Chapter 9

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|Sofia| 'What time will you go home?'   'I don't know. Probably late.' I texted back. Ella has been bothering me from the moment I entered the President’s car to be with him at his meeting. Even though I told her I'll be home late, she keeps on bugging me, especially asking me where I am right now.   'Don't tell me you'll leave me here with this jerk?'   I bit my lower to stop myself from grinning. Goodness, she’s big enough to handle that man!   'Yeah, kind of.'   'Sofie!' she messaged back. I smiled widely as I can imagine her pouting and having tantrums just because I left her at our flat with her ex.   "Seems so happy huh?"   I quickly turned to look at my side to see the President beside me. His eyes focus on the road through the heavily tinted window. We're currently heading to the place where his first appointment for the night is. I took a glance at his trusted driver, who has known him ever since he was a child. I looked back at the President again, now, with his hands on his chin.   "Do you have a problem with that, President?" I asked frowning. He looked at me because of that, with a smirk plastered on his lips.   "Did my brother gave you his number and you two are messaging each other right now? I could tell that you like him. I saw it while he's hugging you,"   I blinked and gape in shock at what he just said. Goodness, so he really did see that!   My heart skips a beat as I could feel the blood rushes to my cheeks. Just by basing by how warm my cheeks are, for sure, I am as red as a tomato right now! I saw him looking at me intently like he’s waiting for my reaction. But when our eyes met, I quickly looked away and focused my whole attention toward the road.   "Everyone...likes your brother, President," I defended and swallowed hard. "And well, I am messaging my friend!"   I shut my eyes hard as I feel how my heart beats fast. I heard his deep chuckle and after that, the car suddenly stopped.   "We're here," the driver said. I blinked and went back to reverie. I quickly opened the windows to look outside, only to see that we really had arrived. The cold night breeze welcomes me as I went out of the car. The President went out last. When he closed the door, I blinked when I saw the grand structure in front of us. Wait, a church? I thought we’re having a dinner meeting?   Then I remembered something. I quickly looked at the President who's looking at the old structure in front of us. I studied his reaction for about a few seconds and find out that he seems... fine.   "Mr. Mayordragon!" a voice called, coming from a person who just walks out of the church. I quickly look to see who was it and saw two-person heading towards our direction. When I realized who they are, especially seeing the woman beside the familiar man, I quickly went beside the President.   "I thought you wouldn’t make it!" Mr. Gregorio said as he shakes the President’s hand.    "I won't miss any chances," the President said, wearing his fine and civil smile.   We went inside the church and were expecting the series of chairs for the believers, but only to see sets of table good for two and more. I froze for a bit and was awed when I realized the church was renovated into a restaurant? I could see the sacred statues almost everywhere! And the altar at the end, still intact on the wall.   We were guided immediately to our seat and saw the served food on the table. We seated on our assigned seat and as a secretary, I chose to seat just beside the President. And the moment we started our course, they immediately talked about business. I chose to stay silent and only answers a nod or 'yes and no' if it's needed.   I found out that the church was bought by the Gregorio's. It was already been scheduled to be demolished but when they found it out, they immediately bought it and instead, renovated it into a Christian restaurant. The renovation was done a month ago and it’s still starting to have its local costumers. The President was even invited again and told the husband and wife that he’ll be glad to dine with them again.   The dinner ended smoothly. Nothing weird happens, for now. I kept on checking the President's condition towards the place and I saw how he normally act like it isn’t a big brother to him. Well, I was kind of expecting to see him getting affected, not that I’m wishing for it. But well, I remembered that he seems to be fine with the crosses, so, I think some sacred statues and relics are much the same, right?   Right? But why do I feel so uncomfortable for some reason?   We formally bid our goodbye to the couple and went back immediately inside the President's car with his driver waiting for us outside. The moment both of us got to enter the car, the driver immediately drives it away from the structure like he’s in a hurry! Good thing I was able to put my seatbelt on at the sudden movement of the car.   "Ugh! Fuuck!"   I quickly turned to the President's direction because of that. I saw him opening the car's window as he unties his necktie as he heaved a deep sigh like he's searching for air to breathe. What’s happening?   "President? Are you okay? Whats happen--"   I was about to reach for him when his hands on the air stop me.   "Don't touch me!" he fumed as he catches his breath. I could see the bullets of sweat now forming on his temple and started to fall even though the car is cold enough and with the cold night breeze.   "But President, you seem unwell—" my words trailed off into the air when he suddenly grabs the collar of my coat and forcedly pinned to the side of the car. I grimaced in pain for the sudden impact of my back towards the side of the car. I hid it only with biting my lower lip and looking directly into the President’s blazing eyes.   Now, he's leaning toward me, with our face almost an inch apart, and staring down at me with his glowing red eyes.   "Didn’t you hear me?!  I said don't try to touch me! Now that I don't... choose who my prey is, in my situation!" he said between gritted teeth. I blinked because of his sudden burst.   He quickly let me go after that and went back to the corner of the car like he's afraid to touch me. I swallowed hard because of that, and I could feel how my heart rampage inside my chest.   "Y-You need b-blood?" I asked in doubt, trying to understand and process the situation. "But, you just had your 'meal' earlier?" I said, almost frowning because I am too lost to what is happening to him.   "Are those people, who were you with Christians?" Erman, the driver, asked. I blinked and looked at him because of that. And in a snap of fingers, it dawned to me. Oh my god!   Religion! The Church!   "You're weak against the strong belief of the people!" I concluded when I realized what had happened. He looked at me because of that, with his face contorted like he's in pain. I can't help but felt pity for his situation, especially as he continued to heave a deep breath.   "Well...congratulations. You've discovered one of my weaknesses?” he said and clutch his chest. “Do you have any plan to escape now?" he asked and it's obvious how he struggles in his condition. I can't help but roll my eyes and scoffed at him.   Goodness, he's really stubborn and hard-headed even though he's in this condition!   What a man!   "Are you crazy? Even though I found out your weakness, I am still your secretary who's working for you!” I started. I swallowed hard when I realized I can’t stop myself, confessing my dislikes about him! “I still have a conscience you know! I still worry about all the living! And you are a living person in general. I just can’t let you die or what just because you’re a playboy, egoistic, arrogant and manipulative vampire boss! And all I just wanted was for you to trust me fully so I can cater your needs whenever in 'like this' situation! Is that really hard?!" I burst.   I was catching my breath after that long speech. Geez, I really did say those things towards the President?   I swallowed hard as I looked at him, only to see how wide his eyes right now as he looked at me. He was like in a state of shock because of my sudden outburst. I looked at Erman and saw the same reaction. I quickly lowered my head. Goodness, what shame is left in me?!   "So, that's how you look and feel at me," he said with his hoarse voice. I lifted my head and looked at him because of that. I caught him swallowing hard with his hand on his throat.   I bit my lower lip. Since I had said those shameful things, why not use this opportunity to tell him all my distress towards him. What will I lose right now? If he will fire me after this, then so be it.   "Yes! And what is it to you? You'll fire me? I don't care! Just tell me first what to do with your situation right now so I could help you immediately. Let alone your decisions after this!” I demanded.   Silence fell inside the car after that. Then I heard the deep sigh of Erman which made me looked at him.   "Maybe he's strength was drained after that dinner. Vampire lives because of human blood, right? That's why he needs blood again to regain his strength back," the driver said.   I looked at the President whose attention now is on the road. I swallowed hard again. So he needed blood right now? Wait, did I bring with me the lists of his woman? But it’s too late to have a call now. And probably, it will take a half-hour before he could have blood! He needs first aid immediately! I blinked when I thought of something.   "You look at my list—"   "You can have my blood" I interrupted before he could even finish his sentence.   He looked at me because of that, with shock plastered on his face. Wait, what did I say? He frowned at me after a few seconds, realizing what words had gone from my mouth.   "Do you know what you're talking about?" he threatened. I looked away and closed my eyes.   "Of course I know!” I said as I shut my eyes close. “I'm not that stupid! And… and… I a-am your secretary! Maybe this isn’t a part of my job description but I don’t care about that now. My work is to help you and cater your needs more efficiently!" I excused. f**k, I am sure about this?   Of course Sofia! Do you want someone to be dead just because you didn’t help if you could offer help?! Wait, is it possible he could die immediately if he hadn’t drunk blood as soon as possible? Oh goodness, stop with these thoughts, Sofia!   I sighed and inhaled a deep breath before looking back at the President. His blazing red eyes quickly met mine. I swallowed hard and for some reason, I shiver in... excitement.     "You need blood right now, President. I know I am not the best as of your women, but I can be your primary aid before your proper meal. You need to regain your strength first," I said which made him froze on his seat for a few seconds.   But after that, he smirked at me as he moves towards me.   "Admirable devotion," he whispered when he's inches away. I took a deep breath when it dawned to me what he'll do. I remember that night again.   I blinked and quickly lean my back to the side of the car, trying my best to distance myself to him. But fudge, what crazy situation did I enter and now he's moving closer to me! I am quite thankful that I have these spectacles with me, at least this serves as my shield towards his melting gaze!   My breathing hitch when I felt his hands wrap around my waist. The beat of my heart doubled because of that. Then in a span of a second, he pulled me closer to him. I quickly put my hands on his chest, stopping myself to crash into his body.   "But, I'm not complaining you know," he whispered when our bodies almost together.   I looked away when I realized I was too drawn to his eyes. It's like he's hypnotizing me with it! But what I did gave him access to my neck. I clutch his coat when I felt his hot breath on the side of my neck, then his one hands supporting my back and my nape to what he'll do.   "This might hurt a bit," he whispered when I felt his kiss on my neck. I closed my eyes hard and purr. My body is reacting to what he is doing. I could feel the fire starting to burn within me, and suddenly, I feel so... aroused for some reason. f**k, why am I feeling this?   He kissed and licked my neck again like he's preparing it for his sudden intrusion. I moaned and after a few seconds, I felt his pair of fangs scraping the side of my neck before he sunk and started to drink my blood.   At first, I felt a pang of pain, especially that I am very aware of my low pain tolerance. But after a few seconds, my mind started to get hazy. It was starting to get clouded by the sensation of what he is doing. I was like getting drowned at the unexplainable pleasures he is giving me, like a euphoric feeling that my body would not forget.   My hands gripped his soft hair as he continued what he was doing. I could even hear his gulps because of our distance. A moan escaped my lips as the pleasure continues to rise. But after a few seconds, he stopped and quickly went to the other side of the car. I was left there leaning my back to the side of the car while catching my breath. I could feel how my energy got drained because of what happened!   Goodness, so that’s the feeling?! I could feel how my heart hammered inside my chest. f**k.   I made a series of inhales and exhales before I was able to regain and fixed myself. I looked at the President's direction after that.   "Is that—"   "That's enough. If I drink your blood to sate my thirst, it may be bad for you," he said, cutting me off to what I had to say. I sighed and bit my lower lip because of that. Of course.   "Erman, call some women for me," he ordered to his driver. I looked at him because of that, but quickly pulled away when I saw how his jaw clenches.   Some women? Of course, have you forgotten, Sofia? You're only his first aid until he could sate his thirst! Nothing more, nothing less! My hands quickly held my chest, for some reason, it constricted in some unreasonable pain. Argh, why am I even feeling this?! Is this because of the loss of blood?   "You're quite sensitive," he suddenly said which made me looked at him. I saw the smirk plastered on his lips as he looked outside the car. But after a few seconds, he looked at me, with his smirk still plastered on his lips.   "...and tasty," he continued.   I frowned as I looked at him. I can’t help but get embarrassed. I know I am as red as a tomato right now, but I won't let myself be noticed by him.   "Y-You're quite lucky to taste the unique blood of the Fernadez' President! And I promised you that this will be the last time you'll taste my blood!" I said and turned my back to him. I put my whole attention to the road, trying to focus and forget the sensation that my body had experienced. f**k. Can I really do that?   Well, that's what I thought.  
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