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"Tsk tsk" I heard from behind me. I turned to look at him and saw that he was walking in front of me. I just gaped at him in disbelief. "Hey? Excuse me? Mind your own business" I said in irritation. "I can't believe this," he said, shaking his head and smirking, looking at me. "What!?" I asked, annoyed. "You joined an online site that you'll find someone to date with, that's for losers," he said and gestured to my laptop. His palm was on the counter and he was leaning toward me. This guy is so ugggh!! I smiled at him, mind you. My fake smile. I closed my laptop and leaned closer to him, looking intently. "First of all, who the hell are you!? And as far as I know, this is a free country and it's Saturday, the best day to chat with someone and use this awesome bar for their free Wi-Fi." I said. "Well then, first of all. Hi I’m Ryan.." he said and offered his hand to me and I shook it. "Kate," I said, and let his hand go. He nodded at me in acknowledgment. "Second, I own this bar and the free Wi-Fi you're currently using. Thank you" he said, and I just smirked at him and held my hands up looking at him. He just chuckled at me and then spoke again. "What are you really doing? I mean, you're a pretty girl. Did you even try to look outside? This is New York for heaven's sake! There were millions of single men walking outside this bar and you chose to just chat with some guy online." he said disbelievingly. What the!? Why does he even care? "Okay Ryan, this online site is the fastest way to find a date and to increase my odds," I said. He suddenly sighs in defeat and I sweetly smiled at him. "Okay fine, wait. This is the first time I saw you here," he said questioningly. "Yeah, first time to be here. Actually, I moved here a month ago," I said and looked away at him. I opened my laptop and saw that I had 3 requests. "Oh, I see. There’s always a party here every weekend..." he said, and I didn't hear everything he said because I started to read the first guy who sent me a request. "Totally no," I mumbled and clicked the decline button. "What?" Ryan suddenly asked, which caused me to glance at him. "Oh, nothing," I said and went back to my laptop's screen. "So, you going?" he asked. "Uh..Um...Yeah, sure" I said and glanced at him. "Okay then, see you around," he said, smiling at me, and I responded with a nod and a smile. He walked to the other side of the counter and served the other customers while I went back to read the next guy's info. I think I have a date tonight!! I smiled and accepted his request. IMCLARKY: HEY, THANKS FOR ACCEPTING ;) KATEYLOVE: NO PROB. IMCLARKY: DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO DO TONITE? WANNA MEET? KATEYLOVE: NOTHING SOUNDS GOOD. IMCLARKY: GREAT! SO, YOU PICK A PLACE TO MEET THEN KATEYLOVE: MEET ME @ ROCKWELL BAR, 7 PM ;) IMCLARKY: OKAY, SURE! SEE YOU! ;) I closed my laptop with a satisfied grin and looked up at Ryan who was flirting with a girl across the counter. "Hey!" I shouted and he turned to me looking confused. I stood up and gathered my things in my arms. I winked at him, which made his brow furrow in confusion. "I have a date tonight!" I said. I didn't wait for his response and just turned around and walked out of the bar and headed to the side door, then went up to my apartment. My first date after 2 years...
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