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"I would like to thank everyone who attends this event tonight. I am not here in front of you without all of your work and efforts. I was with you when I built this company. You made me what I am right now. I dedicated this company to all of you. Thank you very much, and let's work hard to achieve our goals!" Everyone stood up and applauded after I said my speech. I smiled sweetly in front of cameras before I went down off the stage and went back to my seat. Some of the business persons came to congratulate me. I thanked them and accompanied them a little. I felt so happy today. All of my dreams came true! Right now, I am already a successful businesswoman. "I envy you for being so workaholic. I mean, you became a Flight Attendant for three years and now you already have your own business. How is that even possible?" I laughed to one of the businesswomen that talked to me. “Well, it’s just a strategy in life. I just set my goals and achieved what I want.” What I said is true. I was just dreaming then and I just fulfilled the dreams I wanted. It's because I am determined to be successful for myself and also I want to prove to everyone that I can be on the top. “Miss Diaz! Congratulations on your new achievement! You look more stunning.” I smiled again, but this time it was another businessman that talked to me. “Thank you, Mr. Mart. I hope you’re enjoying the dinner?” “Yes of course!” I excused myself to go to my friends’ table. Some were my business partners and some already have their own professional jobs. “I can’t believe that you are already on top, Blaire! I mean, who would have thought that the war freak Blair during high school and college would be successful like this, right?” Bri said proudly. I sat on the sofa and grabbed some wine. “Heck year, But I believed in her, I know that she achieved all of her dreams,” Shenell added. I drank my wine first before talking. “Guys, it’s just me,” I bragged. We laughed because of that. How I missed the good old days wherein we always chill and have bonding. We still can do it now but it’s not just like before. “So now, what is your next goal girl?” Daisy asked. I think first before answering her question, “Hmm, I am planning to have branches in different places.” Since this building was my first ever branch, I am aiming to have more branches all over the country. I have my own hotel with a bar and restaurant. It’s a restaurant from 8am to 9pm and 10pm until midnight is a bar. The restaurant was located on the first floor while the bar was located on the second floor of the building. My bar is very spacious and the designs are really admirable. I spent millions to build this. The third floor is a gym, then the fourth and eighth floor are rooms of the hotel. “How about a boyfriend? Don’t tell us that you still haven’t thought about that. Girl, you’re already 28 years old! Maybe you thought you were still young?” Lea teased so I rolled my eyes at her. “I’m still too lazy to flirt.” They laughed to my answer, “Because of that, you will grow old as single, stupid!” I just ignored them since they won’t stop teasing me if I continue to talk to them. The opening of my business will be tomorrow and tonight is the opening party. I went to the restaurant to check if everything was ready for our first day tomorrow. I asked the head chef if the menu was already set and he said that everything was ready. Next is the bar, I checked if all the liquors were completed and they said yes. “How about the bartenders?” I asked, while looking around the place. “Ah, yes Ma'am Diaz, I already hired two bartenders.” The manager answered, her name is Kate. “What are their names?” “Kalen Gonzales and Prince Alejandro, Ma’am Diaz.” My eyes immediately widened when I heard the names that Kate mentioned. “What the f**k? Did I head you wrong? What is the first name again?” I am still shocked, I hope she said it wrong. “Kalen Gonzales and--” I cut her off. I rubbed my forehead. Is he joking with me? Why would he apply to my own bar? “Did you interview them?” I asked again. Kate was already confused about my reaction. “Yes, Ma’am.” “Has no one else applied as a bartender?” “There are many who applied for this position, Ma’am. But they are the only two who have a good background and are qualified for this job. The others were--” I immediately stopped her from speaking, “Okay fine. Thank you.” I left the place after that. Why am I even worrying? Maybe he doesn’t have any job to work with that’s why he applied to my bar. Also, I don’t always come to my bar so there’s no chance we would meet. Ugh! The audacity to work in my own bar after what happened years ago. Is there nothing left for him? “I heard my phone ringing and saw that Mr. Zenrep Jaa was calling me. I immediately answered the call, “Hello?” [“I’ll see you tomorrow at your bar in the afternoon.”] ”Okay! Thank you.” I am so excited that finally, I will be able to meet him in person. It’s been years and yet I still don’t know who he is in person and what is the reason why he’s always helping me throughout the years that passed. Thankfully, he agreed to meet me in person. After the event, I went straight to my condo. I saw my two sisters there. Next to me is already 24 years old and still taking up a medical course while the youngest is still in high school, 16 years old. “Did you guys already eat?” I asked. “Not yet, Dixie doesn't want to cook our food!” Pia complained, she is my youngest sister. I rolled my eyes, “How about you? You’re already in tenth grade and yet you still don’t know how to cook?” I glared at her. She stopped watching on Netflix and went to the kitchen, “I am always wrong here,” she rants. “Maybe Dixie was busy with her reviews. You don’t have anything to do so you should be the one cooking your food.” Dixie got out of her room, “Oh? The event was already done? How was it?” she asked. I sat on the sofa and removed my heels, “It went good.” “So are we already rich? As in super rich? When are you going to buy me a car?” Pia asked, so I stared at her, “I will buy Dixie her car first and you will get yours when you turn 18,” I answered. She just pouted her lips and continued cooking. Dixie sat beside me, looking so serious. “What is it?” I asked. She sighed before answering me, “Daddy sent us a letter again.” “What did it say?” “I haven’t opened it yet. Read it first and it has money inside the envelope.” I laughed because of that. Maybe they still weren't aware that we don’t need their money anymore. We are already richer than them. “I’ll handle it. I will give back their money and I will probably add more to it. I think they need money more than us.” I said before going to my room.Memories came back to my mind. They tortured me by hurting me physically and emotionally when I was in their hands. I am still thinking about how I survived and did things because I was desperate. What exactly is a parent’s duty? Will they hurt you because they discipline you and love you? Are they hurting you because you are wrong? Or are you hurting because they are always tired and you all turn to you? Everything that happened to me since college years, I overcame through it. I did my best to change myself. To change for the better. And here I am now, successful with my life. I don't need any help. I can be successful on my own. I don't need money from my parents. I want their love for me. But it's too late... they are too late to give love and affection to their daughter. I've already survived my life. I was so desperate that I even prayed for a miracle to happen in my life. Who would have thought that a time machine really exists in this world? I managed to go back to the past but it didn’t change anything, my life became worse because of my own decisions. But I stayed and faced the challenges that I need to overcome and right now, I am not regretting my decisions anymore. Because it led me to where I am right now. I am already successful enough to handle my own life. And I must say that I’ve learned my lesson and every page of my life is worth it and meaningful.
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