Episode 4

1145 Words
She sat in the small carriage in tears. She still could not fully understand everything that was going on and now she was with unknown people on unused roads lined with exotic trees and plants, surrounded by strange creatures. Her face was beyond red and she was still in a state of shock. To leave the village she grew up in her whole life as if she were a thief in the night. She thought of what would happen to the people of the village, the peaceful little village full of farmers and merchants. The people after her would eventually go there to search and the village folk would be tortured while she was rushed off to be hidden behind some unknown kingdom's walls. "You will be heading to Mossca tonight, once there you will be safe. Remember this you may be the lost princess to many, but to me, you shall always be my daughter first. I love you so much, my child." She thought back on her mother's last words to her. The tears wouldn't stop falling, she felt so alone. She peeked up out to her side from under her hood and saw an old abandoned well and she remembered she wouldn't be able to keep her promise with Vestin. Surely he'd race around the village in search of her. He would more than likely have dragged Jonic and Tylic with him in his search. They would then tell Bon, who would then tell Alise and Marie. All her beautiful friends will be looking for her and she hadn't told them how much they meant to her. She hadn't been able to tell Vestin she would come back to visit him one day. She hadn't been able to give a proper farewell. They had been traveling for days now and she wasn't sure of the distance between the village and the kingdom of Mossca. She started to see lights up ahead of her in the distance and saw that guards on black horses waited just ahead. "Oh no" she whispered. A blanket of chilled air wrapped around her body as the carriage moved closer to guards. She tried hard to hide her face with her hood in hopes they would not notice her. Holding her head down she clutched at her cloak and closed her eyes tight while her heart beat quickened and her hands became clammy. She listened to the sound of the horse who pulled the cart forward. "Ancestors of my past, founders of my creation, please watch over us in this hour and protect us from the hands of evil..." She prayed queitly. "Do not fret princess. These men are here to escort you the rest of the way. Riding in on a carriage such as this would bring too much attention." Said the man who was steering the horse with a smile. "How can you be sure that they are in fact the ones who you were to meet up with?" "Because only a few know of this road to begin with. This road is not one well known by the gaurds of Serenity or it's rotten queen." "I'm told that rotten queen is my step mother. Is she truely as bad as she is made out to be? I mean besides her wanting to kill me, I haven't really heard much of her." "That is because Velaira made sure you stayed clear of anything that had to do with your step mother. She gave her word to your parents that she'd let no harm come to you and she has put her life on the line to keep said promise." "Do you know where these men will be taking me?" "No, we didn't discuss your final destination. Which is for the best should your disappearance lead back to me. The less I know the less I can share." "Thank you for doing all of this..." "Well mannered are you. I see Velaira did a splendid job on raising you. Keep your pureness safe, child and hold on to your innocence for as long as you can. That is my advice to you, princess. It will serve you well when you take back your throne." "What if I do not want to take back the throne?" "That is just the fearful voice of a small child speaking right now. In due time you will seek what is rightfully yours and right the wrong that wrenched woman has done to your people." Loraz looked at the men up ahead and then at the man next to her. She didn't understand why they would go through such lengths to protect her and wondered if she was really worth all the trouble she had caused them. "We will see." They reached the guards, and she was help off of the carriage and quickly put on a horse with one of the guards. She was instructed not to let anyone see her face as they rode through town; her hood must stay upon her head until she reached their destination. Looking around at the other men she pulled her hood tighter to cover her hair and face. "What is your name, sir?" she asked the guard she rode with. "My name?" "Yes, am I not allowed to know any of your names?" "My name is Jeb..." "Hello, sir, my name is Loraz, you may call me Lo?" She looked up at him and smiled. His face turned red and he cleared his throat. "I think we shouldn't be announcing your name." "That is why I said you can call me Lo. I am not really used to people calling me princess." "Alright, Lo, please keep your head down as we ride through the nearby towns." Sitting in front of the guard between his arms she pulled her hood over her face more and looked down at her hands. She placed her head against his chest a let out a small yawn. "Ho-how much longer will we travel before we reach Mossca?" She asked Jeb. Jeb stiffened up and looked down at the small princess who now used him as a pillow. "We should reach the castle gates by night fall in two days if we hurry. We will not be stopping for any breaks so please hold tight." Jeb said. "Do you mind if I sleep for a while. I normally don't travel and the long ride have drained me of a lot of energy." "I will wake you when we have arrived." She peeked up at him and he smiled at her; she became calm at the sight of his warm smile. She didn't know why but she felt she could at least trust this person even if it was just for the moment. "Thank you, Jeb." She closed her eyes and slowly drifted off as she heard the guards talking.
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