go down without a fight. Most think that angels and demons are born with their power. They're wrong. They're all basically empty vessels who partake in an interesting little elixir called grace or in the case of demons, stigma. The word Lucifer gave the elixir he created to make his own army of demons after he fell from heaven. They're all particular in their making. They use the elixir as a weapon here on earth. They can make their vessels stronger as well as the weapons they wield. They light up like someone flipped their ultraviolet switch on. Before we reached the bottom someone caught sight of Isaac who had moved ahead of me. The demons all turned to face us and began to power up. I pointed my gun at the chem set in front of them and let the remaining bullets in my clip fly. I grabbed Isaac and slammed him into the floor as the chem set exploded. What the f**k was that? Sam shouted in my head as I stood up and began to look around for Jeffery who was making his way up the metal staircase slowly. I pulled my spare gun out without caring that it didn't have the silencer screwed in. I shot him on both legs. The loud echoes of the gun set off some alarms. Both Isaac and I got up running towards Keller as other chem sets began to explode. I threw Jeffery over my shoulders and we began to run toward the exit. "Mother is going to be furious," I growled pushing Isaac forward. Demons started to run toward us from the side Isaac had supposedly cleared. I shook my head and aimed my gun at their faces. Target wounded but secure. I sent to Sam. The dark tinted Tahoe we had arrived in, suddenly pulled up in front of us. I allowed Isaac to climb in first even though the fucker had completely screwed the operation as I dumped the body into the seat a felt a sharp pain on my right shoulder and then saw Sam shot someone behind me. I climbed in closing the door behind us. A silver dagger. I wrapped my hand around the silver handle even as it began to cook my bare skin and pulled it out. I dropped on the seat. I could briefly hear Sam shouting at me and Isaac but even as I looked at her I couldn't make out what she was saying. Everything started to blur even as Sam snapped her fingers in my face I tried to shake it off but it only made it worse. Everything became dark. The pain in my shoulder finally registered and shot through my body making everything dark and finally. I blanked out. My last thought: I'm going to kill this motherfucking i***t for compromising our mission.
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