CHAPTER 3 He is Clever

2185 Words
  He pushed the door. Nathan was sitting over his seat, after seeing him he got up, “Mr. Easton? What bring you here?” he said startled. He walked towards him and punched him over the face.   “I told you Nathan, I am already receiving your complains for passing few months, I told you to reform yourself and you did not, today you harass Miss Huston, despite she is my personal assistant. Mr. Nathan how would you like to explain this?” he said in a very cold scary tone. Even Matilda felt a chill in her spin.   “How did he know?” she thought. “How he know things without words, he is so sharp” she thought. “Mr. Easton! I I was I did not she is a liar” he said in a broken voice.   “Oh yeah she is?” he said while looking at her.   “Yeah off course sir!” he said afraid.   He walked towards her and grabbed her hand.   “Then what is this Mr. Nathan? I saw her coming from your room when I was on lift, she was about to cry, she had brushes over her hand and most noticeable she was terrified” he said while showing her wrist to him.   “He noticed this much deep? He should be an agent” she thought. Now she was feeling relax.   “Mr. Easton you, you take it wrong this woman, she is a slut she tried to seduce me” he said with an anger. Hearing the word slut for herself, she felt a rush of anger in her body. But before she would have said anything he punched him over his face.   “You are fired” he said in a same cold voice.   “Mr. Easton!” he was about to say something but he cut him off in the middle.   “Grab your things I want you out within 10 minutes” he said and grabbed her wrist and pulled her with him. She was walking with him in a trance.   They reach to his office and without a word he sits over his desk. She walked slowly towards her desk.   “Next time you will not do any other work except then mine you got it?” he said without looking at her.   “Okay Mr. Easton” She said slowly. He did not answer.   “Mr. Easton?” she called.   He looked up at her with his one eyebrow raised.   “Thanks” she said, but he did not reply.   She started working again.   He looked at her from the corner of his eyes. She was looking relaxed now.   After a long and tired day the time of her hours was over now and she can easily go home. She got up “Good evening Mr. Easton” she said, he was standing in front of glass wall observing a view. He did not reply. She walks slowly out of the room.   He took his phone and dialed a number. “I want the data of all information about Miss Huston, everything about her life” he said and hung up the phone.   It was tired day for her, she decided to get sleep after feeding the cat, who was feeling much better. She named her Rosa. She lay on the bed and closed her eyes. The very first face came into her mind was Mr. Easton. She opened her eyes. “Why he is on my mind, this guy even he tells the work to my mind” she thought while getting up. She made her a cup of coffee as she was not feeling like sleep, she took the mug with her on the balcony, it was quiet good place to live.   ******   She was going for shopping, because she had to attend a party with Mr. Easton. She buys a beautiful navy blue dress which cost part of her savings.   “Its expensive” she thought. After a while she sits in the nearby ice cream parlor and ordered her favorite vanilla and chocolate. She was staring at nothing was thinking about her past life something she hates most. The ice cream was now whole melt down. She was living in Canada alone, no friends no relative, but isn’t this she always has desired?   “You are stepney, a spare piece of the family” a harsh sentence surrounds in her head.   “Your fault” said sinister woman voice.   “I wish I could leave this place” her very own voice came.   She lifted up the ice cup and went outside of the store and threw it in nearby garbage can.   She got ready for the evening party. The location was two hours away. So he had to leave earlier.   “How can I go through public transport in this fancy dress” he thought.   She heard horn outside and her phone started ringing. She picked it up “Hello Miss Huston! I am Finn Mr. Easton’s driver, he said to take you at location” he said.   “Okay I am coming” she said.   “He sent me a driver?” she thought.   ******   She was sitting uncomfortable; she has not attended such gathering before. She was waiting for him. He has not arrived yet. It has been a hour she was there. She felt a strange thing that few black suited men were secretly looking after her. First she thought its her hallucination, later she realized that they actually are looking after her. After another hour he came with his all glory. He was wearing white three piece suit, his fawn hairs were well designed on the top of his hair. First time she looked him with this interest. He was so much complete.   “Mr Easton you are making new industry, we are curious to know the details” asked a journalist.   “My assistant will guide you” he said with deep voice. Matilda was in her own thoughts when he said that, hearing her name she has gone startled. He has walked slowly towards her and cstretches his hand in front of her. She was not ready for that but she in a kind of trance she held his hand.   “Miss Huston tell us about Glazy industry” asked a journalist. She was feeling so much nervous. She never knows she has to face journalist.   “Mr. Easton the world knows your family since centuries, since childhood you have been at front page, you have received many awards and at your university you have earned the top student award, now you are opening another Fashion industry, do you have any plans for that?” asked a journalist.   “He has this much achievements?” she thought. “I don’t have any other plans yet but if I do you may ask my assistant” she said confidently.   “Is he out of his mind? How could I know?” she thought.   “Miss Huston do there are any plans?” asked another journalist.   “As boss said there are no plans at all yet if there are any we will do press conference” she said confidently. Now journalist turned towards Easton, they were too much needy. She thought it will create Havoc. He lift his hand and everyone went quiet. The Journalist left without any other word. She looked at him like she is watching a movie. He was expressionless. He glanced at her and turned towards the bar behind them, almost everyone was gone. He put the drink inside the glass and now was drinking. He looked so much powerful. A woman in her 20s walked towards them. She stands beside him, He grabbed her from her hairs and bring her lips closer to his and starting kissing her aggressively. It was totally new to Matilda she was looking at him with opened mouth. She was openly making out with that woman. After a while she went down to his lower stomach and then to in between his legs unzipping him, only Matilda was left, almost everyone was gone. This appreciate intimacy was enough for her to leave. She left in rush. He was staring at her back and the smirk appeared over his lips.   ******   “You can’t believe what I have just seen” she was talking to Ivan over the phone she tells him everything.   “In front of you?” he asked shocked.   “Yeah” she said disappointed.   “Trust me he is more heart breaker than you” she said in an annoyed tone.   “Me? At least I never did this in front of anyone” he said while rolling his eyes.   “Yeah but he has same girlfriend record as you” she said.   “Heyyy!!!! Why on the earth you are reminding me of that” he said shocked.   “Marriage has changed you” she said shrug.   “When you are going to do so that I can attend and see you how it breaks your toe” he said laughing.   “Never” she said shortly.   “Why?” he asked chuckled.   “Because I don’t believe in love and marriage its all bullshit” she said apathetic.   “You must be kidding me, I am not living bullshit” he said smiling.   “I will” she said in a dark tone.   “Okay lets talk tomorrow, my desperate arrogant boss must have sent me more work through email and I am at the middle of street so I have to go too” she said while rolling her eyes. She was standing in front of bridge. She hung up the phone and turned around. The horror was standing alive and well in front of her. Her breath stopped and her very own voice was surrounding in her head.   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   “Desperate, arrogant”   She felt her head spinning around. He was staring at her expressionlessly. He walked slowly towards her while she walked backwards.   “Desperate? Arrogant? Am I?” he said in a very deep voice. She felt her voice has gone to hell. She was trying to speak but no sound just words.   “I think you have not seen how much desperate I can be” he bring his lips near to her ear and said in a whisper.   He bends a bit down and lift her up over his shoulder. “What? Mr. Fannagean ? Mr. Easton let go off me! Hey nooo” he walked towards his car and throws her inside the car and was now came to the driving seat.   “Let go of me Mr. Easton, what are you doing?” she asked screamed. But he did not reply.   He drives rashly on the road. She was screaming with fear. “Mr. Easton slow it down I don’t want to get killed” she screamed.   He was driving expressionlessly. She closed her eyes because traffic was too heavy. After a while the car stopped. She opened her eyes. They were standing in front of beautiful mention.   “Mr. Easton what I am doing here?” she asked annoyed. He got out of the car and walked towards her side and opened her door. He took her out of the car. She was resisting his grip. He lifts her up again and walked towards the mention.   He brought her in and let her down. “Mr. Easton!” she snapped annoyed. She undone her hairs which became messy. Then she realized everyone was staring at her. She looked around they all were wearing uniforms seemed like they all works in the mention.   He grabbed her hand and took her with him. “Do you see Master brought a woman in a mention” she heard a woman before getting disappeared with him. She was in the trance.   *****   “Mr. Easton let go off me” she was repeating herself when he took her inside the room. He threw her over the bed. The bed was too much huge they it must be according to his height. “Mr. Easton! I I am sorry I did not meant to say that to you” she said afraid. He loses his tie and came closer to her. He was too much near to her; she could feel his body head. He brought his lips near to her when she closed her eyes. But he did not made a move. She opened her eyes he was smirking at her with arrogance.
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