202 Words

A wicked smirk spread across Morgan’s face. “Is that so?” she asked doubtfully. “We shall see. But bear this in mind, my lady. Not everyone has had your privileged life. Some of us must do what we can to survive.” “Survival at the cost of others is cruel,” I retorted. “Although I suppose I should expect that from you by now. Perhaps it isn’t your fault, since you had no parents to teach you respect.” Morgan turned on me with the venom of a viper. “I had twenty priestesses as my mother and the Archdruid as my father. Avalon is my home. Not that my upbringing is any concern of yours. As for what I may or may not have done, someone had to put you in your place. I cannot help it if you finally saw your inferiority to me and cannot live with the consequences.” With that she turned and began

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