You are too close

1843 Words
It's lunch break and here I am isolating myself on the rooftop and just feeling the breeze while relaxing when I feel a sudden sadness and emptiness. I don't know why I always feel this way. Is it because I miss my parents? Even though they are now gone? Hahaha, what a lame thought tss. Or is it because I am alone? Well, I, too, do want to socialize and be approachable like the others. Do I deserve it? It is very hard for me to talk to people with willingness and color. I may become a dark color instead of being a shade only, right? I can't take risks again. If I had my headphones now I might be asleep, but the asshole Liham is such a nuisance and immature, so I didn't bother to argue, and just took revenge a little by turning my music off. Liham Jones is my classmate as well as Jackson Vuen, but now I have just learned that Jackson shifted courses to the business department course and that is a good thing! I am planning to avoid those two trouble makers. Those two are popular in fistfights and also for their looks too. It's kinda annoying! Jackson is a kind of student who is very arrogant and proud, as I observed, and can I take into consideration his level of stupidity? No offense. While Liham is the very chaotic one, the Badass type student, a student who does not care if he might be expelled or suspended for being a troublemaker and even acting so careless in his life and even in his life. He always picks a fight with Jackson, but I think they are friends. I just think, don't harm me. Liham is smart but a headache, and an attention seeker. ''Ugh! I want to go home'' I complained to myself as I closed my eyes and felt the drowsiness visiting me. Not until... ''You!'' To my surprise, a voice suddenly appeared that surprised me and led me to jump to where I was lying and I lightly pushed him. He was too close. '' what are you doing? '' I asked and distanced myself from him, but the more anxious I got from remembering his face so close to mine made my heart beat so fast in nervousness and there Liham staring at me teasingly, glaring t me like killing me. '' why? Are you shy? '' He arrogantly teased and asked. As if! He's lucky enough I didn't punch him in the face. '' You are too close, I am just surprised. '' I coldly said to him and was preparing myself to go. As for the proximity of closeness, I could even hear his breathing. I shoved him away and straightened up. I was about to enter exist when I heard Liham call me rudely, ''You! '' he called. I just rolled my eyes and faced him, walking towards me holding my headphones. Is he planning to give it back? That's good though. BUT damn, I have a name! My name is not "YOU"! He's giving me a headache. He slowly walks forward towards me, not even breaking his stare, locking me in his eyes. '' let me ask you one thing, why are you so quiet and cold towards me? '' he asked with a very serious look on his face. Huh? Why is he even asking me this? I am like this to everyone, and he is annoying. I can't stand a day with him. ''...'' I wanted to answer, but my lethargic personality answered first. '' haha okay okay, no need to answer...." He said as his serious face changed into his normal face and chuckled, the annoying chaotic aura too. He's too energetic for that. "here.'' He suddenly said and handed the headphones to me and I accepted them to remind him that they were mine. When my headphones were in my beloved arms again, he patted my head and chuckled away. And there I was dumbfounded by what he did. Normally he doesn't do this kind of thing. Why are you doing this, Liham? Why a sudden change? Liham has no exemptions to his attitudes, he is bad, naughty, troublemaker, noisy, and always picking a fight even if you just stare at him or do not have any interest in answering his questions. I don't know if he is a gangster or what. We don't really speak to each other because I find chaos in him, very troublesome and annoying, the reason why I avoid and blankly give him expressions. Well, whatever I need to sleep. I went back to where I was lying earlier here on the rooftop and decided to ditch class for this. This is more important, right? I need some sleep. a good sleep while ditching class, huh? hmm I can't sleep with the thought of Liham, patting me and smiling at me, not to mention how he played at me! my blood boils as his face continues to appear on my head, which gives me tickles on my tummy. "!!!" Am I hungry? I stood up and let out a long sigh, releasing the frustration I had in me. Tsk. I can't sleep because of this, my mind is filling up with the gentleness of his hands patting my head, and his warm smile feels like home. It's... It's too sudden and new. I decided on myself to go back to class, then think of Liham alone there on the rooftop. It makes me sick! Liham and I really don't talk. Maybe this was the second time that we had a conversation, and the first time I wasted my saliva on a fool boy. I entered the room with loud laughs and chattering about having my own group making their worlds. I, on the other hand, just continued walking and ignored everyone who drew their attention to me entering the room, until I reached my chair and seated on my chair--- * BOOGSH* Before I was seated on my chair, I crashed and my body landed on the floor, causing attention to me, making me a laughing stock. Before I even started to react, a boy stood in front of me, stopping his laughs and offering his hands to me. "pfft, hey are you okay?" He asked, stopping his laugh. I just stared at his hands with a blank expression while he was offering help to me, but sarcasm was present resonating in his aura, making me think that this boy is not trustworthy! I stood up and cleaned myself from dust on my uniform. He's opening the can of words inside of me, and I don't want it. ' Calm down Kale, he's just provoking you!! ' I said to myself not to unleash my angry self in front of many people. Liham just continued laughing with his teary eyes. Some of the students were also there, but some were silent, especially the girl in the corner with her eyes that were full of worry and concern to it fidgeting her fingers to calm down. She looked familiar at some point. I draw my attention to myself and wait for them to stop laughing. "Are you done laughing?" I asked him while he was reducing his laughs and making a confused face, " Okay, I'm gonna go get a new chair, I hope you'll not do it again," I said and walked out, but he just grabbed my hand angrily growls in displease. "are you clowning with me?!" he asks while gripping my hands tightly. Is he bipolar? Just a while ago, he let me see his smiles and gentle side, and now, he's turning to that fvcked up boy. "You're the one who's the clown. You thought I'd cry at that childish play of yours?" I answered, while the blank expression on my face provoked him. But while the tension between us resonated the whole room, he suddenly got closer and closer, proximately an inch close, grinning approximately, which made me surprised and jolt. He's too close and it's freaking awkward, people's eyes are on us. He really has no shame! " You started this! You know I hate to be stared the most, but I'll let you off today since you looked so lonely and sad earlier" he said rudely. Well, that doesn't hurt me, though. I've been lonely since I was a child. It's not new to me to be lonely today, tomorrow, nor the day till I die. I deserved it in any way. I smirked at him and played with his game too and let a wry chuckle out of my throat. I, too, getting closer to him, to that even an inch apart was a small hindrance for us to even kiss. I have no reputation and that would be ruined if I kissed a boy in front of everybody, but he has. I smirked at him, wandered my eyes around his face, and stopped at his eyes down to his lips, provoking him. " Being lonely here is not bad at all " I said, smirking at him while massaging my chin. Seeing him tremble in his eyes gives me pleasure. The desire of that despair in his eyes is more pleasurable than this! It's feeding my soul. Red was scattered on the greyness on my paper, Liham made me remember the bloody color I wanted to forget ever since. This is very uninteresting, but he was an interesting subject. I turned my face away from him when he was speechless at what I did. I did not expect that he would only be folded into a close-faced reply. He's a puppy... He chuckled and just stared at me with displease in his eyes. " Well, if that's what you want," he said, eyeing me. " You're interesting," he said while smiling at me and scratching his nape. When will he stop spouting nonsense? He's such an earful! "Maybe I'll do good later if I find your weak spot," he thought loudly, making an evil face that made me grit my teeth. This scumbag is very childish! "Oh, so are you admitting kissing you is your weak spot?" I asked teasingly. That made half of the girls in the class shout. That made us jump in surprise. Well, that's only my theory because, as far as I remember, he was speechless about that kind of act, so I thought his weakness was kissing a boy. And it's normal boys don't kiss. "I told you it's a KaleLiham, not LihamKale" I heard the girls argue. Wait, what are they talking about? "tch, YOU! You said you'd go get a new chair? You go now!" he demanded, which I automatically responded to. That made me surprised, but I just ignored it and just went out of the room. To have peace. Everywhere is chaos. But what was that a while ago? We just fought but he still let me off. What really is his deal?
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