A Long Night

3325 Words
“Dear Heavens!” Onyx shouted before slipping from the branch to where the masked man was floating. Fortunately, he was grabbed by the same man, who gently pushed him back into place with a soft touch on his shoulder. The masked man’s floral scent exploded within the surroundings after he became visible. His robes and veil were as dark and neat as it was in the morning. His eyes were the same; tired and blue, but now worried, too. Onyx could list the things that made him shocked, the first one being that he didn’t expect the luxurious Noble to find where he was. Second, that this Noble was an ability wielder, an extremely rare and genetic trait that humans possessed, and it’s considered great fortune to have them in front of you. Third, he never heard or smelled him within the remaining hours of the day. Lastly, just… “Why are you here? And how did you find me?” Onyx blurted his questions, which he wasn’t supposed to. After all, it’s considered bad mannered to question whatever business Nobles has on anyone ranking lower, or just anyone. However, he couldn’t help but be wary, since of how stealthily dangerous this man was. Onyx was blessed with overly enhanced senses, which should not be failing him ever, but it did. But as long as it’s this man, he felt. It’s a bliss that he seemed to be no threat to Onyx. The masked Noble seemed to not mind, but it took a few more seconds for his hand to stay within Onyx’s touch before he let go. Onyx gazed at the black fabric by his shoulder—underneath was heating. The Noble answered none of his queries, but instead said, “I heard that you are a wanted man.” Onyx only chuckled from the reply. With a smile, he answered, “They can want me as much as they want. As long as my conscience is clear.” The masked Noble slightly arched his brow, and with his soft voice he asked, "Do you even get what that implies?" Onyx's brow arched too. His face looked so innocently traced with only the truth. "What else besides wanting me as a person?" The masked Noble chuckled softly. What a strange feeling this was for Onyx, since he was saying things without context to someone unfamiliar, but that’s what he always does to other Nobles he came across with, and only the masked man didn’t question it. The masked man wasn’t there at the scene, yet it seemed like the two of them knew everything that took place. Onyx moved his rear backward by the trunk to give the Noble space to sit somewhere in front of him, which he did. They sat in silence as the sun set below the leaves. Orange light spilled into tiny polygons over their clothes. “Are you not angry?” The masked Noble was the first one to break the silence after a few minutes. He knew that Onyx had all the right to be angry, since he was being treated like a criminal for something he never did. Also, due to the mistreatment he has been getting all these years, it should be enough to build vengeance against the Baron—if and only if he was indeed angry. But he said that he’s not. The masked Noble’s eyes widened in disbelief. It was the first time that he was seen by Onyx with his eyes alive. His finger slipped inside his scarf, and whispered, “Why?” It wasn’t because he wanted Onyx to be angry, but he couldn’t grasp the fact that he wasn’t. Apparently, Onyx was also blessed at keeping his composure from lashing out like hungry beasts when he remained seated, keeping his awe-inspiringly glorious smile. “Well,” Onyx paused, staring at the masked Noble’s blue eyes. “I…don’t know.” The Noble blinked, his eyes returned to be unreadable. “I wonder, do you even remember what took place earlier?” Onyx’s head leaned to the trunk, trying to think about everything that had happened earlier. He rolled his head side to side, and his lips pouted. As clueless as a himbo, it appeared that his tongue had no words to slip. But he was trying. He said, “Quillan was hurt. He’s a co-worker, but he’ll heal anytime soon. I hope he finds the healing potions in my drawers.” “Is that all?” “That’s all…” The Noble looked at him with a sad gaze. “Uhm but don’t worry,” Onyx exclaimed as he sensed the Noble being sad. “If I forget something, it probably lacks importance.” Now, the Noble appeared hurt. Onyx’s lips shivered. “Ah, my apologies! Please…” Immediately, Onyx’s face shifted from relaxed to panicking seeing the Noble’s reaction to his words. His last word remained his last when his mind ran on a race track. Suddenly, a bunch of memories triggered in his mind, causing him to hold his head. It would be a nail slammed by a hammer in the skull if it was for another person. However, Onyx made it appear that it was only slightly painful. The Noble, who gently leaned his head closer, and whose hand floated near as if it wanted to hold Onyx’s shoulder once more, asked, “Sir Onyx, is your head all fine?” Onyx nodded with a small laugh. He flicked back his long hair with full confidence radiating everywhere in his body. “It’s nothing. I remembered some things like…” “Like?” The masked Noble sounded differently—it was as if his tone was as light as a feather, but heavy with hope. It made Onyx wonder whether this man was a part of his memories that he had locked away so long ago, and if his last statement had given the other man the impression that he was someone he knew. Onyx felt bad about thinking of something else, which would inevitably dissipate that hope. He inhaled deeply. “I remembered meeting the Prince and made a ruckus out of it,” he decided to say, hoping to not hurt him, and exhaled. The Noble was thankfully not, as Onyx observed that the blue eyes had not reacted. The masked Noble nodded, signaling Onyx to continue. “If I remembered correctly, I was his hero back then,” he paused to laugh proudly, “guarding him from the arrows.” The Noble nodded again, and said, “Correct. I saw your shoulder was pierced by an arrow that was supposedly going to hit the Prince.” Onyx caressed his shoulder. So that’s why the masked Noble took too long touching it. “That memory undeniably made you pompous,” the Noble said that contained no lingering irritation that it even sounded like banter. Onyx guffawed. It was just right for him to feel grand, since he saved a Royal and even took a shot for them. Though the laugh didn’t last long when he remembered the Prince being inattentive to his citizens, hiding within the shadows. He looked back at the masked Noble. Doing so made him recall today—not the bad things and the bad times, but all the good moments with this man whom he referred to as really kind. This man didn’t just pay for a whole book place for him to scan upon when he’s bored, nor accompany him within the rich streets of Velemau without shame just for show. He felt genuity, and saw it. And so, he said with a grin, “I wish the Prince is as vigilant as you, kind Sir.” He looked away from Onyx, his hands started fidgeting by his lap. Onyx observed how the sun goes far down, shining last shard-like rays on the dark robes, gradually disappearing. And he knew that that same man would disappear as what he did by the morning, so he wanted to at least take the time to know the Noble, only if it’s mutual. It seemed that both of them were fascinated by each other’s presence—but it was Onyx who had to leave this time. Quickly. Onyx raised his chest and said, “You’re a calm fella that I enjoy being with, and I appreciate that you’re spending some of your golden time with a peasant such as I!” He gritted his teeth—he had not thought of an excuse. “But I really have to go because… uhm—” “Very well,” the masked Noble immediately said. It was the second time that the Noble did not ask for Onyx to explain things, which saved him every time. Onyx’s heart fluttered, his mouth stretched ear to ear. He is so sympathetic. Onyx could now dart away as fast as he could, but he smelled metal not so far off their location. The metallic scent isn’t the same as Baron Dolian’s Knights, but there are tons of cases where Nobles were being hunted down for robbery. The bandits would be one with the shadows, and as soon as the rich hopped by, they too would be part of the darkness. Like predator and prey indeed. Onyx was obviously not going to risk that, may this Noble in front of him be an ability wielder. He leaned closer to the Noble, and whispered, “I shall accompany you to the mainland for your safety.” The Noble leaned slightly closer to Onyx. “How considerate of you to do so despite your hurriedness. However, I came prepared and brought my Knight.” So it must be his Knight’s scent. His chest lowered. When he knew that he had nothing to worry about, his relaxed voice said, “Then, I shall accompany you to your Knight.” Onyx felt his body becoming hotter, and his mind was slowly getting loose that he became reckless. He jumped off the branch without being wary that someone was watching him do it with ease; without injury. Somehow, he didn’t feel regret. His big arms then moved forward like he’s trying to catch something—someone—into his embrace. “I promise to seize you, whatever your name is!” Without hesitations, the masked Noble relaxedly slipped off the branch, placing his weight all over his back. He started falling. His dark robes fluttered upwards by the force of the wind, which Onyx’s eyes found pleasing. He was ready to catch the beautiful man as the floral scent intensified. The masked Noble then suddenly stopped falling, and he ended up floating less than an inch above Onyx’s catching arms. The fabric all over his body flew with him. It was the closest they had ever been. Onyx heard the Noble’s heart racing; Onyx’s heart raced faster. They stared at one another. The black silk above the masked Noble’s lips were a few inches away from Onyx’s. His whisper should not be heard by others, but Onyx somehow heard it perfectly. “You may refer to me as Floris.” They proceeded into the woodland so Onyx could follow Sir Floris back to his Knight, sniffing out the direction of the metallic scent because the Noble didn't seem to be able to lead the way. He might have forgotten where the Knight was. Onyx felt that he should still be fine—judging by his undying flamboyant character that remained—since the moon wasn’t visible. Perhaps a new moon was scheduled to guard the night. Thank the heavens. And Sir Floris calmed him down for whatever reason. While the stars twinkled the skies, fireflies twinkled their way. After passing through chestnut trees in the dark surrounded with faint chirping of crickets and crunching of dried leaves, they saw a Knight in golden armor and a red cape, someone who was for sure holding a high position within the chivalries. “There he is!” Onyx exclaimed, not knowing how he enthusiastically said it, since he knew he was a bit disheartened that the only Noble he was enjoyingly together with the most will go. The gray-haired Knight’s mouth kept making expressions to say words to them as he ran with a golden spear who seemed to point towards Onyx. Onyx remained relaxed yet amused, since this fellow seemed as loud and confident as him. The only difference was to minus the “loud” part. Sir Floris tucked a finger in his scarf somewhere near his nose, and said, "Because my Knight is a larger-than-life figure who refuses to keep his mouth quiet, I temporarily halted his voice box." Onyx gulped, his shoulders shaking as he laughed nervously. He now knew that he should actually try to simmer down his enthusiasm in his voice around this “nice” Sir. But when he noticed that this golden Knight actually looked silly moving his tongue and lips around without a sound, he couldn’t help but release a hearty laugh. Onyx could hear a horse nearby. They probably had a carriage ready, so he said, “It was an honor to spend time with you twice this day. I shall thank you, Sir Floris!” Sir Floris’ eyes widened for a second, then he relaxedly shut them. “It was all my pleasure. Do try to remain in hiding until tomorrow. I will find you again.” No one knew how, but Onyx was, for the first time, glad to be found by this Noble, despite meeting him only hours ago. The golden Knight was still talking on mute while accompanying Sir Floris away to come back to the borders where he always belonged. Onyx walked a few steps to follow them. He was surprised—he didn't want to let Sir Floris leave like earlier, but the difference was now he’s doing something about it. Realizing that, his feet stopped immediately, and wished his heart would also, since it kept repeatedly trying to break out of his rib cage. Sir Floris whispered from afar, which he heard with clarity. “You know…You have magnificent skills to be a butler.” Onyx chuckled. He was very aware that he’s magnificent in anything, but silly enough, it’s more heartstopping to hear it from someone you’re fond of. Sir Floris was gone. He returned to hide away like what he was suggested to do. It was not because he’s a follower of that nice Sir, but because he also knew that it had to be done. After all, it was already hard for them to see one another because of their difference in class, and him getting locked up would even slim those chances. His breath hitched. He then realized that if he stopped being Baron Dolian’s slave, he will also be relocated in the borders of the commoners, probably at the walls that held the kingdom dearly, since the peasants lived there. The chances would slim even farther. Baron Dolian… He then gradually remembered the things that happened earlier in the morning as he walked farther away just from that atrocious Noble’s name. The bribery, the defaming, the injustice, the hurt. Everything just sunk in. Onyx now knew why Sir Floris was in disbelief when he said that he wasn’t angry. His hand drove by his hard chest, thinking why he couldn’t feel his blood rising from anger and despair, even if the perfect time for him to give himself release was this moment. This night. Perhaps he was being too kind, but this level of kindness was too high to be true. The thought that he’s letting himself get stomped on because of his kindness couldn’t even move his hand to form a knuckle in frustration. Something was wrong. Not only in his emotions, but the vibes as soon as he made his last step unsettled him. He knew that he could bring shivers to the spine of others, but never his. It was because that no human could, so it’s pure danger that his spine shivered. His nails unsheathed, his chest pulled upward. Onyx’s posture was beyond perfect in confidence that he could take on anyone, and everyone. Something hissed. He quickly tumbled to his left, and he saw an arrow strike the bark behind his location moments ago when he looked back. Onyx was impressed, the first time he was with others. He held himself the standard in aiming, and this arbalest after him was scarily accurate which he could recognize the talent. But his critics came later—he had to keep dodging since the arrows kept darting. He moved left and right hastily; it wasn’t at all graceful, but powerful. His long hair flew and shone by the fireflies, and he was smiling. He could last all night, which he was heartily proud of. Until he wasn’t. The arrow had cut through above his shoulder. “Well…” He chuckled because of his overconfidence. He gazed at his slashed fabric and open wound with red liquid spilling slowly. All of the open flesh started crawling back to each other, and magic found its way to heal the scar. Onyx wiped off his blood as he wished for his clothes to go back to its new state like his skin every time he’s injured so he would survive with only one pair of attire throughout his life span. He would be happy if all of his earnings went for food rather than clothes. “I am definitely not at fault for this hitting me,” Onyx pointed at the arrow that had his blood which got stuck by the tree at least ten meters behind him, which he could observe perfectly. His green eyes were glowing. “The one behind it was just as blessed as I.” It wouldn’t be any problem to get hit by any weapon to Onyx, since any pain inflicted on him would be pointless. It was as if he was being immediately cleansed after being dirtied upon. No wonder he believed that he’s god’s favorite! However, his knees weakened and his heart started racing. Fast footsteps started playing within his sense of hearing, and he felt its movement was as fast as him when hurrying. Onyx knelt, his fangs peeked as he gasped for air. When he inhaled the strongest scent that came from the farthest arrow with his blood, he then realized he was smelling… “Silver, Kila!” He also recognized who was running towards him. He also did what he said next, “Stop breathing!” Kila angrily said that seemed to be a yell in Onyx’s ears, “Zip your mouth. You’re trying to get us shot!” When another arrow hissed, Onyx jumped away from his current location to Kila’s direction, in which he was grabbed by the collar for them to run side to side. Both of them weren’t breathing, but they’re handling the situation well. Onyx’s body healed slowly from the silver. It was supposedly done in a minute or two, but it was no surprise for them that their recovery time from that substance was slow. After five more arrows equipped with powdery silver, they ran deeper within the woods. It’s dangerous for them to stay in that very same atmosphere, and just anywhere near it. It was no luck. The scent of silver was indeed so strong that they could still smell it from twenty meters away. They couldn’t go farther either, since they would be closer back to Baron Dolian’s mansion. Kila cursed multiple times at the arbalest without inhaling, while Onyx kept praising them. “How great that arbalest must be. He knew exactly what to do—where to lure us back.” Complete opposites of them indeed, but their similarity came sooner: to run for their lives, as the night was still long.

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