Chapter 1

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Life -changing moments rarely announce themselves. they prefer to sneak up and sucker punch you in the face by way of greeting. That's how it happened to me.It started as a day like any other. Until it wasn't. Until it turned into both the best and the worst day of my life, I had just arrived at the building i work, and today was the day i meet my boss the great Ares Carter. Demi my wolf has been a bit antsy which is causing me a headache but other from that it was a great morning, well thats what i thought until i met him. "Look at me Miss. Avangrid",Ares calmly ordered from across his desk. Ares Carter was every she wolf desire and some male wolf envy, he was alpha of the biggest pack in their region, he had money lots and lots of money, he had power, charm and good looks. He also owned and run Carter industries. To be honest if i had known i would be in this predicament i would have written and turn-in my letter of resignation before this day arrived. " Maybe we should give him a chance", Demi my wolf said. But i didn't bother to listen to her, she must have sense this would have happened but choose not to warn me, but  i was more fixed on the alpha in front of me. it was just my luck that the one day i didn't remember to wear scent depressant I had to run into my mate and he just had to be my boss. "I said look at me Miss. Avangrid". But i couldn't look him in the eyes i didn't even want to meet him in the first place, so i stood there in the threshold of his office door looking down at my feet wondering why the floor won't open up and swallow me whole. " Would you just close the door Omega, or must i die before you at the very least look at me". I couldn't help but hear the pain in his words and if things couldn't get worst i felt as if i must comfort him. The door clicked behind me signalling the door has closed shut behind me. My eyes meeting the dark eyes belonging to the  man  my heart is telling me that i belong to. Sighing, he leaned back in his chair. like the man. Ares office was electric, one of the reasons i knew he would have a dominant persona. the furniture American Colonial antiques, the art on the walls from the surrealism period, and the rugs Persian. " door closed. You were saying?" He adjusted the white French cuffs of his signature Turn-bull and Asser shirt, laced his hands together, and placed them on his trim midsection." We're mate's". "Okay?" sarcastically in shock,  As we stared at each other, the silence thickened. for some reason it felt like neither of us wanted to acknowledge that moment like this one. " Did he not want a mate". I thought and my wolf Demi whined at the thought of her mate not wanting her, but i was happy because i didn't want him either. " What ever you're thinking Omega. Don't". My thoughts was interrupted by my mate's words. " And you know what I'm thinking, Mr. Carter". His growl didn't went unheard, no matter low it was. " Listen, i have been waiting for you and a very long wait, Mate". The glint in his eyes made me anxious, was he crazy, clearly i wasn't acknowledging him as my mate, but he keeps throwing the word around like nothing. His giggles were like sweet sweet music to my hears, my stomach turn with excitement and i knew he would smell my arousal for sure. " I never acknowledged you as my mate". And the Ares who cut an imposing figure. he was large framed, too large, a Mt Rushmore of a man with the gravitas to match. Standing at six feet nine inches, he pushed back his oversized custom chair made to accommodate the bravado of a man, His steps towards me were calculated, i didn't move from the seat  i was sitting in. His large muscular body hovered over my petite frame of five feet four inches. " What did you just say Omega, repeat it please and in my good ear", he c****d his head to the left. and i shut my eyes tight at the close proximity, my throat was dry and my breathing was heavy, i thought i had this under control,  I thought my wolf and I wanted the same things, but the instant she saw her mate she's been fighting for control but the damn man choose this moment to get close to me. his chuckle was  more of turn on than matching its sinister sound. " Good, at least your wolf is smart, he said between his chuckles. I think i will enjoy this, Omega". Seeing him look so calm and accepting of the situation bothered me, It made me powerless. And that was one emotion I didn't handle very well. "Mr. Carter..."  He looked at me and his expression shifted, the change in him lightning quick. I wasn't sure what triggered it, but stone-cold resolve replaced the vulnerability he'd worn only moments ago. it wasn't a look i like either. i didn't know what to make of it, my own emotions being on a roller-coaster and i hadn't strapped in for the ride yet " Very well little one, you have work to do and i have appointments to get to". "Appointments?". The words echo in my head. Ares's appointments, i didn't have a plan for today, i had thought since it was his first day back after such a long time, he would rather follow up on how the company has been since his absent. " Listen, Ms. Avangrid since today is My first day back, I will excuse this once, but for future references i won't accept this nor excuses, instead, you'll be punished for any screw ups. Understand".  I gulped at his words, what the heck did he mean by that, what punishment, to tell the truth this peeked my curiosity about my mate a bit. was he like me was he a dominant. My chance of asking more on what he said was cut of when my boss request his coffee. " Oh and Ms. Avangrid, i trust you were briefed on how i take my coffee". He said and i stood frozen, debating if i should tell him no i wasn't or just ask Marjorie, she was the one who trained me but i couldn't remember if she had told me how he liked his coffee or not,  but then again this man's  hot and cold attitude was suffocating so i decided on the latter , and to make matters worst i didn't trust my wolf around this man any more, so I lied.  " Yes sir".  I saw the mischievous look in his eyes and that pathetic smirk but i brushed it off as nothing and proceed to find Marjorie. 
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