Meeting the Pack

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Youngho can't believe what he finds out about Sherry. His instincts were right and he made the right decision of turning her into a werewolf. It took her a month to be able to do that. She's not that outgoing but he was able to see her from the airport. It so happened that his band just arrived from their tour. It's very unexpected to see her there since he never thought that he will find her mate that way. He imagined that it would be an epic moment but seeing her for the first time feels the same. It's not that hard to track her down since she happens to live in the same area as he does. She seems not aware of her surroundings which makes it easier to corner her. He didn't plan to turn her into a werewolf right away. But when he saw her standing in front of her door, he suddenly lost control. His urge to make her one of them was too strong to handle. He knows how confused she was during the past few weeks. But all he can do is to watch her from a distance. If she knew that he is the same werewolf, she would hate him for sure. But the invisible thread that only he can see is tied up to her. That's when he decided to try to be friends with her. "Hey, Youngho! How can we practice if your mind is somewhere else?" Jay caught his attention. Youngho realized that he is not hitting the drums as his bandmates are practicing. He just can't seem to put his mind away from Sherry since he saw her. But he's close enough to her now since they hang out almost every day. "Sorry, I just can't take my mind off from Sherry!" He admitted. Jay signaled the others to stop the practice for now. Their alpha seems to be out of his mind lately since he found his mate. When the werewolf finally meets his mate, it will be impossible to relax. He needs to have her around all the time. Especially that he already turned her to one of them. "You should bring her to practice so you can concentrate. We have a show coming up!" Jay replied irritated. "Sorry guys, I don't know that finding my mate will make me like this! The thing is, I haven't told her about it." He explained. "What do you mean? You're an alpha! Don't tell me you're too shy to inform her that she's your mate!" Tim laughed. Youngho didn't know what to feel right now. But Tim was right, he's an alpha but it looks like his mate intimidates him so much. He even agreed to only have a platonic relationship with her. Sherry said she was not looking for anything romantic the first time they formally met from the bar. "It's harder than I thought guys! I thought it would be simple, but it's not." He informed them. "Common guys, give our alpha some time! We don't know how it feels when we finally meet our mates either." Yoko tried to understand him. "Thanks, Yoko! At least one of the betas gets what I'm going through!" He smiled at Yoko. "Of course, we understand you! We're just teasing you cause it's not like you." Don explained. There are five members of the band and they are all from the same pack. The other four are still in college but they all live in the same house since they are a pack. It would be complete if they would have their luna. They waited for that to happen and are still waiting for their alpha to make his move. Youngho's phone rang and answered it while the others are still on the discussion about their future luna. It's Sherry calling and he feels excited. This is the first time she called him "Are you busy?" She asked. "I'm still practicing. What's up?" He asked, playing cool. "I'm done with my tasks for today. Now, I'm bored!" She informed him. This is it! This is his chance and he should not screw it this time. "You can come over and watch us practice if you like." He suggested. "Sure! If that's alright with your bandmates." She responded. Youngho looks at his bandmates and they are all looking excited for him. They give him the thumbs up since they have been eavesdropping on their conversation. It's hard to have werewolves around when you're talking on the phone. Their sense of hearing is too good to ignore. "They're good with it. I can pick you up from your place." He suggested. "No, I think I know where you are. I can see your house from the rooftop." She replied. "Alright, we will wait for you then!" Youngho said and they hung up. He suddenly felt paranoid since she can see their house from where she lives. What if she also sees them during the full moon? He dismissed that thought. If that happens, she will be too busy to transform and she will not even notice them roaming around their yard. "Alright, don't tease us when she got here. Is that understood?" He asked his pack to behave. "Don't worry, we're not going to spoil your plans. We waited for this to happen ever since we formed the pack!" Jay mentioned. The other guys agreed and they went back to their practice. Youngho can't believe how Sherry can affect him this much. He's too excited to see her and let her meet his pack. Sure, she said she's not looking for a relationship now. But he has other plans. He's even imagining the time that she can run with them in her werewolf form. But for now, he needs to get her trust. She seems to already trust him enough to come over to his place. But maybe because she knows that she can defend herself in case he's some kind of a maniac. She didn't know that she was about to meet her future pack. Sherry can't explain why she is so excited about the fact that she's visiting Yuongho's place. She will be meeting his bandmates which seems to be cool as well. They are a popular band and they just went on a world tour. Although she's not into rock music, she feels excited to be hanging out with celebrities. But it feels it's more than that so she made sure to doll up. She then went out of her place and stopped by a sushi restaurant on her way. Her mother taught her not to visit a house empty-handed. She bought some sushi for them to munch on. It's all she can eat in front of other people and Youngho also likes sushi a lot. She's grateful to finally have a friend in Korea. It makes it easier for her to do everything since Youngho can talk for her. She just hopes that the other guys are as nice as him. Being an only child, she wanted to have a brother before. But now that Youngho is around, she can finally have someone to hang out with. When she finally reached Youngho's gate, she rings the doorbell. She can't contain her excitement to meet the others. As if she can just forget about her condition. She wants to have fun this time. After all, she can take care of herself since she's a werewolf anyway. Youngho opens the gate for her and she gives the sushi take out to him. He's expecting her but he still looks surprised to see her. That's what he likes about him. He always looks glad to see her. She hugged him and Youngho was surprised by her gesture. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah, I just missed you!" She explained still hugging him. "We just saw each other yesterday!" Youngho reminded her. "I'm just making up an excuse to hug you!" She giggled and let go. Youngho tried to control himself from blushing. This girl never fails to surprise him every day. But he needs to play it cool or she might no longer be comfortable with him. He grabbed her hand and still saw how the red string connected them. He smiled, feeling happy to see how it got shorter when they were together. "Let's get inside! The guys are waiting for you!" He said and they walked towards the house. She's impressed by how huge the area is and imagines how it will feel when she runs there as a werewolf. Of course, it's not possible since she's not planning to spill her secret to anyone. But this place is fit for a pack of werewolves! If only Youngho and his bandmates are the same as her, they could run around here during the full moon. "Guys, this is Sherry!" Youngho introduced her to his bandmates. Sherry smiled widely at them and felt that these are good guys. It's one of the things she likes as a werewolf. She can determine if the person she meets is gold or not which can come in handy in times like this.
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