Chapter 2

1002 Words
JING WAS gasping while getting up from her bed. As usual, she dreamed again of that scene— the crows, and the kingdom surrounded by black magic. She didn’t know what that dream has to do with her personality. But she feels that is a big part of her life. She needs to find it out. She is only a human being living in this world, having power is impossible. She let out a deep sigh. “Weird,” she muttered as she stared at the empty wall. She stood looking out to the window of her room. The bright rays of the sun greeted her. She saw the bright rays of the sun and thought that she woke up late today. She closed the window, and then looked at the wall clock that is hung on the wall of her room. It was seven in the morning. She has only one hour left to go to school, she has nothing to do but to hurry, take a bath, and get dressed. She saw her mother in the kitchen wearing an apron. Their breakfast is ready. “Oh, Jing come on, sit down. Eat up, the breakfast is ready.” Her mother invited her with a smile. She followed behind and sat down on the chair that she has set for her. She is an only child. And Rossy is the only one raising her. Her dad died two years ago. Rossy brought and guided her. She was just fifteen when her father died, and now she is seventeen— matured enough in everything. But Rossy refused to allow her. Her mom is not just a mother to her but a father, too. How lucky she is. Her mother put a fried egg and hotdog on her plate, and on the bowl are cereals and milk. Jing smiled secretly. She stood up and kiss her mother on the cheek. “Thanks, Mom.” She hugged and kissed her on the forehead. “No problem, my dear. Eat up, so that I will send you to school after.” Her mom is a call center agent who works at night until the early morning of the next day. She would go home after work but she’s no longer at home but instead in school for her daily classes. That is why they only have a short time to see each other every day, except on holidays. So, she didn’t wonder earlier when she saw her mom in the kitchen preparing their breakfast because she knew already that the first thing her mom does is to cook their breakfast the moment she arrives home from work. Their home is a simple abode. They are living only in a small apartment in the subdivision that suits only three persons. “I’ll just walk, Mom. Our school is just within walking distance. You don’t need to send me there. Just take a rest, Mom. Don’t worry, I will take care of myself.” Her mother did not oppose what she said. Instead, she just smiled and nodded. “All right, my dear. Thank you.” She just smiled back and continued eating her breakfast. She always loves the food that her mom would prepare for her. And for today, she enjoyed eating her breakfast. Her mother is a really good cook, aside from being the real loving mother that she is. -- SHE SEEMS to be at peace with the whole environment as she calmly walks to school. The area is so quiet that it looks like an angel has passed by the place. Why there were even no passing vehicles on the road? Unlike the usual scenario when even the crowd is a cause of traffic. What’s going on? Even people are suddenly disappearing, and she is the only one left on that sidewalk. She just shook her head and walked silently. It’s only a few meters away, and she’ll be able to get to school. After a while she heard again the sound of a million crows above her, she is sure that is coming from the sky. It’s happening again. She walked as fast as she could, and then she looked up into the sky. Her eyes widened when she saw thousands of crows in the air. It's covering the sunlight that hits her, suddenly the whole place turns into the darkness. Fear and frustration gripped her chest. Her heartbeat getting faster, her knees and whole body became numb. A huge black smoke formed in the air made up of the crows. She step-back and hid in the pillar. “What’s happening?” she whispered in vain while praying. Her heart started to beat faster than its usual beat. What is this phenomenon? Is she still dreaming? Is this a dream again? She slapped her cheek, but she felt the pain. It's real! “No! This is happening! It is no longer a dream like the past few days.” Her face was covered with fear. She steps and ran away from the crows, but she screamed horribly when the thousands of crows followed her. “No! Stay away from me!” she shouted in her shivering voice. The black smoke quickly moved ahead of her to serve as a gateway to the other world. She wanted to cry and prevent her feet from running, but she couldn’t! Something is controlling her. She needs to think about what she would do next, but it was too late for her as she was sucked by the power coming from the portal. After a second, she saw again the death kingdom which is under the curse of the evil witch. “Welcome back, princess.” She heard a weird voice. Her eyes opened wide when she saw a large black crow talking to her. It has red eyes that stare at her deeply. In a surprise, she lost consciousness again. It seemed she was played by the unknown creatures, she doesn't have any ideas on how to get away with it. An evil witch cursed the Blackerous kingdom, wherein she needs to be done with it.
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