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...Alpha Xander POV... I had my men follow Darius without his knowledge. I had trained him well, which made it difficult for my men to follow him. However, they managed to succeed. They would inform me of Darius's and Wynter's relationship, and how it seemed to be flourishing. My guards also informed me of everything else to do with that girl. I was informed of their surprising pack members, other rogues that had joined them to form their own pack.  If there's one thing that could never be trusted, it would be a rogue pack. Rogue packs were only formed to take down a pack. They knew that to take down a pack, they would need a lot of help, which is why I grew worried at their increasing size. Unlike traditional rogue packs, they continued to stay on the move, which made it difficult to find them at times. However, without my son's knowledge, I had a team in place that would continue to provide me with the rogue pack's new location each time they relocated.  My son seemed long gone with this rogue. Infatuation doesn't even begin to describe their relationship.  'It must be witchcraft.' I thought to myself. I had seen with my own eyes how the girl used magic to fight against me. She must be using a spell to attract my son. I didn't want to believe that she could actually be his mate, as that would mean that I would have to kill him as well to ensure the prophecy never happened. My only sanity was knowing that this girl wasn't a tribrid. She hadn't shown any signs of a vampire side, which meant that we were safe for now.  However, the more time that passed, the more I risked losing my son for good. I know he would be against what I was about to do, but I felt I had no other choice. I needed to keep him away from her. With the help of my warriors, I had managed to figure out the girl's habits. She would frequent a small lake nearby our pack border. I could see her appeal to it, as it was secluded and beautiful. I knew my son was planning on visiting her in a few days, so I needed to make sure my plan was in action before his visit.  While my son was in school, I ventured off our pack lands and went straight for the lake that the girl would often frequent. This was my only opportunity, and I just had to hope that she would come before I had to leave. I didn't want my son to grow suspicious. I needed him far away from all of this. I had let this go on for long enough. Today it would all come to an end—something I should've done long ago. I had been there for a few hours already, anticipating her arrival. I was growing anxious, worried that she may not come. I only had thirty more minutes before I had to leave, which meant that I would have to give up my plan. I couldn't afford for that to happen. So I waited in silence, silently hoping that she would arrive. I don't know how much time had gone by when suddenly I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I breathed a sigh of relief, seeing her in front of me. I waited until she was a short distance away from me so that I could come out from my hiding spot. I didn't want to give her the chance to run. I knew she didn't trust me, so that would be her first instinct. I couldn't fault her for that, cause well, we both know I didn't have good intentions. Once she was in position, I jumped out from my hiding spot and approached her. She immediately tried to run but saw that I had managed to corner her in. There was nowhere for her to go. So instead, she to turned to face me, keeping a strong front. "What do you want?" She questions, getting straight to the point. I smile as I nod my head at her. Direct. I like it. Had things been different, I think I would come to like her. However, we aren't that lucky, so for now, I have to throw my respect for her out the window. "Straight to the point. I see." I say, teasing her. "What. Do. You. Want?" She says, annunciating every word. "You know exactly what I want." I state. I watch as she glares at me. I can tell she's trying to read my mind; however, I anticipated this, which is why I'm keeping my mind blank. She takes a step back, then rolls her eyes at me. "Let me guess. This has to do with Darius." She states. "Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!" I announce sarcastically. "Just get to the point." She says, clearly irritated with my antics.  "Stay away from my son." I state. "And what if I don't?" She questions back. "Then prepare to face the consequences." I state. Her head shifts slightly, turning towards her shoulder, as she analyzes my threat. She makes another attempt to read my mind. This time, however, I decide to enlighten her. I picture her pack members killed as she stands there helpless to save any of them. I watch as her eyes grow wide. Her strong front, immediately gone, as she soon realizes that she's underestimated me.  As far as she was aware, I knew nothing about her rogue pack. By showing her exactly what I planned to do, made her realize otherwise. I smiled at myself, knowing that I have her exactly where I want her. "You would never do that!" She yells at me, clearly grasping at straws. "Oh? And what makes you believe that?" I ask. "Because Darius would hate you if you did that. Darius likes me. He wouldn't want anything bad to happen to those that I love." She states. "Do you actually believe what you're saying?" I question back at her. "Of course I do. Darius is nothing like you. He's kind, sweet, and caring. The very opposite of you." She states. "Hmm. I guess if you truly believe that, then my son's plan is working far better than I imagined." I say. I watch as her eyes fall. No longer holding the strong determination, she once had. Just like that, I knew I had won. I had managed to plant that seed of doubt into her mind. All I had to do was make that seed blossom, and soon she would be her own undoing.  "What are you talking about?" She questions me. "Come now. You're a smart girl. I'm sure you can figure it out." I say, egging her on. She stays silent, thinking about what I'm telling her. I watch as realization lights up in her eyes, but I can tell she's still on the fence. "He wouldn't." She says under her breath. But I manage to catch it. I remain silent, letting her mind begin to plague itself with doubts. "No. You're lying!" She yells at me. Check and mate. I think to myself happily. I have her exactly where I want her. "Please then. Explain to me how I would know everything about your pack." I ask the one question that has been swimming in her mind. "No! He wouldn't." She shouts. "Come now. I know you're a smart girl. Did you actually believe the son of the alpha would actually fall for a mangy pup like yourself?" I question, adding more fuel to the fire. She remains silent, continuing to analyze her relationship with my son. Looking for any sign of deceit. "If that were true. Then how come you're here stopping me from being with him. Surely if Darius were actually tricking me into believing that he cared for me, you wouldn't want to destroy the opportunity. Rather you would want him to get closer to me." She says, crossing her arms. Shit. I didn't actually expect her to be that smart. I had to think of something fast before my plan went up in flames. I had an idea. It was a risk. But at this point, it was my only option. "Fine. You caught me. Darius hasn't been the one to tell me everything. But you will stay away from my son regardless." I state matter of factly. She gives me a look of 'as if'. Which only irritates me more. This girl continues to challenge me. The more she does, the more I desperately need to see her fall. "Fine. You think I'm not serious? I'll show you what happens to those that disobey me. Consider this your first and only warning. Either you stay away from my son, or your loved ones will pay the price." I shout at her—no more nice guy act. I needed to drill my plan into her mind.  I could see her rethinking what I had shown her earlier. She looked conflicted. She was defiant and wanted to challenge me further, but I saw my words finally get to her. Fear began to wash over her. I almost dared her to challenge me. While those rogues did nothing to me, killing a few extra would only make me happier. I celebrated their deaths. So whether she chose to defy me or listen to me, I was winning either way. "And what's stopping you from going after my friends either way?" She questions. "Fair point." I say, nodding my head. "How about this. I promise not to go near them, as long as you heed my warning." I say. "How can I even trust you?" She asks. I have to admit she's persistent at best. She probably would make an outstanding Luna. It's a shame that'll never happen. "I don't expect you to. But if you don't listen to me, then their blood will be on your hands." I state. She nods, and for the first time, looks away from me. I can see tears forming in her eyes.  "Why are you doing this?" She questions. Wiping the tears from her eyes. "Don't blame me. It's fate you should be mad at." I say, walking away from her. I can't hold in my smile any longer. I have her exactly where I want her. Now it's only a matter of time to see what she decides.
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