5 - Celeste's Childhood Home

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What happened to Alana, when the Moon Goddess sent her back to seven years earlier as Celeste the werecat? Kyle POV     I felt like it had been hours since I carried Alana to the nurse's office.  I didn't understand why she was so thin and lightweight, but I had done nothing but worry since I left her there.     It was getting late in the afternoon, when the telephone on the teacher's desk started ringing.  I shushed the rest of the pups around me, then I attempted to listen to the conversation the teacher was having.  Unfortunately, I couldn't hear what was being said, because they were talking in such hushed voices.     However, I knew something was wrong when tears sprang into Ms. Reynolds' eyes.  A second later, she set the phone back on the hook, then she sat down on her chair in a complete daze.     I wanted to know what was going on, so I walked up to her desk and nervously asked, "Was that the nurse?  How is Alana doing?"     "I'm so sorry, Kyle.  I don't know all the details, but Alana's heart gave up the fight to live," she solemnly muttered.     "What do you mean?" I asked with my brows knitted together in confusion.     "Alana passed away about twenty minutes ago," she sadly replied as tears started rolling down her cheeks.     Instantly, I screamed, "No!  It can't be true," then I sprinted out of the classroom and all the way to the nurse's office.     When I got there, the nurse confirmed what Ms. Reynolds told me, and I felt absolutely devastated.  I wasn't sure why I was so upset, considering I hardly ever talked to Alana, much less hung out with her, but I was filled with an overwhelming sense of loss.       I was planning to put a stop to all of the teasing that she had been a victim of, but I wouldn't get the chance to rectify those mishaps, since she was no longer alive.  I felt absolutely horrible about the mean things I said to her.  She had a good reason for throwing that book at me, and if I hadn't chased her, she might not have fainted and died.     I held myself responsible for what happened, and I wasn't sure if I would ever be able to forgive myself.  She never did anything wrong to any of us, but we treated her like she was nothing but scum.  The more I thought about it, the angrier I became with myself and the other pups that constantly teased her.       I couldn't fathom the thought of seeing any of them or myself at that moment, so I sprinted out of the school.  I ran straight to the pack house, where I was greeted with everybody asking why I wasn't at school.       I didn't give anybody a response, because I was on the verge of breaking down in tears.  Instead, I ran straight to my bedroom in the Alpha suite, then I threw myself on the bed and let the tears flow freely. Celeste POV     It was so nice to spend time with Lance.  However, I almost messed up when I admitted remembering him, but I got lucky when everybody just brushed it off as a coincidence.  We stayed up until six in the morning, then I finally got tired enough to fall asleep.     When I woke up a few short hours later, I felt good and rested.  I was pleasantly surprised with how much energy I had after just a few hours of sleep.  I felt like I had been asleep for a solid eight hours, but it had only been two and half hours.     I noticed right away that when I stretched, I did so in a way that I would have never been able to do when I was a werewolf.  My body was so much more flexible, and I couldn't stop twisting and turning, while I checked out my new flexibility.     After a minute or so, Lance playfully asked, "What are you doing, Celeste?  You act like this is the first time you have ever stretched."     Instantly, my cheeks burned from the blush that appeared, then I nervously giggled before I honestly replied, "It kind of feels like the first time.  I can't remember ever being able to stretch like this."     Lance chuckled at me, then he sympathetically mumbled, "Don't worry, Celeste.  The rest of your memories will return soon."     A little bit later, the doctor came in and checked all of my vitals.  Once he was satisfied with the results, he informed us that I could be discharged from the pack hospital.  My new werecat dad and Lance quickly got my stuff together, while my new werecat mum helped me change into a clean sundress.     That was when I noticed my new mum smelled like jasmine and blueberries.  I must have got the jasmine part of my new scent from my mum and the watermelon part of it from my dad.  I found that to be interesting.  When I was Alana the werewolf, I got the cherry part of my scent from my mum and the vanilla from my dad.     It made me wonder which of Lance's parents gave him the cocoa part of his scent and which one gave him the orange part.  I was still just as enthralled with that cute werecat, as I had been for the last few years of my life living as Alana.     It wasn't long before I was wearing a light purple sundress with little pink hearts, then we left the hospital.  My dad and Lance carried the few small bags of stuff, while my mum tightly held onto my hand.  My new werecat parents seemed to be loving parents, and I was happy about that, since I was already missing my werewolf parents a great deal.     We walked through the forest for about ten minutes, then I spotted a small cabin tucked in the middle of the woods.  It wasn't long before we reached the cabin, then my mum led me inside and happily stated, "Welcome home, sweetie.  If you can't remember where something is, don't hesitate to ask.  Now follow me, and I will show you your room."     I flashed her a small smile, then I followed her down the hall.  She pointed to the first door on the right and said, "Here's the bathroom."  After she took a few more steps, she pointed to the door on the left and said, "This is me and your father's bedroom."    When we reached the last door on the right, she opened it and motioned for me to enter, as she happily stated, "This is your bedroom."     After I stepped into my bedroom, my mum reached in and flipped the lights on.  My eyes were instantly met with light purple walls that had colorful butterflies painted all over them.  There was a small white vanity, a white desk, a decent sized white dresser, and a full size bed.  The headboard and footboard of the bed were also white, and laying on the bed was a thick pastel purple comforter and two fluffy pillows.      Pink had always been my all time favorite color, but purple followed close behind it.  I looked around the room and spotted a few books sitting on the desk that was next to the vanity.  I quickly walked over to the books and read the titles, then I smiled from ear to ear, as I enthusiastically asked, "Can we get a pink bookshelf for in here?"     My mum returned the smile, then she curiously asked, "Are you sure you want it pink, instead of white or purple?  You used to be very adamant about everything being white and purple."     "I'm sure.  I'm ready for a little change in here," I assured her.     "Okay, sweetie.  I will talk to your dad, and we will make that happen as soon as we can.  I'm going to fix us some lunch.  I'll holler for you when it's ready," she cheerfully replied, then she left my bedroom.     That's when I noticed Lance was leaning on the doorframe.  He had a odd expression on his face, and I wasn't sure why, so I curiously asked him, "Why are you looking at me like that?"     "Something seems different about you.  You remember me, but nothing else.  Purple has always been your favorite color, but now you're suddenly asking for something pink.  What happened in that brain of yours, when you hit your head?" he warily questioned, as he walked closer to me.     "I don't know what the big deal is.  So, I like pink now.  I still like purple, too," I defensively retorted.     Lance suddenly started tickling me, and I immediately dropped to the floor, as I erupted in laughter.  My parents had tried to tickle me a few times when I was a young werewolf, but my heart rate would always shoot up, then I would faint, so they quit trying.       He tickled me so ferociously, I thought I was going to lose control of my bladder, but luckily he stopped just in time.  I stayed lying on my back in the middle of the floor and continued to giggle, as I tried to get my breathing under control.     Once I was able to sit up, I jumped to my feet, then I sprinted to the bathroom.  I couldn't chance him tickling me like that again, until I released my overfull bladder.  When I was done, I quickly washed my hands, then I returned to my bedroom.     Lance was sitting at my desk, and he was flipping through one of the books, so I took the opportunity to observe him.  He really was a younger version of the werecat I helped escape from the dungeons at the Great Forest Pack.  Speaking of, I had that date committed to my memory, and I vowed to make sure he didn't go anywhere near the border, when that date came around again in the future.     After a few minutes, I walked over to my bed and plopped down on it.  Instantly, I sank into the soft material that the mattress was made from.  It was nothing like the bed Alana had, but that was not a bad thing.  This one was way bigger and way softer.       I climbed farther onto the bed, then I sprawled out and started giggling.  I was brought out of my fit of giggles a few seconds later by Lance warily asking, "What is so entertaining over there?"     "I love this bed.  It's so amazing," I cheekily chirped in response.     "It's the same bed you've had for years.  I swear you are acting so weird," he nonchalantly replied.     "I'm not weird," I responded in all seriousness.     Lance's eyes widened a little, then he quickly mumbled, "I didn't say you are weird.  I said you are acting weird."     "Same difference," I defiantly huffed.  I was teased enough when I was Alana.  There was no way I was going to let anybody tease me now that I was a healthy werecat.  Not even Lance.     He was quick to walk over to the bed, then he sat down and gazed at me.  After a few seconds of silence, he sheepishly stated, "I'm sorry, Celeste.  I really don't think you're weird.  I think you are the most awesome werecat that has ever lived."     I tried to stop myself from smiling, but it was like my lips had a mind of their own.  I felt them slowly curve up, then I watched Lance's lips follow suit.  I couldn't stay mad at him, especially when he smiled at me like that, so I reached over and patted his hand, as I timidly replied, "It's okay, Lance.  I know you didn't mean it the way it sounded."     Lance acted like he was wiping sweat off his forehead, as he playfully remarked, "Good!  I thought you were really mad at me.  I wouldn't be able to live with myself, if I ever did anything to make you mad at me."     A second later, I heard my mum holler that lunch was ready.  I playfully pushed Lance off my bed, while making sure he wouldn't get hurt in the process, then I jumped off the bed.  I landed gracefully on my feet, then I grabbed Lance's hand and walked with him to the dining table.               
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