Chapter 12

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|Sofia|   “YOU’VE gotta be kidding me!” I said as I went off the bed and looked at her like she somewhat lost her mind.   Ella shrugged at she started to lie down on my bed.   "Well, it’s up to you if you believe it or not? But you’re thinking someone after I said that, right?" she guessed, grinning widely at me. I swallowed hard because of that as I could feel how my heart hammers inside my chest.   I tried hardest to defend myself from any of her observations. I know how keen she is and she could tell what’s happening to me whenever I asked her like this. It seems like it’s her superpowers to see through other people’s feelings. And I could prove that, now that I heard her humming. That’s a habit of her whenever she finds something interesting.   "W-What are you saying?" I said in nervous, as I went back to my bed. I cleared my throat and tried to shield myself from her unverified accusations. I quickly took the pillow near me and I hug it tight.   “Well, you have it said it yourself. You said there are days that you would be happy and contented, and then be grumpy and irritated! And you’ve mentioned a ‘he’, so probably, you’re referring a man as you sort out those feelings of yours,” she explained in a matter-of-fact.   My throat went dry at her understanding that I couldn’t even mutter a single word. W-What? I-I have said that?!   I blinked a couple of times when his face pops into my mind for the second time. I bit my lower as I close my eyes, hard. Why am I thinking about him anyway?   I heard her deep chuckle like she saw this situation very funny. I looked at her because of that, one brow shot up.   "Don't worry, I understand. I've been in that stage," she said.   "Stage?" I asked, frowning at what is she talking about?   Then she grins widely again and looked at me with a tease in her eyes. "In denial stage," she said and quickly stood up from the bed and walked out of the room before I could even react.   I gaped when I processed everything she’d said.   I’m not that stupid regarding at what she’s talking about. I may have no boyfriend since birth but I have witnessed few relationships that work out and not. I saw some girls when I was in college deeply attracted to the man they love. I’ve even heard my parent’s love story for how many times. I saw my best friend falls in love with her first love and was deeply hurt afterward.   But concluding that I’m… having feelings for that man, she must be kidding me?! Really?! Why would I fall for that… kind of guy! He’s so arrogant and snob and… a playboy! Goodness! That’s the last kind of man I would ever fall into!   I ignored everything my best friend had said. That would only add up to my stress. I hugged my pillow tightly and closed my eyes. I tried to ignore all of it, but it keeps on echoing inside my head! Argh!   In the end, I chose to get up and search for something that would distract me from thinking too much. Grrr. So annoying.   I went out of my room and decided to go to the kitchen to find some food. The moment I arrived at the kitchen, I saw both of my housemates arguing… on who’s gonna cooked the egg. I rolled my eyes and decided to ignore them. I didn’t know when will be the war between this two will end.    I went toward the fridge to somewhat find some food but my I sighed in annoyance when I found none. Goodness, of course, our stock for two for the whole month will be easily consumed because we had another male housemate.    “James and Ella—“   I was forced to stop and closed my eyes when a liquid slopped into my face. I quickly scented the slimy smell of it. I didn’t know what did the two are doing that I was the victim of their little war and clumsiness.   I let out an exasperating sigh as I open my eyes. I glared at the both of them but I was greeted by their shocked reaction. I sneered because of that.   “Sofia—“   “Clean all your f*****g mess,” I said between gritted teeth and went out of the kitchen.     ****   The sound of the teaspoon and the cup colliding randomly was the only thing I could hear inside the kitchen. I stared at the black liquid I am mixing inside a white cup. I sighed after and looked at my trembling hands.   Goodness Sofia, you’ll just serve them coffee, what’s to be afraid of that?   I let out a deep sigh and put the two cup on a plastic-made tray and lifted it from the countertop. I made my way out of the kitchen and went towards the living area of the office where both brothers are.   I saw Sir Mike glancing at me and giving me his smiles as I put down his coffee in front of him. He muttered “Thank you,” before I faced the President and put down his cup on the coffee table also.   I swallowed hard when out of sudden my hands went shaky as I put down the cup. Our eyes quickly met after that and I was welcomed with his cold glares again. I quickly directed my attention on his coffee to distract me from being uncomfortable and nervous in front of him.   I stood up straightly and held the tray in my chest as I bid my short goodbye to both of them. Sir Mike only nodded but I didn’t see any reaction at the President at all.   “Then I’ll resume my work sir Mike, P-President,” I said and quickly went back inside the kitchen. I let out a deep sigh after that. Goodness, the tension between the two is so heavy that I thought they’re arguing at something again!   But it seems that the moment I had served them coffee, the two of them stopped before I could even hear a word from any of them. I sighed. Why am I thinking about their errands? It’s not my business anymore.   I stayed for a couple of minutes in the kitchen before I had decided going back to my work. I chose to stay outside the President’s office instead of staying inside. I have been working inside his office for almost a couple of hour before Sir Mike arrived.   Like what I had said, I have two working areas, inside and outside his office. I chose to stay outside whenever I knew he has scheduled ‘meal’ for a particular day and I stayed inside his office if I saw how busy his schedule is. Well, it’s rather convenient.   I was walking towards the door of the office to go outside but I didn’t mean to hear the next argument they had.   “Anyhow, please, don’t do anything stupid,” Sir Mike reminded to the President. I can’t help but to stop from my tracks and looked at their direction. I saw how the President sneered at him.   “You don't need to tell me. If you don't need anything, you can go now,” the President replied instead. I bit my lower lip as I sighed deeply. May I remind myself again that he’s that kind of man! Argh! So unrespectable!   I saw how Sir Mike’s shoulder fell like he had given up from his brother’s attitude. Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if one day he is since it seems that the President doesn’t want to be changed. Just thinking of how arrogant, prideful, egoistic and manipulative he is?! Gods, thinking he possesses all of that makes my head hurt.   Sir Mike sighed again before turning his back from the President and head towards my direction. I stood straightly and when he finally arrives in front of me, he smiled when our eyes met.   “I’ll see you in a while, Sofia,” he said and slides the door to open. He bids his short goodbye to his brother and me before finally closing the door. I was left in my place a bit lost of what just had happened.   “Sofia,” I almost jolted in shock when I heard the President’s voice just behind me. I quickly turned around to see him only to be left frozen when I saw his silver necktie that suits his suite. I gulped and looked up at him.   His corded eyebrows and hooded eyes welcomed me.   “Clean the office. Discard all the evidence of his visit here. They depress me,” he said before he turned his back to me and went to the direction of his bedroom.   I inhaled a deep breath before doing what he wanted me to do. I arranged and clean the ‘mess’ the President was talking about. I washed the cups and put it back into the cupboards. When I was done, I looked at my wristwatch and saw what time it is. I immediately went to the bedroom’s direction to remind him about his next schedule.   I stopped in front of his bedroom door. I took a couple of seconds to let out a deep sigh before I decided to make three knocks.   “President, your father is coming at 5,” I said but an after a few minutes the door swung open which made me froze in my place. Okay, why am I being this jolty and shock at his sudden presence without my knowing?   “Have you prepared the documents I needed in this?” he asked and walked pass by me. I quickly followed him and we went out of the hallway.   “Yes, President. I’ve sorted out the files you needed and they’re on your table right now,” I said as I continue to follow him. I was about to tell him that I should get going now to meet his father but the door slides open before I could even utter a word.   “And that was it,” The President’s father said as he went inside. He’s with his brother, Sir Vince and a board member of the company, Mr. Gonzales. My lips went into grim line when I saw Mr. Gonzales again.   To the entire businessman I had known, Mr. Gonzales was the one person I’d rather stayed out with. He’s the person who’s mean and judgmental of the state you’re in. I may not be a business-minded person but it seems having him in your company is completely strip-off in your financial status. Many had filed a case against him but it seems he’s like a slimy thing that once caught, he instantly slips away. And no one could prove his evil doings.   I sighed when I saw him looked at me. I quickly looked away when I felt that uncomfortable gaze against man again. Argh. I hoped this meeting would end sooner as it can. I quickly entertained the gentlemen to have a good seat in the living area. I offered each of them drinks or something to eat but no one wanted anything.   I looked at the President’s direction, but only to find him looking at me like I’m some kind of puzzle. I gulped when I felt my heart skipped a beat at the sudden eye contact. I quickly looked away because of that.   I noticed that each of their secretaries isn’t around so I took that as a sign to go out of the office and leave them for their private meeting.   The moment I closed the door behind me, a woman with his buddy-hugging dress, looked at me. I saw her studying me for a moment before her eyes went big.   “Sofia?!”   I blinked when she quickly went in front of me excitedly. But my forehead creased as I looked at her. Wait, do I know this woman?   I looked straight into her eyes to somehow remember where I had seen her. Why this pretty and tall woman does know me? But her eyes were so familiar and… My eyes widen in shock when I realized who she is.   “Larah?” I said, a bit unsure if I was right. But when her smiles went big and nodded at me eagerly, I can’t help but to smile and be overwhelmed to see an old friend after how many years.   “Goodness! I wasn’t able to recognize you! You look different!” I said as I looked at her. Goodness, she did change! The way she dresses and carries herself right now, oh gods, I can’t help but be proud of her. Gone are the days when she’s so shy and dressed like a nun.   “Do I look okay?” she asked as she checked herself. I quickly shake my head and smiled at her.   “You’re magnificent,” I said with honesty. I saw her being relief at what I had commented. I chuckled because of that. I looked at her again and somehow thought that if I could ever wear something like that.   Maybe we haven’t seen each other for almost four years and we can’t help but to talk and catch up to the happenings in our life. We exchanged numbers and decided to message each other once in a while. I found out that he’s the new secretary of President Vince, the uncle of the President.   We both looked at the door when we heard the lock clicked.   “It seems that they’re done,” she said and stood up from her seat. I did the same and we both stood near the door to wait for the gentlemen.   After a few seconds, the door slides open and each of the men inside went out. The first one to get out was Mr. Gonzales, with his grumpy and sour face. Next was President Vince, then Sir Henry and the President.   Larah quickly went beside President Vince after her short goodbye to me. She tapped her phone as she showed it to me telling me that we’ll just contact each other. I nodded and smiled at her because of that.   I quickly assist each businessman as they walked towards the lift. They went inside one by one. The President chooses to be left and I took that as a sign that I needed to assist the visitors. But I was about to enter the lift lastly when I was stopped by the President.   “Ms. Fernandez...” I heard him called, which made me a bit startled. I swallowed hard especially when I saw his father, Sir Henry, looked at us with his cold eyes. No wonder where the President took that attitude of him.   I turned to look at him slowly. I was greeted with his overflowing confidence with his hands on his pocket. He was looking at the people behind me before he looked down at me. I swallowed hard because of that.   “Y-yes President?”   “I need you…” he said which made me rooted in my place. W-What?   “ my office, now,” he continued. After a few seconds, I heard the lift’s ding and its door closing. I closed my eyes because of that. The blood rushes to my cheeks that if I check myself in the mirror right now I am probably as red as a tomato right now.   I saw him smirking down at me like he saw something that amuses him. I bit my lower lip and reminded myself again.   Arrogant bastard! Ella is wrong about me having feelings for this vampire! That’s the last thing I would wish for! Argh!!!
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