CHAPTER FOUR. Andrew Amos-2

2017 Words

'Ye'll no be a mawgnate, Mr Brand, though ye come from South Africa,' said Mr Norie with a great guffaw. 'Not me. I'm a working engineer,' I said. 'My father was from Scotland, and this is my first visit to my native country, as my friend Mr Amos was telling you.' The consumptive looked at me suspiciously. 'We've got two—three of the comrades here that the cawpitalist Government expelled from the Transvaal. If ye're our way of thinking, ye will maybe ken them.' I said I would be overjoyed to meet them, but that at the time of the outrage in question I had been working on a mine a thousand miles further north. Then ensued an hour of extraordinary talk. Tombs in his sing-song namby-pamby University voice was concerned to get information. He asked endless questions, chiefly of Gilkison, w

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