Two Becomes One

1447 Words
No, I didn’t want to see it. I would rather get to know Diane more and see her through my own eyes than be told about her. She wasn’t a threat to me, she didn’t even know me. She has been a sweetheart the entire time to me. Diane returned placing the water on the coffee table. “Can I get you anything else or you hungry? I am going to make dinner soon for everyone.” “No, I am fine for now,” I replied, “by the way where are your dogs, Lucy and Ben?” Diane’s face lit up as she smiled. “You remembered the names, they are in the barn. The dog’s fur keeps affecting mom I can show you them after dinner.” “No problem what’s on the menu? Tell me not Angela’s special.” “No, no, nothing of the sort here just normal food.” “You need any help?” I asked as we walked to the kitchen. “Sure it’s welcomed have you ever cooked before?” “A long time ago back then I was living with my mother.” “What did you cook at that time?” “Pasta, Pizza lol mostly Pasta. My mother was always in the kitchen doing something. I always felt like I was getting in her way.” The kitchen was small but neat. The counters were cluttered with pots and pans and what looked like bills with red centered on it. Diane’s hand shifted them and placed them in the cupboard. “Oh and what about your dad did he stay outside too?” “No, my dad, he… wasn’t there with me physically.” “I am sorry to hear.” “That’s okay both my parents have passed away at least I think my dad is too. I am not entirely sure.” “I understand how hard it can be my father passed away two years back since then it’s been hard to work on the farm and all.” “Don’t your brother and sister help you with that?” I asked looking at the children peeping into the kitchen. Diane said as she opened the oven. “I asked before but there always too busy in their lives to handle it. Mom is not able to help so I do what I can.” Can you get me some cucumbers from the fridge and the pasta?” I opened the fridge and took the items out as Diane motioned with her hand where she wanted me to rest them down. “But aren’t you busy to Diane. Didn’t you call in today to stay here with their children?” “How did you---.” “I saw when you were taking me around town your face and reaction. I heard part of the conversation and that’s not really fair. You’re a sweet woman, and a very caring person. You shouldn’t be taken advantage off like this don’t matter how much you like these kids. If you don’t make them take some responsibility. They will never change or understand what you do for them. Okay?” Diane nodded while facing the stove. I placed my hand lightly on her shoulder as a rich vanilla essence seemed to radiate from Diane. It was intoxicating and the closer I stood next to her the more I remembered when we had been snuggled tight to each other. She was a beautiful woman and I couldn’t help gawking at her, her defined shape probably from all the hard labor of work and how her behind sat in her jeans. I wanted to touch it if only for a moment. “Thanks, Barba,” Diane replied glancing at me and causing me to look away to the floor. “Diane is there really no man in your life?” I asked clenching my hand. She sighed as she shifted away from me and then returned to the stove. “No none at all men try to court me but in my heart I know it’s all the same. I had a few relationships before but people can’t tend to like the fact that I am a girl that likes to do things on her own instead of wait and see if someone would do something for me. What about you?” “Pretty much the same, I had a real bad heart break that seemed to follow me for a while before I was able to send it away for good.” “It sounds like it must have been a real pain.” “Yeah it was.” “That’s perfume that you’re wearing Barba. It’s subtle but I only noticed it now that you’re so close to me.” “No, I don’t wear perfume that’s cream and I was saying the same about you. That vanilla essence smell is good enough to eat.” Diane laughed. “I am sorry today is the only day I get to spend with you.” “You can come back you know.” “You’re right that is true but I wouldn’t be able to see you like I did today. How about this I buy you a phone so that we can talk online and video chat.” “I couldn’t take that from you.” “It’s a gift for your hospitality and saving my life.” ‘Okay, okay I will take it but on one condition.” “Fine what’s the condition?” “I want to see both your eyes again.” “Deal after dinner.”                                                                               *** Watching Diane work was like watching a warrior fighting a battle as she completed the meal and brought it to the table and call the onslaught of children to the table. The last to arrive was Diane’s mother before we ate. It was loud and busy as the children seemed to be eating there last meals to ask for more. It was like nothing I had seen before. The lights flickered on as the evening I stood on my chair in the living room observing since there weren’t enough chairs for everyone. Diane spent more time organizing by the time everyone was gone. She was the last to eat her food which had probably gone cold. Diane really was something as I watched her eat at the table. When she was done she brought all the dishes to the sink. “Don’t worry about it, I will wash them,” I said as I walked to the kitchen with my plate in hand. “You don’t have to.” “It’s my pleasure for now. I imagine you go through that most days. This one day couldn’t hurt could it? You can go put those kids to bed and then we can be alone.” Diane smiled and nodded. How many plates those kids ate from, I thought as I washed. When it was all done, I turned to find Diane standing behind me. How long was she watching me, I wondered. “If I didn’t know any better. I would assume that you live here.” I chuckled. “Are the kids asleep?” “Yeah,” Diane replied she had a lingering gaze upon me. “Then what would you like to do now?” I asked. “Can I see it now?” Diane asked as she walked towards me now corning me in the kitchen. I came forward to meet her. “Why do you want to see it so badly I wonder?” “Because I was curious about it from the moment I saw it.” “You’re curious, huh,” my gaze feel away. “It’s beautiful,” Diane said as she touched my cheek adjusted my hair and looked in my eyes. “You are beautiful.” I placed my hands in a hug around Diane and brought her into me. Her hair fell into my face filled with a strawberry fragrance. “Barba?” “Shh, let me stay like this for a while until I leave.”
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