CHAPTER 2. Spires and Gargoyles-4

2176 Words

The “belle” had become the “flirt,” the “flirt” had become the “baby vamp.” The “belle” had five or six callers every afternoon. If the P. D., by some strange accident, has two, it is made pretty uncomfortable for the one who hasn't a date with her. The “belle” was surrounded by a dozen men in the intermissions between dances. Try to find the P. D. between dances, just try to find her. The same girl... deep in an atmosphere of jungle music and the questioning of moral codes. Amory found it rather fascinating to feel that any popular girl he met before eight he might quite possibly kiss before twelve. “Why on earth are we here?” he asked the girl with the green combs one night as they sat in some one's limousine, outside the Country Club in Louisville. “I don't know. I'm just full of the

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