Chapter Sixteen

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SKYLAR “There must be another way,” I urged as I kept on passing inside Blair’s and my cabin. We had returned to our cabin after the interrogation, and since then I had kept on passing. I couldn’t get Dalia’s words out of my head. Blair was sitting on a stool, she was lost in her thoughts and had taken out a map from her drawer, a map of the Death Swamp. “I don’t want to do it,” I whispered, referring to opening my connection with Ethan. It had been easier to keep it closed when I hadn’t known he was my beloved, after that, I distracted my mind and kept myself from thinking about him to impede the connection from developing. Blair finally turned to look at me, blankly, “then don’t, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” “But then how will we find them? We are in a dead end,” I said defeatedly and I let myself fall on my bed. I heard Blair chuckled and I saw as she shook her head from the corner of my eye, “Sky, it’s your decision, I won’t push you even though that is what it looks like you’re trying to do.” I pressed my lips together into a line and sighed. “Where is Melissa? Have they done some tests on her?” I asked, trying to distract myself on another matter. Blair shook her head and I nodded before getting up. “I’m going to go look for her, she should be with someone she knows, at the very least.” Blair didn’t object nor did she offer to go with me, and I understood, she wanted to be alone with her thoughts, I could see how all of this was becoming a heavy baggage on her shoulders. The air outside was getting cold and I shivered but kept on moving towards the only place I could think of where they might be keeping Melissa, the lab. I walked inside and saw there were less Hunters in there than before. I walked over to the medical section of the building and looked around for any sign of Melissa. I suspected they wanted to do all types of tests on her to discard the possibility of her being infected by Dalia. All the gurneys were empty except for one at the very end. Melissa was laying there, only looking at the ceiling with a bored expression on her face. “Hey,” was all I could think to say. Melissa jumped in startlement and turned to look at me with wide yes. “Jeez, A-, I mean Sky, you scared me,” she said breathlessly as she put a hand over her heart. The cardiac monitor beat rapidly, and I blushed. “I’m sorry, I should have made some kind of noise before saying anything,” I apologized as sat down on a chair next to her bed. Melissa smiled and waved me off, “No worries, I should get used to it since all of you Hunters walk very quietly that it is almost unheard.” I smiled and nodded. “How long have you been here? What tests are they conducting on you?” I asked trying to make a conversation. Melissa shrugged and looked at a clock hanging from the wall. “I was woken up early this morning and escorted to breakfast and after that I was taken here for some examinations that are similar to MRIs and some blood samples. In total I have been here for about four hours and nobody else has come to get me after they took the samples.” My eyes widened and I sneaked a peek outside, but it was deserted, and it was now well past noon. “That’s terrible, I’ll go get someone to clear you so you can leave with me,” I said, and she nodded, she looked grateful for my suggestion. I quickly walked over to the reception and found a Hunter there reading through some files. “Excuse me, I’d like to see Melissa’s files, I am sure you’ve done enough tests on her and she should be cleared for the day. I’ll take her under my watch and responsibility,” I assured the man who looked hesitant to give me the authorization. “The human is done with today’s testing but there will be more. You have clearance to take her,” he said formally, and I nodded and thanked the older man. When I reached Melissa’s part of the room, I was surprised to find Gideon standing there and Melissa eating hungrily. “Oh, hello again, Sky,” Gideon said with a smile and stepped aside so that I could walk closer. “Hi, I’m surprised you’re here,” I admitted as I turned to him and he nodded. “I know, I could see it on your face. When I heard Melissa was here, alone and bored I decided to pay her a visit. I didn’t know you were here,” he said nicely, and I waved him off. “Don’t worry, I just got clearance to take Melissa out for the day, but I see you already beat me to it,” I teased, and he laughed slightly. “I’ll accompany you, I too have to eat. Oh, and Melissa, your test results will be ready by the end of this week, is that all right? Do you have any family you’d like to call or talk to?” He asked hesitantly and he sounded uncomfortable for asking considering he already knew what had happened with Melissa’s parents. Melissa tensed and looked at his hands, “I don’t, I am alone.” Gideon nodded and I could see he regretted bringing up the subject. “We should go, I’m starving,” I suggested and both of them nodded eagerly. … The week passed faster than any other, we all took turns keeping an eye on Melissa as it was requested, and we left her in the lab every morning for her daily analysis. Now, it was the end of the week and Elda has requested to see Blair, Melissa and I in her office that afternoon. I supposed it had something to do with the test results and in my mind, I hoped I had been right about Melissa. Blair had been spending a lot of time thinking and analyzing maps and the creatures that lurked in the Death Swamp, and the few times she did accompany us, she looked out into space and barely commented on anything. I didn’t push her, she wanted her space and time to think before we went back to our mission. Which led me to another dilemma; to open the link or to keep it suppressed. I wanted to find Emma and the Royale Brothers, but I didn’t want to lose myself in the process, I didn’t want to become dependent on anybody, especially nor Ethan who had used me. “Sky! I finally have the answer, I know where my father is,” Blair said to me that same morning. I sat up drowsily and looked at her. She looked overjoyed and relieved. “I cannot believe I hadn’t thought about it before, I’m so dumb,” she murmured and looked through her drawer for something. She finally pulled out a chain with a small pendant on it. It looked like the quartz ball our animal guides had provided us with only in a different shape. “What is that?” I asked in confusion as I stepped closer to get a better look. Blair handed me the pendant with a wide smile. “This was a gift from my father, it contains ancient magic, natural magic that surrounds us, not magic like the one Dalia manipulates. This one is pure and if I just set this pendant under the light of a full moon, I’ll be able to see my father’s location, that is, if he still has his bracelet with him,” she said, and her confidence wavered. I gave her a smile to try and assure her that we would find him. “Let’s try it, tonight, there will be a full moon,” I said, and she nodded eagerly. There was a knock on the door and Gideon stepped into the cabin. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” he said teasingly, and Blair quickly hid the pendant behind her. “Don’t worry Gideon, we were just going to get Melissa from her cabin, she said she wanted to sleep in last night but it’s almost noon and I don’t think she enjoys being locked in a cabin all day,” I said quickly, and Blair followed my lead. “Great, let’s head over there before we go with Elda,” Gideon said, and he stepped back so we could exit the cabin. I raised an eyebrow and Blair shrugged. “She summoned you too?” asked his sister and he nodded. Blair didn’t say anything else and the three of us walked over to the cabin Melissa was staying in. The door was locked, and the widows were sealed. Gideon took out a key to open the door and knocked. “I’m ready!” Melissa yelled from inside and we walked in. Melissa was sitting on the bed, reading a book about Hunter history, the same book I had been given when I was studying with Huntress Joan. “I was just reading more about you guys,” she said sheepishly when she realized we were all looking at the book. Blair smiled warmly, “good, that means you are ready for anything Elda throws your way.” Melissa tensed and I rolled my eyes. “Speaking of which,” interrupted Gideon as he gave his sister a look, “it is time for us to meet our leader and the Council at the main cabin.” Melissa gulped and nodded, she took her jacket and followed us out. We walked slowly to Elda’s cabin, there was no rush, either way, their rule was final, the meeting was just a formality. When we reached the big cabin, Gideon opened the door for us, and we walked towards the room we had met the last time. I knocked on the door and heard some shuffled steps inside before it was opened by Elda. “You’re here, great. We were just getting ready to start,” she stepped aside to let us through, and we all took our seats in front of the awaiting Council. Elder Monique smiled warmly at us, “it is nice to see you again Huntresses and Melissa.” We smiled at the Elder and waited for her to continue. The Elder cleared her throat and looked at the council until each one nodded their heads. “After careful revision over Melissa’s tests results, we have come to the conclusion that she is free from any dark matter and magic, she is completely clean from the Queen of Shadow’s spells and free to choose whatever path she decides.” The three of us relaxed visibly and then all eyes were on Melissa who looked paler than before. “Melissa, like we discussed in the last meeting, you are offered an opportunity to stay here and become a Huntress or you could always go back to live your normal life, the choice is up to you,” Elder Zoey said warmly as she looked at Melissa with a welcoming look on her face. “I-I want to think about it, actually no, I already know the answer,” said Melissa nervously as she fidgeted with her hands. “I have nowhere else to go and I want to stay and become one of you.” None of the elders looked surprised by her choice but Elder Connor was the only one who seemed to disapprove with a displeasing look on his face. “Very well, you will start your Trainee duties at once. Hunter Gideon, please escort Melissa to Huntress Joan, she has already been informed of the possibility of obtaining a new student,” said Elder Monique and Gideon nodded and led the way out with Melissa by his side. Once they were gone, the council seemed to sit straighter and the atmosphere grew more serious. “Now, Huntresses, we know you have gone to interrogate the witch, the question is, are you ready to resume your mission?” asked Elder Connor who hadn’t spoken a word until now. Blair and I looked at each other and nodded confidently, it was time to get back on track. “We are ready, and we will be more prepared this time considering Hunter Mark’s prototype worked well and the finished weapon is almost ready,” Blair said and the Elders looked pleased to hear that. “We plan on leaving tomorrow,” I said and Blair tensed but nodded, we would discuss further options later. “Very well, you may leave now, you should get ready and rest well for your mission. Good luck, Huntresses,” Elder Zoey said and Blair and I got up to leave. … That night, Blair and I were away from camp, beside a campfire, under the light of the full moon, it was almost at its highest point, meaning it was almost time. “Blair, are you ready?” I whispered and my friend nodded slowly as she slowly took out her pendant from a bag she had been carrying. The light glowed on the pendant and from it, light reflected into what looked like a map, in that map there was a bright light blinking. “There, that’s him, I’m sure,” Blair said and I could almost see tears in her eyes as she looked at the glow in front of us. It was in that moment when I felt something inside of me stir and snap. Suddenly I was transported to a big building at the edge of a clearing, it was dark and I felt the cold around me, making me shiver. I wrapped my arms around me and looked around trying to find out where I was. Just then my body bolted onto the air and I was thrown back to my body. Blair was standing over me looking worried as she tried to shake me awake. I gasped and sat up. “I know where they are,” I whispered out of breath.
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