Chapter 3 Holly's POV

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"Holly come on or we are going to be late." Sara said as she shifted back into her Wolf form and started heading back to where we had stashed our clothes. Begrudgingly, I fell in step behind her. Andra was not happy. She loved the woods and had wanted nothing more to stay out there since Sara had shown us a safe spot to shift. She had been kept up entirely too much lately. It was far enough from the town that it wouldn't be as suspicious if a wolf was seen and still far enough from her pack that border patrol wouldn't take me as a threat. Sara had also told me that most of the humans in town were mates to wolves in either of the two packs in the area but there were some who were not, so everyone tried to stay away from town when they were in wolf form. As we made it back to the spot where we left our clothes, I started to feel as if I was being watched. I looked all around me but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I also couldn't smell or sense any other wolf besides Sara. It had to be my imagination messing with me. "That was amazing, Sara! Thank you for bringing me here. We really needed to have a good run." I said as I finished pulling my tank top over my head and pulling my hair out of it. "I still say you should come and meet with our Alpha. I'm sure he would let you join the pack, Holly. Since that ex-mate of yours is still lurking around, you could really use the protection anyway." She reminds me. We had been through this since the moment I decided I could trust her. Sara has become a really great friend in the short amount of time I've known her. We just clicked together really well and now she has not stopped hounding me to meet with the Alpha of Blackwater to see about joining the pack. She does have a point. It would be a lot better for us to be in a pack, but after the way my last pack treated me, I'm a little gun shy about jumping into a new one. "I know you have a point, but after everything that's happened I just don't know if I can do it, Sara. I've been on my own pretty much my entire life." My voice cracked slightly as all the emotions tried to break through the walls I had painstakingly built up to protect myself. Sara pulled me into a hug. "Holly, we aren't like that, our pack isn't like that at all. Our Alpha would rip anyone apart who dared to treat a child in such a manner. Holly, if nothing else, just meet with him and see what he has to say. Please!" "Goddess, this girl is bound and determined to have us in her pack, Holls. Maybe we should go ahead and see what this Alpha has to say." Andrea added. "OK fine, the two of you have worn me down. I'll meet with him. Gezz." I said and smiled as I saw how happy it truly made Sara. She was bouncing on her feet and hugged me again, causing me to laugh. This girl was truly my best friend, somehow she had become my confidant when I hadn't even been paying attention. "Come on, let's go. I'll call him in the truck." Sara said, and as we went to get in I still felt like I was being watched, that's not good. Have Alex and his dad finally found me? Okay yeah, I might be going crazy, there's no way. I have been meticulous in covering my tracks ever since they sent those warriors. As she makes the call to her Alpha, I barely pay attention to what she says, instead I simply stare out the truck windows as the forest moves past us in a blur of green and brown. I think about everything that's happened, especially in the last few years. It terrifies me thinking about joining a new pack. I know Sara says they aren't the same as my last pack but all the what ifs began to race through my mind. "Slow down girl, I have a good feeling about this place. I can't describe it but it just feels like this is where we are meant to be." Andra says and that helps to calm the crazy thoughts some. "And no matter what happens or what her Alpha says, we will always have each other." She adds. Sara finished the call just as we made it to the bar and pulled into the parking lot. "He'll be here this evening, he wanted you to come to the pack house, but I convinced him to just meet you here first so you wouldn't be as nervous." I just nod my head in acknowledgment and she understands that I am still a little overwhelmed by the idea. She reaches over and grabs my hand and gives it a slight squeeze of encouragement with a big smile on her face. "Well, here goes nothing," Andra says. 4 hours later We haven't stopped since we opened the bar tonight. I guess this is the place to be on a Friday night in this town. A few people have asked questions about me and I've kept my answers short and vague. A few of the regulars I've gotten to know since I started are here too, so it's kind of nice to see a few familiar faces in the crowd. I noticed that wolves didn't really come in during the week, but on Friday it seemed like the whole pack was there. I haven't had any problems with any of them tonight, thankfully. They have all been really accepting of me being a rogue. But all good things must end, unfortunately. Just then, a group of wolves walks in as I'm serving a table in the back of the sitting area. I've gotten used to everyone's attention settling on me the moment they catch my scent. These guys don't look as happy to see a rogue in their hangout spot tonight. They look to be fairly young, around 18 or so. "Can you grab those guys that just walked in Holly? I'm swamped here." Sara asked as she made another set of drinks for the couple at the bar. "Yea girl, I got them, need me to run anything as I go?" "Ummm if you could take these to table six for me that would be great" She smiled at me and I grabbed two bottles of beer from her, then made my way out into the dining room. I smile and place the menus down on their table, three of the four have got scowls set on their faces "Pricks", Andra says in my mind, and it causes me to smile more as I try not to laugh out loud. This only makes them look madder than before, if it was even possible. Never the less, I soldiered on with my standard greeting in my best customer service voice that I could muster. "Hi, I'm Holly and I'll be your server..." But I'm cut off by the guy closest to me who says, "Since when does Beth hire nasty ass Rogues to work here?" He turns to look at me. He looks to be the youngest of the four and apparently thinks he is pretty tough to talk sh*t to a rogue in the first place. "Most rogues would tear this pip squeak to peices" Andra snorts in my head. I place a sickenly sweet smile on my face as I look him directly in the eye and say "Wait your turn, pup! The grown-ups are talking." The entire table burst into laughter as the poor kid turned as red as a tomato. If he wasn't mad before he was now, I swear you could see steam coming out of his ears. I guess he assumed that I would be a push over just because I'm a rogue and he was a pack wolf. That's something I will never be again. Andra is currently hyperventilating from her own laughter in my head. His friends also appear to reconsider their previous objection that they had of me and that seems to piss him off more. I managed to get their order as he continued to sulk in his seat like a spoiled 3-year-old. I can feel his eyes boring into me as I'm walking away, his friends are still giving him hell about the whole thing. "Sorry about Mike over there. He is a entitled brat. His parents always thought they were more important than they actually are. Looks like it continues to rub off on him." Sara says, looking over at the table. "It's okay girl. It is not your fault he is a douchbag." I say causing her to also laugh. I check on my other tables and help Sara as much as I can with the bar, but I'm not very good at making drinks. Let's just say the first one was way stronger than it was supposed to be. Andra and Sara both died laughing at that poor woman who got it. I was banned from behind the bar for anything that wasn't beer. The bell dings letting us know that a tables order is ready in the kitchen and I go to grab it and notice that it's the douchbag's table. I get everything on one of the big trays and head out the kitchen doors to their table. As I'm approaching the table, I trip suddenly and the whole tray hits the floor with the plates shattering all across the floor. When I looked up, I saw Mike looking down at me with a smirk on his face. "Better watch where your going next time." He says, his eyes shining with amusement at the mess that not only covers me but also the floor. He looks at the mess and adds, "Better clean that up, Rogue!" All of a sudden, I'm in a flash back to the Silver Bow Pack, to all the times Alex would berate me, trip me or push me down a flight of stairs. That one landed me in the pack hospital for three days. "F*ck this sh*t" Andra growls as she pushes to take control. "This motherf*cker doesn't know who the hell he is messing with." Another growl rips from me then. A surge of power hits me all of a sudden. Okay, that was strange, but I can't think of it too much since Andra is still trying to take control. I close my eyes as my body starts to tremble from the force she is using to overpower me. She has never fought me so hard. I can feel my grip starting to slip now. "Andra stop, he isn't worth it." I say, trying to distract her as I attempt to stand and get her to see reason. But that i***t had to open his mouth one more time. "What's wrong rogue? You going to cry?" Mike asked, laughing, thinking he was so funny. But the moment he finishes that statement my eyes fly open. They aren't mine anymore, they are Andras's beautiful golden orbs and the entire table is shocked. I lost the fight and Andra is now in full control of our body and she is pissed. She looks straight at Mike and places both her hands on the table in front of him. The color drains from his face, he looks like he is about to pee his pants as she releases her aura and I'm shocked myself, this isn't her normal aura, the one I've felt her give off for the past two years. No, this one is stronger, way stronger than an Omega's aura. It's an Alphas aura. What the hell, I thought to myself. I try to gain back control of my body but Andra is not giving an inch. She is livid and seriously an inch away from ripping this kid's throat out. "Next time you think you're better than someone else, you better make damn sure you are pup!" Andra says, adding a low threatening growl, her eyes flashing their bright gold. "Now clean up your mess pup!" She adds, stepping back. I felt the Alpha command as she said it. She had left no room for argument. Mike instantly got to his feet and began cleaning up the food and broken dishes from the floor. I feel all our energy beginning to drain from us. I feel weak and there are black spots starting to gather in my vision and I know I'm about to pass out. I feel my body start to give and fall, and as I think I'm about to hit the floor, a pair of muscular arms wrap around me and I feel tingles erupt over my body. It's the best feeling in the world and I never want it to end. I can barely keep my eyes open at this point, but I'm able to open them just enough to see the most beautiful pair of Hazel eyes I've ever seen. As I succumb to the darkness that surrounds me, Andra howls "MATE."
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