Chapter 7

436 Words

Aurora POV. Protect him Protect him. Who? I wake up with a fright and notice its 6:00 am. I get up and walk around my room to clear my head. Protect him Protect him. It felt as if someone was mumbling that same phrase over and over in my head. I turn around and head towards the bathroom to clear my mind and start my morning routine. I walk downstairs towards the kitchen to ask Carter for a lift because Spencer may most likely be at the hotel. I go towards the fridge and see a note. Hey Aurora. I got to go and resign in the old shop so I will see you later. Please ask a friend for a ride or take a cab. I left some money on the table. Xx Carter. I hurl my backpack over my shoulder and grab the couple of dollars. I don't have any friends but Carter and Spencer don't know that.

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