Sign 3 I'm In Love

1753 Words
Cyril dropped the ice cream from his hand and it fell into the ocean. “Aw mate, you could’ve given it to me!” Edgar said. They both were standing at the bridge. “Repeat what you just said.” “Aw, mate—” “No, before it,” “Oh right, the boss told me to get a female waiter. I don’t know any Sheila around here and the Mardi Gras parade is tomorrow so become a girl just for tomorrow,” “Right, what the f**k does that mean?” “It means I get to cut your wiener?” “No,” “Just kidding, I’ll not cut your wiener,” “Why can’t YOU just dress up as a girl?” “My d**k is too big, there’d be a bulge,” “Mate,” “You want my monster c**k?” “No,” “Okay, I’ll admit it, it’s not a monster,”   “I’m not doing it,” “You want me to harass you again?” “Please don’t,” “THEN YOU’RE DOING IT!” “What should I say? IT HURTS MY PRIDE AS MAN!” “Not as long as nobody knows about it. My lips are zipped,”   Cyril looked away, “Leave me alone, I'm still not over my breakup” “AYE! BECOME A SHIELA!” “DO YOU HAVE YOUR EARS PAINTED ON?!” “THE ONLY WAY TO FORGET A SHEILA IS TO BECOME A BLOODY SHEILA!” “That’s the worst advice I’ve got in a while,” “PLEASE JUST ONE DAY!” Edgar removed his pants and Cyril took a step back, “Stop right there,” “No,” Edgar smirked. “f**k YOU! I’ll DO IT, OKAY?! PUT YOUR PANTS BACK ON!” “YAY!”   Next morning, before the sun rose, Edgar jogged to Cyril’s house with a small paper bag. Cyril had shaved by then, “Put on this wig,” It was a black wig extending to blonde ends. Cyril wore it and his mom adjusted it. “MOM!” “Edgar told me everything,” “What the—YOU SAID YOUR LIPS ARE ZIPPED!” He turned towards Edgar. "Zips can be opened."  "YOU!" “It’s okay, it’ll be our little secret,” His mom smiled.   “Promise me you won’t tell it to dad,” “Cross my heart,” She said, “I always wanted to a daughter so that I could dress her up!” she squealed. “Stop acting like a teenage girl, mom,” “Alright, I’ll do your makeup!” “Hell yea!” Edgar said, “Let’s make you a sexy shiela!” He took out a pair of golden shorts and a black crop top. “f**k no,” “Hell yeah!” “Now then, Mr Edwards, show me your face,” “Get the hell out mom!” But none of them cared about his opinion, he wore the tank top and the shorts. Edgar did his hair while his mother did his makeup. Finally, she looked at him proudly, “My daughter is so pretty,” He looked into the mirror, “I—” He began tearing up, “I lost my balls,” “Don’t cry, mate! You’ll ruin the makeup!” “You still care about the makeup and not my feelings? f**k you!” “Cyril,” His mother gave him a green lens. He looked at her, “Mom, I don’t usually wear green lenses, you know that,” “Well, you’re not usually a girl either. Try something new” He wore it and looked into the mirror. He had gone green-eyed after a long time, “And talk like a girl! You’re wasting all the effort we invested in you!” He cleared his throat, “Is this fine?” He made his voice a bit higher. “You sound gay—” Edgar started laughing, “Just don’t speak or we’ll be busted,” Edgar walked down the stairs. She smiled and pressed his face. Cyril looked into her blue eyes, “Mom?” “So, I thought of preparing tickets,” She said. “You wanna go somewhere?” He asked. “How about Finland?” She smiled. He looked down, “I don’t wanna go to Finland anymore,” “…Oh, but why dear? Is everything okay?” “Yes, it’s okay. I just…” He smiled, “Thought that there’s nothing much worth seeing in Finland anyways,” He laughed. “Cyril—”   “AYE! WE’RE GETTING LATE!” Edgar shouted from downstairs. “COMIN’” Cyril ran downstairs in his shoes and sat inside the car. His mom drove them to the café. The sun was up by then. His boss looked at him, ‘Well, now that is pretty,’ He thought. “Have you done this before?” Cyril was about to answer when Edgar stopped him, “She cannot speak. She’s mute,” Cyril nodded. “I see, what’s her name?” “Cy—ra. It’s Cyra” “Cyra, alright. Can you make coffee?” Cyril nodded, “Great, help us in the kitchen,” “What about me, sir?” Edgar asked. “Clean the tables,” “...” “Go, now,” The Mardi Gras parade started. Everyone looked pretty. Everyone looked happy. There were adults, teenagers and old people. Everyone together in a huge festival, forgetting about all the worries of their life. Many of them stopped by the cafe to have a breather. The place was full and Cyril had to prepare a lot of coffee. “Why are you not using instant coffee?” The boss asked. Cyril shook his head. He threw a packet of instant coffee at him, “Quickly, four cappuccinos for table four” Cyril looked down, “I’ll help,” A girl said, “I will prepare the menu, you can brew the coffee patiently,”   Cyril smiled and got back to brewing the coffee. It took him five minutes to brew the coffee and prepare the milk. The roasts were smooth, light and had a lot more caramel in them. He kept them on a tray with the cupcakes and got back to making more coffee. He gave one extra cup to Edgar. “It’s so good,” Edgar took a sip of it, “I thought you can’t make it?” “I just watch my mom make it every morning so I just learnt by watching,” Cyril whispered. “Dude, you’re awesome at it. I can drink this all day!”   Everyone who tasted the coffee fell in love with it. “Excuse me, can we have two more cups of espresso?” People were just not ready to leave. The café became more and more crowded. People began lining outside the counter, waiting for the chairs to be empty so that they could enjoy some quality coffee. The boss tasted the coffee and just closed his eyes in leisure, “She's a beauty that one”   By mid-afternoon, the pride march arrived at the Sydney harbour bridge. Edgar and Cyril were on a break by then. They stood outside the café and stared at the upcoming pride march in the soothing sunlight. It was more colourful than other marches. There were motorcycles holding rainbow flags and then came people dressed up in white clothes, holding banners. The representation in that particular Pride parade was crazy amazing! Everyone looked so supportive of the diversity and so honestly happy to be there. Sydney was known to have the most colourful gay pride march in the entire world but it was the first time Cyril witnessed it.   “All the colour and the glitter, I kinda love it,” Cyril laughed as he crossed his arms. “Mate, stand like a Shiela,” Edgar wrapped his arms around his neck. Cyril looked at people’s faces as they passed right in front of them. In the crowd, his eyes rested on a girl wearing a rainbow hat and white bikini, with golden hair covered with glitter and golden boots. His eyes widened as he looked at her, she stopped and looked at him and they locked eyes as the crowd passed between them. She blushed and looked away. “BREAK OFF! CAN’T YOU HEAR ME, MATE?” Cyril looked at Edgar, “I was talking to you...Are your ears painted on?” Edgar asked. Cyril shook his head, “What? Come quickly, the boss will be mad,” He grabbed his hand and they ran back to the café. Cyril looked back at the crowd, she was still looking at him. She watched him enter the café. “Heart?” Her friend, Samantha, asked. “Let’s… Get some coffee…” “Sure?” They quickly occupied a table and Edgar walked to them, “Your order, ma'am?” “Oh, one espresso and a cream pie,” Samantha said while Heart looked here and there. Where was that girl she met before? Wasn’t she a waiter here? “And you, miss?” “Espresso,” Heart was looking everywhere through the corners of her eyes. She had to find her! Her face came into her mind, again and again. Green eyes, black hair, golden shorts, toned legs, tanned skin, a masculine face, thick eyebrows and a pretty beauty mark beneath his lips. She was everything she was looking for. Soon, her coffee arrived and she took a sip of it. She forgot everything she was thinking about. All she could think about was how nice the coffee beans were, how it was the perfect balance of sugar and milk. It was undoubtedly the best coffee of her life.   Meanwhile, Cyril brewed the coffee while thinking about her. Blue eyes, dishevelled, crimped blonde hair with brown ridges, boldly dancing with her, white skin, small hands. “Err, Cyra,” His coworker walked towards him and he looked at her, “Actually, I did a little blunder. I mixed sugar with salt,” ‘What the f**k?’ They suddenly heard a loud noise from outside. “HEY! WHO MADE THIS TRASH COFFEE?” A bald man got and threw the cup on the floor, “IT RUINED MY MOOD! YA’ WANKERS, CAN’T YOU EVEN MAKE A DECENT COFFEE? BRING THAT DROPKICK TO ME WHO MADE MY COFFEE!” He was creating a scene and annoying everyone. “What a Karen,” Heart got up. “THE HELL YOU SAY, b***h?” “Yo, can you shut up? I’m trying to have a good time here,”   “Calm down, sir!" Cyril's coworker ran towards them, "I’m sorry!” She apologised, “I mixed sugar with salt, it was very unprofessional of me. I’m really sorry. I’ll compensate,” “Why are you even working here if you’re so clumsy? You f*****g b***h—” He grabbed the broken but Cyril suddenly held his hand. Heart looked at him. He looked into his eyes. “Hey, cut it out, baldie,” Edgar said, “She apologised. It was a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, your mom made one too. Now, take your compensation and get the hell outta here,” “f**k you!” He stomped out of the café. She looked at Cyril, “Thank you, Cyra, Edgar,” “No problem,” Edgar said and turned towards Cyril, “What are you doing here like a peanut gallery? Let’s get back to work. You got some bloody coffee to brew!”   Cyril looked at Heart and went back inside with Edgar. Heart looked at him leave and went back to her seat. She looked at her coffee, "So, she made this coffee?" “Hey Heart, let’s go now.” Samantha got up. “Samantha,” “Hmm?”       “Aye man, you almost got busted. Better not do anything that drive’s people’s attention towards you, okay?” “Edgar,” “Hmm?”   “I think,” Heart said. “I think,” Cyril said. “I’m in love,”   -To be continued
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