Chapter 1 :Putting on the Group Heirs(superior)

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Tan Lanxi is the sixth time to accompany her mother, Mrs. Tan, Wen Liangxian, attended high -end social activities, showing her elegant and charming new image, and then enhanced her social status. Of course, the latter is her real goal. She is about to take over her family business soon, but she has not yet appeared in the business community. This is a very shameful thing in the business family, especially in a family like the Tan family. Her sister Tan Lanfeng has successfully taken over a part of the family's business last year, and her sister Tan Lanyan has also emerged in the business community. Only her, the second lady of the Tan family, is known for her unruly personality and business inaction. This is the urgent bad temper, Master Tan and Mrs. Tan who have a good temper. Therefore, in this cold winter lunar month, she had to say goodbye to the warm quilt, bowed her head and looked at Mrs. Tan to participate in this Labos' business reception. By the way, she would watch it. Can a strong background be able to obtain the joy of the business giants here, and then stand firmly in the business community. In fact, she was really wronged. She was not ignorant. On the contrary, in the past life, she was a well -known female strong woman in the business community, but the former owner of this body she had now was really uncomfortable. If it wasn't for the woman who had missed in a business competition, she would not have the opportunity to reborn, and she would just become a well -known Miss Tan Er. She stood in the corner of the banquet hall and looked at the snowflake outside the window in a daze. Mrs. Tan shouted her twice, and she didn't respond, and finally Mrs. Tan was angry. Walking over, two willow eyebrows were erected, and she stared at her fiercely. Tan Lanxi was scared by Mrs. Tan's sharp eyes to shrink her neck, flattering her arm, and smiled sweetly. Mrs. Tan was smiled by her bright and flattering smile. Since Tan Lanxi's character has changed greatly after a business failure, it has become a little gentle and pleasant, but there are many things in the past. Staying up for a while, making people feel that at that time, she was separated from the sky and the human soul was separated. Mrs. Tan sighed quietly. This daughter, from being born, made her unwilling. When she was before, she and Master Tan wanted to be a son. Son, the result was a daughter, and Master Tan was so angry that he would sleep for three days. Who would think that the only daughter who dared to sing with him and dared to roar with him in the end. Like him. Tan Lanxi grew up day by day, not like a girl at all. She was so graceful with her eye -catching, timid sister Tan Lanfeng, smart and capable, and dignified sister Tan Lanyan. Essence Since she was a child, she had no teacher climbing trees, turning over the wall, digging a bird's nest, and fighting with the boys from relatives and friends. stir up trouble. There is such a daughter who let the reading of poems. Mrs. Tan from Shu Xiangmen is very painful and feels faceless. A few times, he packed Tan Lanxi and was blocked by Master Tan. With the amulet of Master Tan, Tan Lanxi was even more afraid, and rampant in the entire Tan family courtyard, and the corners of the clothes were fanned. Mrs. Tan had asserted that if he was spoiled like this, there was a big deal one day. On this day, it came on the 15th birthday of Tan Lanxi. That morning, the old and young children were waiting to give her an adult ceremony, but she was missing. It wasn't until the evening that Tan Lanxi was sent back by a carriage. Blood with a face, unconscious, left with a sip of breath. The coming person just said that she had a car accident and was just encountered by their master, so she was sent, and the others were left without any other. Turn with tears. Master Tan himself is Dawei's most famous business giant. As soon as he touched the pulse of the baby's daughter, his face was white, and he said nothing, so he prepared for the aftermath. Mrs. Tan suddenly passed, her daughter was no longer angry, and she was always the meat that she fell on her. The person who jumped alive, in a blink of an eye, became a person who died. Her mother did not dare to ask more, and she had to give Xie Li to the Zhao family and told her how to suffer. The family was prepared miserable for a long time, waiting for Tan Lanxi to fall off the faint gas. In the middle of the night, Master Tan, who had been guarding Tan Lanxi, pushed Mrs. Tan, who was sleepy, crying and laughing: "The second girl wakes up." Tan Lanxi woke up, but many things had forgotten before, and his temperament changed greatly. , Easily without going out, nourish the illness at home every day, read books, write, embroidery. Although the words written are not good -looking, the embroidered flowers are not good, but she is very hard to learn and have to learn and have a good job. Occasionally, there can be two good opinions in her mouth. Praise his daughter's intelligence. She was just better, and she was able to get out of bed. Master Tan and Mrs. Tan couldn't wait to pull her to the most famous Wanfo Temple in Yuquan Mountain in the suburbs. Compared to the joy of the Tan family, Tan Lanxi couldn't laugh. Only she knew that she was a counterfeit. The real Tan Lanxi has long been flying away. Although she is also called Tan Lanxi, she is from the 21st century and is a leftover woman who has been marrying herself. On thunderstorms, her car rushed off the high -speed road, fell more than a hundred meters deep cliffs, and fell into the rolling river water. Before she had time to be afraid, before she tasted the pain, she became a dying Miss Tan family. This Dawei she was worn was different from any era she knew, and she did not know how she came out. Naturally, she couldn't remember historical events like other women. Go down. Since she came to this so -called place, she has always been indifferent, careful, and low -key, and she is afraid that she will be discovered that she is a counterfeit. Although there is amnesia to cover, she knows that some of the living habits and personality of the body will not change much. In view of the gap between her character and her, she was very distressed to cover up and learn more, watch more and learn more, and carefully pave the way for the transformation of her personality, and be careful to wait for everyone's recognition. If everyone thinks that Miss Tan is like this one day, it means that she no longer needs to worry about being pierced, and her life safety is guaranteed.
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