Chapter 1: The new girl

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Chapter 1 Odette I sigh frustrated as I walk out of the house, trying to escape my mother who is now on m like a hawk. I don't really want to go to school, but right now I don't have another option. "And this time I expect you to behave!" My mother says sternly to me. "Don't count on it", I spit and slam the door shut. Stupid mother. Stupid house. Stupid town. Stupid everything. My mother has no right to pretend that she cares for me. She hasn't cared for me in four freaking years. Only when she gets a call from my old school, saying I got expelled, she starts with the lectures. Without even knowing the whole story. Well too bad, mother dear, but I'm not listening to what you have to say! The voice in my head is screaming, rehearsing the fight I had with my mother. I hate fighting with her, but I hate other things more. I need my privacy, and right now I don't get too much of it. I pick on my lip piercing with my tongue. I have four piercings, not counting the ones I have in my ears. Although I guess the tragus piercing counts as a real piercing and not really an ear-piercing. I have a belly button piercing, lip piercing, tongue piercing, and an eyebrow piercing on my left eyebrow. I lied. I do have another piercing. I have a c******s piercing as well. I slept with the guy who pierced me. He had a small d**k, but he was all macho with piercings and tattoos, and at the time I thought it was hot. Pfft. My mother says that I look like a hooligan. But I stopped caring about what she says when she started to take my privacy away. She does that just to annoy me, to make me angry. I start walking. I don't have a car, and I hate the bus. Besides it's not even that far from my new school. Ugh. New school. Why is school even necessary? I would do just fine without school. My old school didn't want me so they sent me to another one. I feel so loved. There is nothing I hate more than school, maybe teachers but that counts as school, I hate everything school-related. I kick a stone, getting in the way of my feet. My boots make a lot of noise in the gravel. I hate this feeling. I play with my tongue piercing while walking in the oozing sun. Damn, it's hot and I don't like it all that much. I have black mini shorts with chains falling down my legs. A black tank top on which it says, 'f*****g hotter than the sun'. I made it myself. The print that is. I make all kinds of prints on my black shirts. I see my new school. What kind of name is that anyway? I hear that my new school is where the poor kids go to school. And the rich kids go to my old school. I don't have an opinion on that. I don't care about that stuff. As soon as I walk in on the school ground people start staring at me. As if I care. I just glare back at the people looking at me. They should know from the start not to mess with me I walk into the school building and towards the principal's office. I have to get my schedule. But why the f**k do I even care? Why should I care about getting the schedule? I find the principal's office and enter. His secretary looks up when the door shuts roughly behind me. She looks at me for a second, with a slightly wrinkled nose. "What?" I snap angrily. "I'm here to see the principal". She looks rather startled, but not really unused to be snapped at. "Another one just like the Turner boy", I hear her mutter under her breath. "Go on in child". "I'm not a child", I snap and stomp past her and pull the principal's door open. The nerve of that woman, calling me a child. I shut it after me. "Ah Ms. Collins", the principal says. "Take a seat please". I roll my eyes and sit down opposite him. "So I see that you are a transfer student, correct?" He says. I cringe. "Obviously", I say. "I'm too good for my old school anyway, you’re lucky to have me here". The principal frowns. It's obvious he doesn't like my attitude. Too bad for you little principal guy. "Well here's your schedule", he says and hands me a piece of paper. "And I assume that you'll behave in this school". I snort. You can assume how much you want old man. But I haven't decided how I'm going to handle this situation yet. Maybe I'll just get myself expelled from here as well and just get a job as a stripper or an ice cream man. Woman. Whatever. I don’t need school. Though I don't know if I wanna throw away my future just yet. Yeah, that's something I'll have to think about. "Oh, you do?" I snap. "So I guess it says I'm crazy in those documents you've got there? That I'm mentally unstable and in need of closer care? Maybe it says that I’m dangerous?” The principal looks at me for a long time. Trying to read my face. I could only guess what my old school wrote about me, but I could take a good guess. "Maybe I should put you in a support group", the principal says thoughtfully. "Nah I'm good", I say. He wouldn't actually do that, would he? "Just don't get into any fights with Turner", the principal says. Who is this Turner kid? First the principal's assistant, and now the principal himself. I don't even know this Turner kid, and still, the assistant compared me with that kid and now the principal tells me not to get into a fight with the same kid. Is he special? "How am I supposed to do that when I don't even know who it is?" I snap irritated. "Oh you'll know soon enough", the principal says and I raise one of my eyebrows. What kind of principal is he? "Right", I say with a raised eyebrow. He is no ordinary principal, is he? He's short, bald, and he looks like he's about thirty which says a lot since he's a principal and young. It looks like he works out and yes he's hot. But I hate him already. He thinks he can decide stuff for me, he threatened to put me in a support group. Why the hell would I have to be in a support group? Nah-ah this principal is on my blacklist of people I hate, right next to my mother, and slightly under my last school. "Off to your first class, I think it's already started", the principal says. I look down at my schedule. Math. Great. Like I need math in my life. I stand up. "Yeah well, I'm guessing you'll see me again soon enough", I say. "Oh I really hope not, if you don't want to scrub the school with a toothbrush", he says and snaps his fingers. I gape, looking at him. Did he just snap his fingers at me? How can dis man be a principal? I give him a look before walking towards the door. I put my hand on the handle and open it. "Oh and Ms. Collins", the principal says and I turn around, finding him smiling at me. "Welcome to our school". "This is no ordinary school is it?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at him. The principal shakes his head. "You have no idea", he says and I roll my eyes, leaving the room. On my way out I pass the assistant, who's now fixing her nails, leaving the strong smell of nail polish in the room. "Welcome", she says just as I leave and I roll my eyes again. What I have to do now, is to find the classroom. That shouldn’t be too hard. My chains echo in the corridors as I walk through them. There's no one here and that's why it's so quiet. I love my chains. They're black and shiny, and they're cold against my bare skin on my legs, and they look really good. My rough boots also echo in the corridors, they sound rougher though, not at all like the light sound from my chains. There are chains on my boots as well as a rough heel. My mother hates my clothes and tries to persuade me to put on different clothes each morning. Not going to happen. When I finally find the classroom, I knock on the door and wait. "Come in", the teacher says. I put my hand on the handle and push it down, letting the door softly slide open. I take a breath. I step inside and see how everyone in the classroom is looking at me. The barbie girls are giving me are-you-serious glances. I think it's safe to say that they don't like my choice of clothes and makeup. I don't really have goth makeup because I'm not a goth. I don't know what I am actually. I've got black but glittery eyeshadow and I've got chains on my shorts and boots. I can see a lot of other students read my shirt. Yes, I am a sight to behold, but I don’t like that a classroom full is students are looking at me. That creeps me out a lot. I hate situations like this. Some of the boys get interested faces. But I don't think that the girls like me at all. First impressions are important and I hope they all hate me because I don’t like any of them. "You have to be Odette Collins", the teacher says. "Our new student". "Obviously", I say. "Well Ms. Collins, you can take a seat beside Ms. Rivera", the teacher says, gesturing to the only empty seat beside a girl with black shiny hair and golden-brown eyes. "And try to focus so you can keep up with the others". "Oh please, this is kindergarten math", I roll my eyes and walk towards the seat with everyone watching my every move. I sit down beside the Rivera girl and look forward at the blackboard with the teacher looking at me with a raised eyebrow, and a glance that tells me that she accepts my challenge. Yep. I was right. This is not an ordinary school. What kind of teachers challenges their students? This will be interesting and it’s the first time I feel like I may could stay at this school. Challenging teachers and weird principals. It's not the same as my last school from the things that I've seen and noticed, this school is very different from my last school, this school is interesting and my last school, I don't even have words for it. I want to know who that Turner kid is. I have to know who it is. They have made me curious and I can't stop thinking about it. Who is this Turner kid?
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