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Beau's POV I received a call from one of my men letting me know they had found her. “We found her at the river. She threatening to jump.” I was already in my car leaving the hotel. I turned to head in that direction. When I got there, I could see all of my men in a half circle surrounding her except one. The one that called me. That’s when she jumped and I dove in after her. When we got back to shore, I spoke my peace. Seeing as how she was in shock and terrified from being surrounded by my men, I had at least one of them tail her from a safe distance. Luckily, it was the same one that had given me the call. He was of average height and build, basically blended into any crowd. “Keep me posted on her movements.” That was all I had told him before he followed behind her. The rest of my men that stayed behind I glared at them. They knew they had f****d up when I folded my arms over my chest. It was eerily silent save for the sound of the rushing river behind us. “You thought it would be the smartest thing to do was crowd her, forcing her to jump? How do you know if she can swim! You’re all suspended.” There was much more I wanted to say but it was better to get to the point. I never liked belittling anyone. I watched them all hang their heads and walk away. I should have just fired them but they were the best of the best I’ve hired. I don’t mean that figuratively. I mean they were elite soldiers trained in all forms of combat that retired from the military. Some people may think I’m just a philandering playboy without a conscious but I have one. It’s just one they don’t hear much about. It’s to help those in need from any type of background. There are too many veterans that have a hard time readjusting to civilian life after their enlistment is up. Some never mentally comeback from battle. I just give them what I can. I headed back to my car. I received the first phone call from Ryan about her movements. “Boss, she’s just walking like a zombie. I managed to catch up to her when she was running. Oh, wait she’s waiting at the bus stop. I’ll keep shadowing her.” He ended the call. I opened the trunk of my car and pulled off my shirt. I usually kept a change of clothes for meetings in there. I decided when I see her later, and I was going to see her later, that I would wear something to show her I was better than Charles. God, I f*****g hate that backstabbing piece of s**t. I’m surprised he kept that crappy part of himself secret for that long. I sighed out of annoyance and switched gears. I put on the pale pink dress shirt I had and pulled off my wet pants to don the white slacks to go along with my shirt. I checked my watch to see if it was still functioning, I wasn’t surprised it was for how much I paid for it, it had better hold up in under three feet of water or I was going to make that damn horologist pay dearly for selling me a crappy piece. Once I was dressed, I tossed my wet clothes in the trunk an then I got in my car and headed back towards the hotel. She said it was for their inconvenience. She couldn’t have been that naïve and innocent. Who would think ‘Ah, I need to pay for the extended wait time after they slept with someone? I tried to think logically about waking up next to her. She felt so warm. It was different from those other women. I may not have been drunk when she pulled me into her arms last night but I knew she needed someone to take care of her or she was going to fall victim to some shitty guy. My plan was to take her back to her room make sure she was in for the night and leave but when we got back to her suite, I noticed the torn-up dress and then she started sobbing in my arms. If decided to stay just a little longer to console her. She just seemed to need someone to tell her it’ll be alright. I hadn’t planned on sleeping with her at all but when she wouldn’t let me go and looked at me with those deep brown eyes that had tears brimming her eyelashes from crying and pouty lips that just begged to be kissed. All reasoning went out the window. To be more precise it jumped out the window and ran into the night. I still haven’t figured out what she did to me. And how she did it. But I enjoyed spending the night with her. Fast forward to waking up before seeing the money on the bed I could have sworn I seen a rusty red on the sheets. I couldn’t help but wonder. I made it to a red light and placed my hand under my chin. The only way it would be that way is if she were a virgin or I was too big for her. But she had said something along the lines of it being her first time. I naturally assumed she meant it was her first time in a while. Guess that smug bastard couldn’t wait until their wedding day or just in general. Shame he’ll never know how wild she can be. Or how affectionate she was. I rubbed my neck where she had left a few marks on me. The light changed to green and I speed through the intersection. I received another call. I picked up through the Bluetooth. Ryan had another update for me. “Boss, she’s gotten off the bus and walking towards her home, I think. We’re at the corner of Lexington and Washington street. It looks like past Lexington will be a lot of residential houses. I’ll still follow her if you want.” “No, it’s fine. I’ll come pick you up and you can drive the car. I know the area a bit.” I ended the call and headed to where he was. If she were going home to her parents there’s a huge chance she wouldn’t just casually walk in the door. Especially if Charles was going to be there. I don’t know how great her sister looked but from what I have seen of this woman she was Beautiful. A diamond that shimmered in the light. He had to be a fool. Well, he is a fool. A backstabbing, ignorant fool. One I wished I could crush but that would mean ruining what little ties to his family mine had. I really had hoped those two wouldn’t be there. If they were sleeping together on her wedding day, I would think they would lay low. Or go off on the honeymoon so she wouldn’t have to see their disgusting display of affection. I made it to the corner and picked Ryan up. He sat in the passenger seat until we got to her house. She was just walking past us when I pulled the car over. Ryan and I both got out of the car. I walked behind her looking at the way she was carrying herself. While he got in the driver's seat. You wouldn’t know it but she had a strength to her that made you want to root for her. It was as if something changed in her, from the river until now. I needed to know what that was. She stopped walking as if she realized someone was following her. I wasn’t stalking her per say but I stopped too. She turned around and seen that it was me that was behind her, she looked startled and yet curious. I laughed when she spoke to me. “Are you a stalker?” Her voice reminded me of how she practically sang for me last night. “No, I’m Beau Jackson and I need you to be my wife and baby mama.” I know she must have thought I was insane to ask her not once but a second time she probably thinks I should be committed. And maybe I should be but it has to be her. “You want to get revenge on Charles for what he did right? I can help you with that. Provided that you give me what I ask for.” “I never had s*x before I don’t know the first thing about what it is to take care of a child. Why do you want me?” She must have been living under a rock or something how could she not know who I am. I furrowed my eyebrows before answering her. I asked her a question to see what I needed to tell her. “Do you know who I am?” “Yeah, you just told me. your name is Beau Jackson. Should I know something else?” She really did live under a rock. I walked closer to her with my hands in my pockets. Closing the space between us. I couldn’t tell if she was shivering from fear or because it was a bit nippy outside. I should have had a jacket to drape over her shoulders. When I reached her, I towered over her. I was at least a foot and a half taller than her. I didn’t hold anything back when I spoke to her this time. “You must live under a rock. I’ve been featured on several different magazines for business and for pleasure. I’ll introduce myself once again since you don’t get it. I’m Beau Jackson owner of BCJ incorporated and billionaire playboy. You’ve insulted one of the most richest men in the country by leaving $500 after a night of s*x. So, I want you … miss to be my wife. What’s your name?” Her mouth must have gone dry at that moment because all she could do was open and close her mouth. I wasn’t trying to stare but my eyes focused on her luscious lips. Lips that I kissed and kissed me. She finally stuttered out her name. Making me snap back to attention. “Marina, Marina Saint James.” “Great Mari, from this day forward you are going to be my fiancé. We will be married in a week. And you’ll move in with me today.”
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