
1139 Words

《 Onyx 》 We are kidnapped by evil men. Last time we were playing in the garden with our nanny, she left us to get our usual snack. Later, we ate our food, and we fell asleep to find ourselves in the dark in this dark and dirty basement. Only a lone lamp casts a dim, yellow light on the sad features of the room; it looks as if no one has lived here for many years. and those evil men with ugly faces want to kill us. My siblings were glued to the spot, terror-stricken and shaking like leaves. They are terrified and crying. I'm petrified too, and I don't know if our parents will find us before this scary man kills us, but I have to be strong for my brother and sister and try to find a way to escape this place. "Kilyan, can you try to teleport us home like you did last time when we were p

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