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Kristine was bubbling with excitement. She checked herself out for the hundredth time. The medieval brown leather apron, paired with a raw linen box dress, transparent safety goggles, and the wild white wig on her head, looked just as she had thought it would. Gorgeous. Her mad scientist-themed birthday party was truly spectacular. She rubbed her palms gleefully, waiting for Ethan to show, so he could see how amazing the idea he had called dumb was. As if on cue, Sebastian and William appeared wearing almost identical ink-dyed lab coats, with colored-water beakers in hand. Kristine smiled in approval. She had made it mandatory for her family members to wear scientists' costumes. After all, they were the only invitees. Kristine didn't want to invite kids her own age, claiming they will only be interested in silly themes like her cousin. “Ready to get this party started?” William asked, giving her a high-five. “I have been ready for two weeks now.” Kristine shot back seriously, making the two adults chuckle. “This is spectacular,” Sebastian commented, glancing at the numerous decorations. Food-colored waters in jars, fake body parts, plastic eyeballs, animal carcasses, and just anything Kristine deemed 'science-y'. “It is,” Kristine conceded, taking Sebastian's hand and dragging him towards the assorted finger foods available. The ultraviolet lamp made most foods glow under the black light. A four-kilogram red and white brain cake sat in the center, with the same memo cupcakes and macarons surrounding it. William and Sebastian, we're impressed with how everything had turned out. Kristine had worked on everything with the party planners alone because she had excluded her family, claiming only she knew what she wanted. Their work was to just show and try not to make it boring. It was boldly written in the invisible ink invitations. All Sebastian did was pull out his credit card and wait to be surprised. And he was. “Come here,” he kissed her forehead, patting her head lightly. He then fetched his phone and began taking pictures. Then his phone began ringing. He clicked his tongue, watching the strange number flash on his screen. He reluctantly picked it. To say he was surprised to hear Josephine's voice would be putting it lightly. He didn't remember giving her his contact. She picked on his confusion. “Kristine scribbled it in her letter,” “Oh,” it's all Sebastian managed to say, shooting his daughter a disapproving glare. She knew better than to share his information with strangers. Josephine wanted to know if Sebastian could pin her the venue location. After agreeing, he hung up, saved the contact, and shared a live location with her before turning to Kristine. She had been following the conversation, and she knew she was in trouble even before Sebastian spoke. “I am sorry, daddy, I should have asked you.” She said fast. She knew acknowledging her mistake would ease whatever punishment her daddy had in mind. “Why didn't you?” Sebastian asked sternly. She didn't answer right away but rather played with her fingers, looking at everything but Sebastian. “Kristine,” “I didn't want you to say no.” She blurted softly. “I'm truly sorry.” She implored, and all the fight left Sebastian's body. He went to his knees, held her by the shoulders, and stared into her eyes seriously. “You are never to give our contact details to anyone without asking me first.” He articulated slowly. Kristine nodded eagerly. She knew he was mad at her, and she hated it. Her eyes moistened suspiciously and her lower lip began trembling. Sebastian knew tears were bound to follow shortly. He pulled her in his arms and just held her. She began crying, apologizing over and over. Sebastian assured her that she was forgiven, but the little girl still beat herself up. She was with no doubt daddy's girl, and seeing her father mad at her didn't sit well with her. William excused himself when he felt like he was intruding on them. “Do you want Ethan to find you crying?” Sebastian teased, making the waterworks halt immediately. He fetched his hankie and wiped her face. “I am not mad,” he promised, making her attempt a small smile, which ended in a sob. He scooped her up and led her to the balcony, where they stayed for a few minutes until she calmed completely. When they got back to the house, Damien had already arrived. “Uncle D!” Kristine shrieked happily, running to his open arms. The priest was dressed in a scrubs-looking costume paired with dark goggles he had mounted on his head. He scooped his niece and twirled her. She laughed delightfully. When he placed her back down, he kissed her forehead before stepping back to have a good look at her face. He didn't miss the redness and slight puffiness. “Were you crying?” He asked, casting a brief look at Sebastian, who shrugged but otherwise said nothing. Kristine also offered nothing and Damien didn't push. From the pair's reaction, it was obviously an unpleasant ordeal. “Your party is lit!” Damien blurted instead, letting his eyes wander around the room. Kristine grinned at the approval. She gave Damien a tour, leaving Sebastian to wander around alone. Just then, they heard a slight commotion before Anthony and Ethan appeared in marching, lab coats and gloves. After warm greetings, Ethan excused himself and went after Damien and Kristine. “Is she here yet?” Anthony asked in disdain, scanning the room. “No,” Sebastian shook his head without bothering to tell him that she had just called to ask for directions. The two brothers headed for the bar. Anthony wasn't a fool. He picked on his brother's foul mood. “Spill,” “I fear Kristine will be hurt when I tell her later she can never see that woman again.” Sebastian rasped. He wasn't lying, but he wasn't fully truthful either. But then again, he couldn't admit to his brother that he didn't want to stop seeing Josephine either. There was something about her that made his blood boil. And his c*ck jerk. Heaven knows how much he was looking forward to seeing her tonight. Even though he had scolded Kristine for giving Josephine his number, he had been somewhat thrilled to hear her squeaky voice. “Now you see why the old man was furious you let them meet?” Anthony had the elder brother, knowing smirk plastered on his gorgeous face. “Now I know why the old man was furious, I let them meet.” Sebastian sighed, pinching his nose. The two brothers sipped beer in perfect silence, the doorbell rang and barely a minute later Josephine sauntered in looking sexy as hell in a white button-front short dress, knee-high black boots, and black gloves. She had put large wild curls on her hair and left it loose. All the air whooshed out of Sebastian's body, and he gasped. Anthony elbowed him lightly to stop gawking. She strolled towards them leisurely, taking in the decorations. “Sebastian,” she acknowledged, the lesser of two evils. Anthony was eying her with unmasked disgust. Sebastian stretched his hand with chilled civility. “Miss Lawrence,” Anthony scoffed openly without a care in the world. He didn't understand why he had to pretend to be cordial with the woman who ruined his youngest brother's life. So, when Josephine offered her hand for a shake, he blatantly ignored it, shooting his brother a concerned glare. He had seen the way Sebastian had suddenly become conscious the minute the she-devil showed. It was there for anyone smart to see. His brother was smitten with Josephine, and he didn't even know it himself. “How do you live with yourself?” Anthony suddenly blurted, training his unwavering stare at Josephine. She was saved from answering the insulting question by Kristine's timely appearance. Ethan and Damien were in tow. Kristine had just finished giving them a tour of the fort, as she called it. The decorations weren't limited to just the family room. In fact, it was the least decorated since it was being used for food display. “Josephine,” Kristine called, trotting towards her. She stopped just a few meters away and stretched her hand with a smile. “Glad you could make it,” Josephine smiled back, arguing it was a pleasure to be invited. Before they could engage further, Luther and Kathrine McCain blessed them with their presence. Kristine gleefully ran to her grandfather's arms. She kissed his cheek and thanked him for the numerous gifts he had sent her throughout the week. She then moved to Kathrine's arms, murmuring the same fondness to the older woman's delight. Sebastian took the momentary distraction to ogle Josephine without his family's watchful gaze on him. She was like his wet dream come true. The more he stared, the faster blood rushed to some unwanted parts, making his manhood stir to life. His throat dried, imagining the kind of things he could do to her in the sinful dress she was rocking. All he would need to do was nudge the tiny cloth just a little, and his fingers would find her folds. He groaned, adjusting his pants when he felt a strain on his zipper. “Dammit, Ian!” Anthony scolded, following his brother's gaze, which was zeroed on Josephine's ass. “At least pretend you are not creaming your pants over the wrench.” He muttered disappointed. Sebastian exhaled, dragging his eyes from Josephine's petite frame with much difficulty, and stormed out of the room. He needed a moment to compose himself. His breath had begun coming out in short pants. Anthony turned an icy glare at Josephine. If anything, his hatred for her had intensified. To him, she had laid her greasy claws on his brother, manipulating him as she did Lewis. And he wasn't going to let it happen under his watch again. He stalked towards her menacingly like a predator. He grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her out of anyone's earshot. “I know what you are doing!” He growled. Before Josephine could ask what he was accusing her of, he continued. “Leave my brother alone, or I swear…” “What?” Josephine cut him off angrily. She had tolerated enough berating from the McCain clan. “What are you going to do? Drag me out of here by the hair and embarrass me?” She wrinkled her face, letting out an absurd chuckle. “Guess what, your brother already beat you up it.” She turned to leave, but Anthony gripped her hand tightly to a painful point. “What Sebastian did was a child play compared to the hell I will drag you through.” He whisper-yelled, seething with anger. Josephine yanked her hand out of his grip and sneered, “I believe nothing is worse than having your one-day infant stolen from the maternity ward. Excuse me,” she stepped past him and hastily left the family room. She was frantically looking for a washroom to hide and cry. She hated how awfully everyone in the McCain family treated her. Like she was the villain. Luther, Kathrine, Damien, Ethan, and Kristine saw her hightailing out of the room and shot curious peeks at Anthony. “She needs to use the washrooms.” Of course, the two oblivious kids bought the gullible lie, but the adults had an idea of what had happened. ******** Sebastian bumped into an outraged Josephine on his way back. “Sorry,” he uttered dryly before realizing she was sniffing. She strode past him quickly, he had to turn and go after her. “Hey,” he called, but she didn't even acknowledge him as she increased her strides, glancing around, obviously looking for something. “Turn left, the first door.” He said calmly. Josephine followed the instructions and found a safe haven to let her tears flow. The first sob had barely torn out of her throat, when the door and Sebastian stepped in. She groaned in embarrassment turning to hide her face, but he turned her around holding her shoulders. “What did he do?” He asked slowly, but one could sense the agitation behind his words. “Nothing you haven't already done,” Josephine retorted, making Sebastian wince. She struggled to, wipe the traitorous tears which couldn't stop flowing with the back of her palm. Sebastian retrieved the same hankie he had used on Kristine and pulled Josephine closer. She was shocked when he began wiping her face in nearly a caring way. He even blew her nose, for Christ's sake! She didn't know what to think after that. His simple gesture sent her into an emotional overload, she couldn't think straight. “There,” he murmured after wiping away even the smudged mascara. He clasped his hands together and smiled, seeming impressed with his handy work. Josephine was unable to stop the smile which blossomed on her face too. She raised her head and held his gaze. “Thank you,” One second they were staring into each other's eyes longingly and the next Sebastian was lowering his head. Josephine knew what his intention was, but she didn't have the strength to stop it. If anything, she anticipated it. Needing it more than she needed to breathe. Sebastian brushed his lips so lightly over hers, making them both release shaky breaths. And when she didn't push him away, he took it as a green light. He captured her bottom lip with his teeth, biting lightly before he began sucking on it. Josephine moaned, pressing herself closer to his toned frame. She wrapped her hands around his waist, clinging to him for support. Her knees were threatening to give out. Sebastian thrust his tongue in her mouth and began exploring the warm cavern, as his hands wandered as they pleased, rubbing and squeezing to his heart's content. Without even realizing it, he hoisted her and walked them to the counter, where he sat her on the cold marble. She groaned in protest but when his hand trailed on the insides of her thighs her protests turned it titillating sounds that would put a p*rnstar to shame. One thing Sebastian learned, she wasn't a shy lover. Her hands were roaming on his body too, touching and lingered especially on his abs. He lowered his hand with the intention of nudging the tiny piece of cloth she called a dress off when… “What the f**k?" Sebastian's heart almost stopped when he heard that voice. He quickly disentangled from Josephine as if her touch had burned him. His gaze fell on her kiss-swollen lips, and he wanted nothing more than to taste them again, but…
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