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“Did you have a good time on your vacation Ms. Russo?” I turned to the smirk of Rose looking on at me as I looked down at the town I had just been at. “It was a good change of pace to not be myself and being ordinary even if it was just for a while. Did you do what I asked and got Diane a phone?” “Yes, I did but I thought you might have wanted to do more. Aren’t you afraid that she finds out that you aren’t who you said you are?” I thought about what Rose said in my mind. She wouldn’t because she doesn’t know who I am to begin with. “I can’t even if I want. Barba doesn’t have that kind of money even if I think she is a sweet woman.” “Poor Brad had to do so much ducking around hiding in bushes, Barba. We didn’t expect you to spend the night by Diane.” Brad shook his head. “It’s only a part of the job mam.” I chuckled looking at the window. “Nothing happened you know. She is just really interesting for a farm girl.”   Diane, why do I keep thinking about you after just spending such a short time with you? Being with you I at least feel normal and I don’t need to be on my toes all the time. It was crazy for sure but I want to see you again. I know we will. I smiled to myself looking across at Brad and Rose who seemed deep in discussion. “But that is enough of that taking the book The Prince back into my hand. Barba, is dead and Valentina has taken back her place. What has the Capo’s been up to in my absence and what’s become of the oh so great city of Mantrao?” “Yes, Mam. Well I have a report of all the transactions of the Capo’s and whats Angelo has been doing if you want to see. Small minor infractions here and there a shake down on default of payments. One thing did come through that I think you should take notice off before Angelo informed you. It’s a meeting for a group outside of the city coming in and wish to be under our protection for the time of their stay in the city.” “Who exactly is it?” “A gang mam, they call themselves the White Fist they have a lot of influence it seems in the lower parts of the city the working class and are well established in other cities.” “Why am I now becoming aware of them?” “Well they weren’t on the radar because for the most part they weren’t seen as an organization or even of note worth since they were in a constant warfare with each other in the slums. You know the places of the city that consist mostly of tents.” “What do they deal with and why should I consider tent dwellers threats?” “Drugs, Guns, violence. It’s not the ones in the tents that are the problem those are the users. Rose brought her hand to her chin. Maybe they could be too but think it like this our city is now the highway for drugs going and coming in troves through the city and the suppliers are the White Fist. They may have been small but after infighting for so long they seemed to now be expanding before I didn’t see it as much of an issue.” “Sounds like problems all the way around. Unlike us they don’t seem to understand the word discreet. Why do they want to meet us then how did they even get in contact?” “They paid the blood price to get into contact with us out of respect.” “The blood price huh.” I thought about the five million they would have put down for this meeting. Ignoring this would have severe consequences yet I couldn’t help think that they might be more to this situation. There was silence as Rose sat opposite me. I took a deep breath thinking about the matter. The White Fist sounded like some form of movie film. Where did they manage to get these names? “What are your thoughts on the matter, Rose?” “I think it’s a trap and I don’t think you should go or Angelo. Instead send a double of course I am basing this on the fact of what I saw of their history but if they realize it might be an even a bigger issue. Still---.” “The safer route is the best route to go and besides I think just like you they want something too. I won’t risk a war of unnecessary violence not now that I have the most profitable city under my thumb.” I sank myself back in the chair and a smile came to my face. “I have an idea. We don’t meet them at all.” “What do you mean?” “I think it’s a trap and so do you and I bet Angelo will too. No way someone so violent and crazy won’t come to try to destroy the city as they destroy themselves. Crime is necessary to much and it spoils the wine.” Brad leaned over listening in on the conversation. “All we have to do, is put the police on them when they enter the country and force them back out. They don’t know our reach fully and they are marked fully right?” “Fist Tattoos and claws.” “Good that is what we wanted to get us out of having to deal with their kind.” Have the police raid their little hovels. I don’t like competition and seize them as they come in with connection to the drug trade and tattoos etc.” Rose nodded as her fingers clicked away. Brad interjected,“Mam if I may speak I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Both my eyes and Rose met before we looked at Brad. “Why do you think that?” I asked. “Because I know this group, I know this group personally before I got into security body work and martial arts I lived in the poor district of the city and I know the way they tend to do things. I don’t mean to over reach but I believe in my humble opinion its best to hold the meeting and show strength that’s all that they understand.” Show strength huh, I thought as I adjusted myself in the chair. It was something to consider. He had firsthand experience with these people. It might be best to hear Angelo’s opinion before I make a final decision. “I want you to attend that meeting I have with Angelo when we get back. Your knowledge may make a better decision.”                                                                            *** The light flickered on before adjusting dimly as I stumbled towards my bed. What a change I thought to myself as I lay on the bed it was like I had returned from a fairytale world. My house was completely covered in guards. The chef had been on standby for if I wanted something to eat and my butler as well. I had everything a person could aspire to want. This is the top and as I lay here on this bed I felt alone more now than ever before. What was Diane doing? Working hard and alone on that farm, my thoughts flickered on our brief moment together. It had to be morning time there now. I checked my phone but there was no message from her. She should have received that phone by now didn’t she want to know if I made it back home safely. I gripped my phone tightly and bit my lip. I press her number and called. It rang and rang and rang. I was about to press the call out. “Hello,” Diane voice sounded on the other end. Her voice seemed to melt my heart as I responded. “Didn’t you get the phone I sent you?” “Oh Barba, I saw it when it came but I didn’t look at it. I was so busy dealing with the animals on the farm I got distracted. I am glad that you called me to let me know you got in safe. Well I am knee deep in some dirt so I will call or message you back if you’re not at work about the phone. You didn’t have too but thank you.” “No problem and yeah that should be fine,” I said as the phone clicked out. I place the pillow over my head and squeeze. Diane I really think I like you.  
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