Bad Things

2061 Words

I glower up at Reagan as he takes the cuffs off my wrist while smugly smirking at me. I had tried pulling but only ended up bruising my poor wrist. My wolf's strength couldn't help me due to the damn wolf's bane, and since I am not good at picking locks I only ended up jingling my hairpin in vain. Reagan leads me to the bathroom, and I proceed to brush my teeth while he checks the water in the bathtub one more time. Then he tries to take off my nightgown, making me step back in question.  I frown at him, "I can bath myself, thank you very much." He smiles at my retreating form. "Okay, we can do this the easy way, my sweet Ellie, or the hard way." He takes a step closer to me. "The hard way involving you being tied up while I do whatever I want to that nice body of yours. Your choice." H

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