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“He doesn’t appear much of a protector,” interjected a bored voice from the dark depths of the room. We both turned. Morgan stood in the shadows, her blanket trailing after her like a cape. “Considering you are both awake, I would say he is not doing his job,” she said, sitting down on Mona’s other side. “And what is your excuse?” I countered, annoyed at her interruption of a private moment. Morgan narrowed her sleep-ringed eyes at me. “Who could sleep with the two of you chattering away like squirrels?” “Have you been listening long?” Mona asked, a mixture of embarrassment and distrust in her voice. “Long enough. I-I came over to ask you a favor.” Morgan inclined her head to Mona and pursed her lips, as though unsure if she should go on in my presence. “You could simply ask, if you want privacy,” I pointed out to Morgan. I rose, leaving my blanket with Mona. I would take the one from her bed. “Good night, Mona. I hope you feel better.” She waved the wooden dog at me. “Of course I do.” I padded back to bed, slowing my pace just enough to catch a hint of Morgan’s request. “I heard what Argante told you. Will you try to see my past? It would mean very much to me to know where I come from.” Mona’s voice lost its edge and once again radiated her natural warmth. “I don’t think it works that way, but I will try.” I pulled Mona’s blanket around me as I padded back to my bed, pondering this turn of events. So the rumors were true. Perfect little Morgan had a weakness after all—she was an orphan, at least as far as she knew. That meant she had no kin, no tribe to return to, no life save that which she had built on this isle. She was utterly beholden to the whims of Avalon. No wonder she was so anxious to secure her place as favorite daughter. Well, she would have to fight me for it. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t help but smile inwardly at the possibilities and plot ways to use my newfound knowledge to my advantage.
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