Running Into Her

1182 Words
*Hunter's P.O.V.* So far I didn't get anything other than the hello here I go in with all of my charm to get any information. "Hey, what is your name pretty?" she giggled away and answered "My name is Susanne. How about you handsome?" my skin crawled just being near her, Xander wanted me to leave and never talk to her again. "My name is Hunter and if I heard right you have a sister as well, right?" she rolled her eyes at the mention of her sister but she answered me all the same "Yes, she is terribly dull you don't need to know about her." I wanted to kick her ass and I wanted to do it publicly so everyone knows not to pick on my mate anymore but I need more info. "So, what's her name so I know to avoid her. And is there anything that I need to know about her so I may be able to use it on her." I was smirking to myself because she is totally thinking that I want to use it to harm my mate and Xander is laughing while we use the actual stupid sister while we try to get to the smart sister. "Her name is Kiara and I don't know if you know but she is mute, she also cuts herself because she thinks that she lives such a hard life. I think that she should just finish the job and just kill herself already." I don't know if I was showing but I want to rip off her head because I don't want that to happen, I was also wondering how rude that sister and how their mother treated them and I wanted to charge her and make her shut up. Xander wanted to make it so the mother and daughter never bother our mate again. I wanted to steal my mate away and keep her locked away until I hear her sweet voice. I get shaken back to reality when Susanne jumped on me and almost knocking me over. "What do you think you are doing?" I looked at her with a hint of anger in my voice I just wanted to scare her but before I realized it Tiffany came up and then she grabbed Susanne by the arm and ripped her off and slammed her into the locker. "What do you think you are doing to my boyfriend?" I stood there Xander wanted to correct her but I reasoned with him we can do that later and he agreed that we would break up with Tiffany I know once I tell her I have found my mate she would possible let it go. I also wanted this chance for Susanne to maybe get beaten up a little bit. Suanne then started to talk "Why can't we share him I honestly want him to boast my popularity and then you can keep him any other time I don't like him like that." Tiffany looked like she was really thinking about it. I shook my head hard "I will not be apart of that and Tiffany because I thought that you were a nice girl I was going to wait until we were in a private, but I need to let you know that I want to break up with you, I don't want to really see you again but seeing as you and I go to the same school  that is unavoidable. I will see you two monsters later." I then walked away to the woods and I changed into my wolf form and ran all the way to my house I was running until I couldn't ran any longer. I then caught the scent of my mate. I my mind Xander and I were having a conversation while I was following her scent. "What is she doing here?" I asked Xander and he replied "I don't know but we should follow the scent. I find her in the middle of the woods and I don't know what happened she turned her head in my direction and then motioned for me to come forward and I don't think she means in human form. So, I walked toward her I am a pretty big wolf and I am all black and has a white spot on my right eye. She smiled at me, I walked up closer and then I sat beside her and didn't do anything. Xander is really happy that she seems claimer then before. She started to pat my head and Xander was over the moon and I couldn't lie it felt right I was over the moon too. My tail wagged and I was embarrassed so I looked away from her as if she could tell why I looked away she knelt down next to me and started to pat my head and shaking hers. We sat there in a blissful silence, it felt like we were the only two in the world. I was content with this kind of relationship and I don't know what she is thinking, I wish I could talk to her in my human form but I can't and I was just as upset with Xander because he doesn't know how to talk human, but at the same time I knew that she couldn't really reply to me it doesn't look like she brought anything to write with. She then picked up a stick from the ground and she wrote on the ground, as she reached out I saw a bruise on her wrist like she was gripped a little to tightly and I got angry not at her but at the fact I didn't notice it earlier. I was also thinking what if she had more bruises all over her body. I let out a growl without knowing and I don't know if she heard, she looked at me and then she looked at the ground, I made eye contact with her and all she did was write on the ground. "Do you want to meet up here tomorrow I want to see you again. I think you are pretty, plus being with you has been the most peace I have had in a long time." I looked back to her and all she did was roll her eyes. I then made sure she noticed that I was looking at her and nodded my head in agreement she rolled her eyes like she was thinking that she was going crazy. Xander wanted to do backflips when he knew that she wanted to see us again. Before she could change her mind I left that spot and I wanted to turn back around in my human form so I could ask you what happened to her but I also know that she wouldn't tell me anything especially since I was new to her life. So I just ran away to my house. My logic was that the sooner I could go to bed and wake up tomorrow the sooner I can see her, and I can't wait.
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