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Love was a bloody complicated feeling and Amber knew that. It was her love for Ivan that made her go through all the s**t in the first place. Had she not loved Ivan, she would have left a long time ago. But because she loved and cared for him did she choose to go through that immense mental suffering rather than abandoning him. And as she stared into Enrique's grey eyes, she was dreading the same fate for him as well. He didn't deserve it. He deserved so much more and so much better than her.  "Enrique," She struggled around for some reasonable thing to say but what can she say anyway? She loved Ivan even after a year has gone by. Even after every shitty thing he did to her. She doesn't know whether he waited for her or not. She doesn't know where they stood now and what lay ahead but she knew that prompting herself to believe that she didn't love him was futile.  She loved him and that was the very reason Enrique deserved better. Ivan has hurt her uncountable times and Enrique has held her just as many times without expecting anything in return. And yet deep down the realization that her choice was still Ivan, made her fill with immense guilt.  "I know," He said, staring down at her hand. "I know you love, Ivan. And I also know he loves you. But I can't help my feelings, Amber, can I?" Amber stared up at him and he smiled at her, softly caressing her cheek. "I had to let you know at least once," He whispered, inching closer. Amber stilled, her throat going dry. He was too close and she was frozen in her place.  "And I had to do this once as well," He stared at her, his face inches away, and Amber bit her lip, her stomach in knots. She knew this was wrong but she couldn't push him away. She felt like she owed him this much for everything that he has done for her. And she also owed the tiny part of her that didn't want to push him away.  "I love you, Amber Moreno," Enrique whispered, his breath hot on her face. "And it's okay if you don't," Amber could just stare at him because she has lost her power of speech. He took her face in his hands and planted his lips on hers. He kissed her. He kissed her softly, very slowly and she could feel a tiny hint of frustration in it as well. When he pulled away, his eyes were dark and a bit grim.  "Thank you," He smiled at her and placed a kiss on her forehead before moving back. "Let's just forget that ever happened," Amber opened her mouth to say something but the doorbell rang just at the moment, and just like that, the heavy moment between them passed as quickly as it occurred.  It was nice to have her small apartment filled for once. Amber watched with amusement as Vin and Enrique goofed around, the latter getting drunk pretty quickly She tried to push the kiss into the far back of her head and focus on the fun instead. By midnight, Enrique has passed out drunk on the couch, fast asleep while Vin and she stood in her balcony, enjoying the soft breeze and the silence.  "So, how have you been? Like honestly," Amber demanded and Vin turned his eyes to her, shrugging.  "It's been okay, I guess," Vin answered, tucking her under his arm. "My body does feel like s**t sometimes but I am much better now. I...well I proposed to Ci,"  "What!" Amber exclaimed and Vin shushed her, pointing to Enrique. Amber nodded but her eyes looked like they would pop out of the sockets.  "Why do you look so surprised? It was supposed to happen someday," Vin rolled his eyes and Amber nodded, curbing the urge to jump with happiness.  "I know...but it still feels surreal," She answered. "Ci must be very happy,"  "I hope she is. The poor girl had a lot because of me," Vin muttered. "I would have probably waited a little longer but then I realized that if that woman could stick with me through was pointless waiting anymore,"  "Well said," Amber agreed wholeheartedly. "She loves you more than you know,"  "I know. And that is the very reason I took so much pain to trace you out," He said, making a face at her. "Honestly, could have at least told me where you were going? It's like you just disappeared out of the blue,"  "I wanted to be alone for some time. Completely and utterly alone. Those months...they were too much," She answered silently and Vin tightened his hands around her.  "I know," He said softly. "You are one of the strongest, bravest women I have ever seen in my life. But now, don't you think it's time to come home? It's been a year, sweetie. Cecilia and my engagement is in two weeks and there is no way I am going through that without my sister beside me. You need to come home now, Amber,"  "I am scared of going back," Amber let her fear materialize into words for the very first time. She was scared of going through something even worse this time even when Helena and Dario as well as Hewitt were well behind the bars.  "Nobody is going to harm you anymore," Vin assured. "Things have changed now. It's safe," Amber didn't reply. She knew she has to go back because there was an unresolved business that needed to be sorted out. But she has also grown comfortable with this new life of hers. Was she ready to go back to the world that scarred her so badly?  "He is still waiting for you," Vin added when she said nothing. "He has been through a lot, Am, in the past one year. He needs you now,"  "I am not married to him anymore," Amber said and Vin nodded his head.  "I know that. But you love him and so does he. He has been waiting for you like a thirsty man in a desert, waiting for a droplet of water. It doesn't matter if you are married to him or not. Your presence is enough. Which is why I want you back now. The holiday is over. Come back, enjoy all the wedding frenzy and then figure out what you both want. There's no hurry anymore. This is after all a new life,"  "Yeah...I know," Amber murmured and sighed. Vin made it sound easier but she knew it was not.  "You do know that Enrique loves you, don't you?" Vin added softly and Amber nodded her head slowly.  "I do. And...I just..." She trailed off because she knew Vin can fill up the rest. He knew her like the back of his hand.  "Yes, it's complicated," He agreed. "Do you want my advice?" Amber gazed up at him and nodded her head. Vin smiled at her. "I know you love Ivan. And he loves you...there's no doubt," He said. "But Enrique loves you just as much and I know...a small part of you loves him as well. You have a choice this time Amber. You finally have a choice in which direction to veer your life. Take your time. Think carefully and do what your heart wants. Even if it's going to be Ivan, take your time. Set boundaries and observe both of them. It's time you think about your happiness. Now that you are not married to him anymore, you can have a brand new start,"  "I have no idea what I am supposed to do," Amber mumbled as she glanced at Enrique. Her heart felt heavy at the realization that she might end up hurting him.   "Be happy," Vin answered. "That's the very first thing you are supposed to do. Do not ever let anything get so much hold on you that it starts to heave over your existence, Am. Come back and just enjoy. It's just two months. And after two months if you are still confused or if Ivan is not clear with his intentions and love towards come back and live your life. That's all. You have got me by your side, little sister. I will kill anyone who doesn't treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Count on me for that,"  Amber smiled and wrapped her hands around him. The warmth of brotherly love made her ease up and she locked up everything that Vin said firmly in her head.  "Why do you moved to Edinburgh of all the places by the way?" Vin asked and Amber shrugged.  "I just wanted to go as far away as possible. London was my first choice but I felt Ivan would look for me there and I wasn't ready to go back until I had figured out what I wanted," She answered. "Mrs. Brown suggested me to move here. This is her cousin's apartment. She works at the school with me. She was the one who got me the job, of course, and I also perform with the group at different places. It's been a busy year,"  "Wow...I knew you were always more mature than me and Vera but it still feels like you have grown years," Vin said softly. "I am so proud of you sister. Mamá and papá miss you so much. And oh...Christina. The old lady is all over her head," Amber smiled at the image of Christina's sweet face and felt a warm feeling inside herself. Maybe, it really was time to go home.  "She is a darling. I miss her," Amber mumbled and Vin nodded his head.  "That's why you should pack up in quick time. We leave tomorrow evening," Vin said and Amber rolled her eyes at him.   "I can't just pack and leave. I have to drop my resignation at the school, or at least an let them know that I need a holiday, sort stuff out first. I have a performance next week. The earliest I could leave is by Wednesday. And why are you in such a hurry may I know?" Amber asked.  "Well, of course, I am in hurry. My engagement is on the horizon. And did you forget the annual masquerade? First Sunday of June. Well, guess, whose turn it is this year?" Vin smirked and Amber shrugged. She never really had much of an interest in that stupid ball.  "Vazquez?" She pointed and Vin clapped his hands in delight.  "Precisely. Mamá is in full hysteria. Plus, after Helena was arrested along with Dario and Hewitt, she was taken down from the council as well. And guess who is the new council head? Never mind, I will tell you...Mamá. So it's all crazy this year. And last year was really gloomy. So much was going on, controversies...scams and God knows what else. It was a complete disaster,"  "I see," Amber nodded her head. "Did Ivan...manage?"  "It was hard for him," Vin answered. "Really hard but we had got his back so he managed somehow. He is still...what can I say? Recuperating, I guess," Amber nodded her head and felt glad that at least he was done with the poisonous chapter of his life.   "You can't miss the masquerade. You have to get back before that, please?" Vin urged.  "I will try my best," Amber said and Vin squeezed her shoulders affectionately. They stood silently, watching the starry sky and Amber felt both peace and anxiety inside her. It was time to go back after all. She can't miss her brother's wedding at any cost. And it was time to face Ivan too although a part of her dreaded that for some reason. She glanced at Enrique and couldn't help but wonder how would her life have been hadn't she got married to Ivan. How would it have been if Vera got married to Ivan and she ended up with Enrique? Will she be happy then? And had she not married Ivan, would Enrique have fallen for her?  "I am so sorry, Katrina," Amber mumbled on the phone the next afternoon. "I have to cancel so abruptly. My brother and best friend are visiting and they would leave in the evening so I wanted to spend some time with them. Can we reschedule the lunch for tomorrow?"  "Don't worry, Amber. Enjoy your time," Katrina said cheerfully. "Listen, I gotta go. This guy will drive me insane,"  Yep," Amber laughed as she cut the call.  "New friends, huh?" Amber turned and froze as she stared at Enrique. He just walked out of the shower wearing nothing but jeans, his toned body glistening wet. He dried his hair with a towel as he waited for Amber to reply.  "Uh...Oh...yeah," She nodded her head and Enrique smiled at her before disappearing into the guest bedroom. Only when he was gone did she realize that she was holding her breath. Jesus, her entire face felt hot. What the hell? Amber shook her head and flopped down on the couch to watch some good old television instead. She and Vin stayed up almost the entire night talking and now he was sleeping like a dead man. That accident did took a little toll on his body but she was glad that he just managed to recover in time.  Amber felt the couch beside her shift as Enrique flopped down beside her. She kept her eyes fixed on the flat screen pretending to be engrossed in the movie. Enrique said nothing either but the weirdness was almost within her touch.  "Alright...stop pretending," Enrique said and Amber turned to her. She managed a blank look and he rolled his eyes at her.  "I know what you are doing," He narrowed his eyes at her. Amber shrugged nonchalantly.  "Watching TV?" She offered and he scowled at her before his lips pulled in a smile.  "Look...that kiss...was nothing," He said softly, his grey eyes warmer than usual. "Yes, I do love you. Yes, I want you. I want you so bad in every way that I don't have words for it. But...I don't want to loose you because of my feelings, Amber,"  "You won't," She assured, knowing she needed to grow up big time and stop making things complicated in her head.  "Maybe not. But I want us to be the way we used to be. Happy, fun...enjoying each other's company," He muttered. "When you were gone , Amber...the emptiness was making me lose my mind. I don't know how Ivan coped with that because he barely talks these days but I was going crazy. Only when I saw you yesterday did I feel like I was alive again and it was then did I realize that I can't lose you. So, I will have you anyway I can. I want to be by your side even if I could just be your best friend and nothing more,"  "You deserve better than me," Amber whispered and Enrique snorted.  "Who care what I deserve?" He answered. "What matters is how I feel. And I know I just gave such a huge lecture on just being friends but..." He fumbled in his pocket and pulled out something. Smiling, he took her hand and tied something on her wrist. It was cold.  "You are still wearing the pendant he gave you," He said, pointing at the small viola hanging around her neck. "This is from me," He removed his hand and it was replaced by a platinum bracelet with small hearts on it. It was simple and beautiful.  "I...I...can't," Amber muttered, flustered and Enrique pressed his index finger on her lips.  "Wear a mark of our friendship," He said. "And also it would mean...I matter to you,"  "You do matter to me, Enrique," Amber urged and he smiled wryly.  "I know," He patted her head. "One last thing...and I hate myself for ever saying this because Ivan is my best friend but you are not married to him anymore. He doesn't have any claim on you and that is the only reason I am saying this to you...will you...will you just consider once, giving me a chance?" Amber stared wide-eyed at him.  How was she supposed to answer that?  _________________________________________________________________
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