The Challenge

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Class had come to an end, and Jensen breathed a sigh of relief. She and Chad had an impromptu discussion realizing they shared the same exact schedule. “Friends?” he offered his hand again, and this time Jensen smiled when she took it. “You remind me of your brother,” a slight blush reddened her cheeks as she confessed this to her new friend. “How nice,” he frowned. There was an hour break between classes. She checked her phone before heading to the library. The headline read, “Another girl goes missing.” Jensen frowned, not realizing someone was behind her. She jerked around when his cedar scent penetrated her nose. “Dr. Evans,” she stuttered, averting his seductive green eyes.  “Miss Jones, I need to see you in my office.” Shit! She was in big trouble now! Here was the part in her story where this handsome brooding wolf told her to get the f**k out of his class. She nodded curtly, following him as he led the way down the hall. Dr. Evans’ office was surprisingly neat ,for a man. On the walls hung black and white pictures of wolves, as well as various diplomas reiterating his accomplishments. Jensen silently wondered why a man with such impeccable skills was working as a professor at a University. Sure, he was an impressive asset, but judging by the looks of him, and his foreboding alpha aura, he was much better suited to the field. She would work up the courage to ask him one day, if he didn’t kick her out. “Have a seat,” Connor offered with a low growl. Jensen complied, sliding into the brown leather chair across from her professor ,the man who thought she had tried to kill him. “Miss Jones,” he leaned forward, clasping his fingers together. ”You are the last person I expected to see in my class.” “Um, sorry, sir,” she answered meekly, ”I didn’t mean, that is.’ “Stop with the mumbling,” he stood suddenly, crossing behind her. He bent down, his mouth dangerously close to her neck. Every bit the predator, he was enjoying intimidating her. “I will admit ,when I first saw you hiding in the corner ,my first instinct was to throw you out on your ass. “I’m sorry, sir,” she repeated ,her mouth moved, but she was frozen, at the mercy of this foreboding man. He ignored her apology, standing to his full height. He came around and faced her, leaning back on his desk, arms crossed .”Any i***t stupid enough to almost shoot a wolf does not deserve to be in my class, and yes I know you are aware that I am a wolf and an alpha,” he glared at her, ”But I watched you, during the entire lecture. You were the only one who paid attention the whole time. You nodded your head with interest as I continued my lecture, taking notes when you should. You are astute.” he kept his gaze on her. “In short, although I could kill you ,I believe you may be the best student I have.” Jensen was shocked. She expected him to say something like, “Get the hell out of my class ,you ugly w***e,” But not this. “T, thank you sir,” “You can cut the bullshit with me,” he stood again. “I know you are shy, but you are not that afraid of authority.” Jensen frowned, looking away from him. What was with this guy, did he see through her facade ? Surely not, after all, she had been around the dozens of wolves that lived in her small community, and none of them had picked up on any of this. “I, I don’t know what you mean,” she looked away. “Stand up,” he ordered, and she obeyed, drawn to do whatever he demanded. Damn, she was weak. “You may be afraid of me ,but I am thinking you aren’t afraid of a good challenge.” He added. Connor towered over her ,looking at her ,studying her. “What exactly is it that you want sir?” she asked. “Take your hat off.”  Jensen backed away from him ,panic rising in her throat. “Why?” she stuttered, ”I’m ugly whether I wear my cap or not.” She continued to back away, until she hit the door ,with him following. “I want to see what’s hidden under that little disguise of yours,” Oops, he really had noticed. “If You want to stay in my class, you will do as I say.” he placed his palms on the door, blocking her in. This was too close for her, and she started to tremble. Before she could react, her professor jerked her cap off her head, and her long, dark red tresses tumbled down her back. “Now take off those hideous glasses,” he then pulled her ugly black, thick glasses off her face. Her security blanket now gone, she teared up, shaking her head. “Not as hideous as I thought, lots of room for improvement,” he laughed. He was mocking her, she knew it! “I know what I am, Dr. Evans, you don’t have to make fun of me,” she put her head down ,but was taken by complete surprise when two fingers lifted her chin. “Do you now,” he gazed into her eyes ,”Or have you played this game so long that you actually believe it?’ “Please,” she shivered. “Please what, Jensen,” “Let me go. I will withdraw from your class. I will even change schools.” “Really, you would do that, just to hide?” “Yes,” she admitted, although she had no idea why.  He pulled away, still keeping his keen eyes on her .”Take your jacket off.” This was really too much. Jensen hadn’t been so close to a man since… Even though he was breathtakingly handsome, she could barely stand this. Connor reached for her, and she jerked away, flinching. His commanding aura engulfed her as he came behind her. Reaching his arms around her, he slowly unzipped her jacket, pulling it off. Her comfort zone hit the floor. Jensen ran to the other side of the room ,crouching behind the huge oak desk, anticipating what was to come .She gasped when Connor came around the desk, squatting down to her level. Now, she was in the same situation she had avoided for the past five years, cornered by a man who wanted to take advantage of her.  “I’m not going to hurt you, Jensen,” Connor kept eye contact with her ,but didn’t close the distance. “I have a very pretty sister,” she bargained,” She would be glad to go out with you,” her hands trembled uncontrollably, her lip quivering beyond control. “Oh, so you would offer up your gorgeous sister to keep me from touching you.” “Y,yes. You’re just making fun of me,” “Get up, Miss Jones,” he commanded, grabbing her by the hand. “If you want to go to the academy ,you need to be presentable. They will not take someone who looks like a homeless vagrant. I have an assignment for you. Complete this and I will give you the grades you deserve, refuse and I will kick you out.” “What?” she stared at him, unsure of his game plan. “I want you to come in here every day, wearing clothes that actually fit you ,not these trash bags you are wearing.” Well, how nice of him! No one had ever begrudged her baggy attire before.  “You are to forgo that stupid hat of yours, and those ugly glasses, He continued, ”Wear your pretty dark red hair down, and look presentable, as I said before,” “But, sir,” Jensen stammered. Could he possibly know how uncomfortable she was now? How forcing her to come out of her shell would affect her ,after all her main goal was…” “Don’t worry,” Connor threw a hand up, “I promise I won’t let anybody come near you that you don’t want to.” “But,” “No buts,” He stood before her ,his dark aura swirling around him .”Do we have an agreement?” He crossed his arms ,waiting for an answer. “I um,” “Yes or no ,Miss Jones. Agree or get out of my sight,” he leaned down, growling in her face. “Ok,” she looked away, trying to hide the lone tear that rolled down her face. “Good. I will see you tomorrow, now you are dismissed.”
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