
1036 Words
Liam glared at me, his anger evident as he clenched his fists. He opened his mouth as if to speak, but then closed it again, appearing frustrated. I averted my gaze, scanning my room for anything to focus on other than Liam. I was torn. Part of me yearned to learn everything about him, while another part simply wished for him to leave and never return. My life had been fine before he came along. I had lived twenty fulfilling years without him; what had suddenly made me feel the need for him? The bond between us was undeniable, its strength pulling us together relentlessly. Neither of us could resist its tug. We couldn't simply walk away and forget. The connection would always be there, a constant reminder of what we shared. The oppressive silence was shattered by the sound of my front door opening, followed by the voices of my parents. I glanced at Liam, who remained unmoved. Instead, he closed his eyes, sighing. "Why did it have to happen this way?" he murmured to himself, a look of distaste crossing his face. Then, my door flung open, and standing in the doorway was my less-than-pleased father. "I thought I could smell something." "Good evening, Mr. Henry." "What are you doing in my daughter's room?" My father's voice dripped with venom, sending a chill down my spine. "Your Alpha allowed me onto the territory," Liam replied, his tone tinged with a hint of arrogance, and I could sense the smirk in his voice. "Why, you little—!" Before my father could finish his sentence, he lunged at Liam, grabbing him and shoving him backward, causing Liam to collide with my wall. I screamed, instinctively covering my mouth with my hands. Liam growled, forcing himself to his feet. "You shouldn't have done that," he snarled, launching himself at my father and seizing him by the throat. Liam hoisted him up, slamming him against my wall. My father's face flushed a deep shade of beetroot, and I screamed once more. But my cries seemed to go unnoticed, as Liam only tightening his grip. Summoning all my strength, I pushed myself upright from my bed, disregarding the protests from my body. With determination, I reached for Liam's free arm, pulling it back with all my might, but it was futile; my efforts had no effect. The tingling sensation coursing up my arm was impossible to ignore, and judging by Liam's reaction, he felt it too. His muscles tensed beneath my touch, and I heard him swallow audibly, clearing his throat. "Liam, release him now!" I shouted, my hands flailing in the air, feeling utterly powerless. Our eyes locked, his burning with anger and fury, mine filled with fear and terror. As if sensing my distress, Liam let go of my father, dropping him to the floor, yet never breaking our intense gaze. "You're insane!" My father yelled, seizing my arm and tugging me protectively behind him. "Emily, stay away from him! He's a monster!" I bit my lip, my brows furrowing in contemplation. My father's words rang true. Liam was indeed a monster. There was no denying it. He wasn't going to change; this was his true nature, his permanent identity. "Liam, you have to go," I whispered, feeling defeated as I lowered my head. "I came to make sure you were okay, Emily. I didn't intend for any of this to happen," Liam's voice wavered, on the brink of breaking. I didn't dare lift my gaze, anticipating the sorrowful expression I knew would be in his eyes, a sight I couldn't bear at that moment. "Please, join me at my pack for just a day. I want to show you around, to let you get to know me." My father scoffed, rolling his eyes in disbelief. "There's no way she's—" "Fine," I interjected, cutting off his objection. "I'll come to your pack, but only for a few hours at most. I'll take a look around, then I'm leaving to come back home." This was the clarity I sought. I needed to witness firsthand how he leads his pack, to understand his methods. Then, it would be easier for me to demand he never returns. I would finally observe him in his element. I would finally witness the true extent of his nature and how his pack trembles in fear of him. It would further cement my belief in the monstrous nature of Alpha Liam Lucas. My father turned to me, his expression one of disbelief. Perhaps I was indeed losing my mind, but this felt necessary—for my own sanity. "Dad, it's alright. I have to do this, please let me." "He is going to kill you." "I would never harm her!" Liam snapped, shooting a fierce glare at my father. "Just a few hours. I wouldn't go until I'm fully healed anyway," I pleaded, avoiding Liam's gaze. Suddenly, Liam's eyes widened in concern, and he reached out to touch my hand. "Emily, your back. You should be resting." I sighed, perching on the edge of the bed, unwilling to fully recline in case of further trouble. "Dad, I'm an adult, remember? I can make my own choices." "Not when it puts your life in danger." "Mr. Henry, Emily will be under my protection. There's no chance of her getting hurt... again." Liam lowered his gaze, a veil of sadness descending over him. He brushed his dark hair away from his face, his expression troubled. "I'll accompany you," declared my father, arms crossed defiantly. Liam huffed, a soft chuckle escaping him as he glanced at my father, clearly unimpressed. I shook my head, frowning. "No, Dad, please don't. You really don't have to." "How do I know he isn't plotting something sinister? He could keep you captive on his land, never allowing you to return home. He might chain you up, locking you away, never to feel the sunlight again!" Liam turned to my father, his expression grave. "Mr. Henry, I assure you none of that will occur. But if it does, I grant you permission to rally neighboring packs and enter my territory. You may then do as you see fit.”
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