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He leaned against the doorway of her room and the way he was standing made him appear more long and lanky then usual. His legs crossed as he pressed his shoulder into the door frame with his arms crossed. He had a permanent scowl on his face that proved he hadn't smiled in a while and It looked like he'd forgotten how to smile in the first place. There were faint wrinkles forming where his eyebrows constantly creased in the middle and it made him seem a little older than he actually was. Scarlett wondered how old this man was. She had no clue he was the reason behind her being kidnaped. She observed the man closely and decided he was very attractive. His hair was dark almost black and it was slicked back in an almost pompadour style, short on the sides long and thick on the top. His dark full brows casted a shadow over his dull gray eyes that looked so drained of anything pertaining to life. His nose was long but fit his face and his lips were the perfect amount of plumpness that it was still masculine on his features. Scarlett didn't miss the hundreds of tattoos that threatened to spill out from under his black suit or the tattoo of a tiny upside down cross under his left eye. Scarlett quickly stood to attention knowing this was what she was supposed to do when someone of importance walked in. She looked down at her bare feet and waited for an order and prayed she wouldn't be hit for not doing something right. "Bunny, I'll take it from here," The deep voice was familiar but it sounded more velvety to her. It was the voice she heard this morning! The voice was calmer now though but that didn't ease her the slightest because she knew what this man was capable of being. Or at least she thought because in reality she only broke the surface of what Bones was capable of doing. Bunny smirked at him and ran a finger across his chest as she walked by him, giving him a flirtatious smile before she skipped out of the room. The room fell silent and Scarlett itches to fill it with meaningless words, but Maverick told her to only speak when spoken to. It took Scarlett four times to master the rule. Each time she broke it she would get smacked so hard it would knock the wind out of her. Maverick may be small but she packed quite the punch. "We are going to be moving to a different location," The man said and Scarlett only nodded and looked down at her hand. The room was silent again and she could feel his eyes examining her and it put her on edge. Bones was looking at her and examined what he paid for now in person. She was a beautiful woman no doubt about it, but she was different now. The smile she lacked made his frown deepen because every photo a team member had taken of her to bring back to him was of her smiling. The smile had been burned into his mind and he only knew her as the happy Scarlett. Her eyes were swollen and it made her once vibrant green eyes a dull shade that added to her distressed look. He didn't know she cried herself to sleep every night because she wasn't in the arms of a man she loved. She was terrified and wanted nothing more than to be let go. Bones wondered if she was like this because of what Maverick did to her or was she just like this because of the situation. Despite her glum tone, he admired her beauty. She had dark brown hair that went to lower than her shoulders and it was curled messily. The curls framed her face in a mane and it made her features look more petite. There was a permanent blush that went from the tops of her checks and faintly over her nose that was sprinkled with freckles. Her lips permanently pouted because of their volume and she was easily the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. Her silence annoyed him and he just wanted to hear her voice, "You know you can talk," he said with a slight edge to his voice and she only nodded he scowled and spun around. He stalked off in a bad mood now that he couldn't hear her voice he'd been dying to hear in person since he first heard it a year ago on a recording. Scarlett watched the man stomp out the door and she jumped slightly when he slammed it shut locking her away again. She almost wished to have said something to keep him in here so she had some form of company. She began to get lonely as the days dragged on. She was slowly losing hope that she would be rescued and as that hope dwindled she began to go crazy. She needed some form of stimulating conversation to keep herself sane, but she was terrified of being reprimanded. She sighed and took her spot on on the couch that she'd claimed for the past week and looked out the window. The window allowed her to look out into the miles of trees That seemed to go on forever. The sight was beautiful and she would picture herself running through those woods,free. At some point, she had fallen asleep and when she awoke she was in a different room. She was confused and had no Memory of being moved. That was because as soon as she drifted to sleep Goose came in and stuck a needle into her skin and injected her with a solution that would put her into a deep sleep. Goose was the medicine man of the business he knew how to mix up many types of concoctions. He actually went to school for pharmacy, but life got in the way and that's why he's here now in the business. Only Bones knew what happened, Bones knew everything. He knew how each and every person ended up in his business. It was what gave him the power he has, he knew their weakness. Goose scooped up Scarlett's limp body and carried her out of the room and all the way down to the underground garage. She weighed nothing so it wasn't hard at all. Other workers gathered her things and everything including her was loaded into a black SUV. A driver sworn to confidentiality sat behind the wheel. And no other occupants were in the car beside Scarlett. Soon the door opened and Bones entered and sat on the other side of Scarlett. He was on the phone with someone he didn't care for. "I don't know what you're talking about! You probably saw one of my quick f***s," Bones said casually. A man named Gene was calling him trying to confirm the rumor of Bones new possession, but Bones wouldn't bite. "We've lost sight of the target, if you must know," Bones said and Gene chuckled darkly. "Scared the Vipers got to her first?" He asked mentioning both of their enemy's and Bones looked over at the sleeping Scarlett and smirked. "I'm never scared, Gene," He said and pulled the phone away from his ear and hung up. He leaned back into the seat and had a smug look on his face. Bone was an egotistical man and he loved when he had the upper hand. He loved having power and having Scarlett gave him power over everyone. When the SUV arrived at the safe house 30 minutes from the border to get into Canada, the car pulled into a driveway. It was a magnificent house hidden away in the woods and was far too big for just two people hiding away here, but it was the safest thing for Scarlett at this point. So when she woke up in a new bedroom she was very concerned and her fears multiplied. The view was different and it made her heart race. The view at the old house began to comfort her, but now she was given a foreign view that made her uneasy. She didn't know why. When she turned in the bed the smell that held her in her sleep was gone and the sheets smelled like they had been freshly washed. Great now two things that comforted her were gone. She sat up and looked around the bedroom that was considerably smaller than the other one but just as beautiful and she spotted two suitcases sitting on the floor. She walked over and unzipped one bag and saw it was filled with men's clothing. She frowned and pushed it aside and opened the other and saw that it was "her" clothing. Quickly she changed out of the sweater and jeans she put on however long ago and changed into leggings and she looked around for an oversize sweatshirt. She opened up the other suitcase and saw a burgundy sweatshirt rolled up and tucked on the side. She smiled to herself and slid it over her small frame. The hoodie was large on her and it made her body disappear, but it was comfortable. She could feel against the window the cold December air fighting to get into the large cabin and she just wanted to snuggle up with a cup of hot chocolate. She walked over to the door and decided to try and open it. she expected it to be locked, but to her surprise, it opened with ease. Cautiously she walked out into a hallway and her bare feet padded down the stairs that were covered in white carpet. She looked down and noticed there was no one to be found. She wondered if she should try the front door and see if she could manage to escape, but that would be reckless. She had no clue where she was and it was freezing outside she would die of hypothermia before she could scream for help. Maybe it was a test? The thought entered her mind and the thought of gaining their trust intrigued her. That could be her way out. She slipped into the kitchen and looked around and was happy to see the fridge was fully stocked. She quickly got to making herself something to eat and her Hot Chocolate because who knows what would happen if she got caught. As silent as she could she made herself hot chocolate and she decided on just having cookies with it. She felt content as she filled a mug with the hot liquid and then she breathed in the sweet scent as she turned around. Leaning against the doorway was the man who brought her here she gasped and out of shock and maybe fear she jumped back and dismissed the mug in her hand causing it to fall and crash against the white tiled floor. The ceramics splintered and parts went all over the floor and boiling hot liquid singed her feet. Scarlett yelped and jumped back which caused her to step into a shard of the mug. She hissed and felt tears prickle her eyes as the pain shot through her. "s**t," Bones cursed and walked over to her quickly. The mug shards cracked underneath his black boots as he walked towards her. Out of fear, she stepped back again to distance herself from him but that only made her cut her foot more, "Stop moving!" He shouted irritated and it made her bottom lip quiver. His loud voice sounded close to the day in the hall and it terrified her to think she would be next. Would he threaten to kill her like he did Emma? He reached out for her but she flinched. Bones would be lying if he said it didn't affect him. She was afraid of him. She had the right to be. "Let me help you," He growled and she sucked her trembling lip between her teeth. "Please," He said and it shocked him. He hadn't said please in a very long time. Though he was rewarded immediately with the sound of her sweet voice. "Okay," She mumbled.
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