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"Ugh! I had high hopes for this date, but here I am, hiding from him," I grumbled, my frustration evident in my tone. Ryan let out a chuckle and shook his head, his frame casually leaning against the door with his arms folded across his chest. "You know how it goes with guys. At least he's upfront about what he wants," Ryan remarked, shooting me a sideways glance. I returned the look briefly before diverting my attention back to the bustling street outside. Despite the late hour, the sidewalk was still teeming with activity, the city's pulse refusing to slow down. "Yeah... I suppose so, but I was hoping for something more," I muttered, trailing off as I caught Ryan's gaze once again. "Hmm," he hummed in response, his expression thoughtful as he waited for me to continue. "Why resort to online dating when you could just go out and meet people in person?" Ryan's curiosity prompted him to ask, his eyes probing for an answer. I sighed, considering his question carefully before responding. "Well, it's just easier to connect with someone online, you know? And maybe because I'm not exactly the best at face-to-face interactions," I admitted, feeling a twinge of vulnerability as I avoided his gaze, my thoughts drifting elsewhere. "May I ask why?" Ryan's sudden question caught me off guard, prompting me to look up at him. His gaze was unwavering, waiting patiently for my response. I let out a deep sigh, feeling the weight of his inquiry settle over me. "Alright... it's been two years since I've dated," I admitted reluctantly. "Two years? Really?" Ryan's tone carried a hint of disbelief, his eyebrows raising in surprise. "Yeah, believe it or not," I replied with a half-hearted smile, averting my eyes momentarily. "What? I was just curious, that's all," Ryan defended himself with a chuckle, trying to ease the tension that had settled between us. For a brief moment, silence enveloped us, hanging heavy in the air. Then, Ryan broke the quietude. "Can I ask why?" His voice was soft, almost tentative, causing me to look at him in confusion. "Why did you break up?" His question seemed to echo the thoughts swirling in my mind, leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable. "Oh," I murmured softly, feeling a sudden urge to retreat inward as I glanced down, my fingers beginning to fidget nervously. Ryan remained silent, his gaze fixed on me with an air of patience, waiting for me to gather my thoughts and speak. I cleared my throat, summoning the courage to meet his gaze once more, my mind racing with memories and emotions. "We had been together for four years, and on what was supposed to be a day of celebration for our fourth anniversary, he dropped the bombshell: he needed space." The bitterness in my chuckle betrayed the flood of emotions that surged through me, as if the wound had been freshly opened. "At first, I resisted, unwilling to entertain the notion of giving him what he wanted. But he began to distance himself, gradually slipping away until it felt like I had no choice but to acquiesce. I held onto the hope that the space he sought was merely a phase, a temporary hiatus for us to grow individually before reuniting stronger than ever. But that hope was shattered," I confessed softly, stealing a glance at him. His gaze remained fixed on me, a silent witness to the unraveling of my heartache. Locking eyes with him, I found myself lost in the depth of his beautiful brown irises, drawing strength from the silent support he offered. "As the days turned into months, and the months into years, his presence in my life dwindled to nothing. Attempts to reach out went unanswered, visits to his place revealed an empty space where he once resided. And just like that, it was over. He left without closure, leaving me stranded in a sea of uncertainty and despair. For two years, I was consumed by misery, withdrawing from the world around me, devoid of social interactions, devoid of life," I recounted, a bitter smile playing at the corners of my lips. The pain lingered, but it had morphed into a dull ache, a reminder of the scars that adorned my heart. Yet, amidst the anguish, there flickered a glimmer of hope – the belief that someday, I would find solace in the arms of someone who truly valued me. He listened intently, his gaze unwavering as he absorbed every word I uttered, his eyes reflecting empathy and understanding. "Then one day, I woke up with this sudden clarity. I realized it was time to let go of him and move forward with my life. So, I packed my bags and made the leap to New York, ready to start afresh with a new job and new friends," I recounted, a genuine smile finally gracing my lips as I shared my decision with him. He remained fixated on me, our gazes locked in a silent exchange that spoke volumes. His eyes, a kaleidoscope of emotions, held mine captive, each flicker of sentiment too complex to decipher. "He's a total jerk," he declared abruptly, tearing his gaze away from mine and directing it elsewhere. I chuckled softly, a wistful sigh escaping me as I lowered my gaze. "Yeah, pretty much," I agreed, my voice tinged with resignation as I focused on the ground beneath my feet. "But I'm not exactly the opposite," he interjected suddenly, catching me off guard with his confession. Confusion clouded my features as I met his eyes, searching for clarity in his unexpected revelation. "What do you mean?" I queried, my brow furrowing in puzzlement. "I'm not the type to dive into serious relationships. If you're after some fun, then I'm your guy. But when it comes to anything long-term... that's just not me," he admitted, his words laced with sincerity as he held my gaze, his eyes betraying a hint of vulnerability that flickered and faded almost imperceptibly. A furrow formed between my brows as I processed his disclosure, a sense of unease settling over me. "Why are you telling me this?" I questioned, my voice laced with uncertainty as I sought to understand the motive behind his confession. "Just so you know, I'm still around if you ever need someone to lean on," he offered, a warm smile gracing his lips as he met my gaze. "Oh..." I responded softly, nodding in acknowledgment as a smile of gratitude spread across my face. This was a promising start, wasn't it? A potential new friend in the making... Another comfortable silence settled between us, our attention drifting to the bustling street outside as we stood side by side. Feeling the need to break the quietude, I turned towards him, mustering the courage to address him directly. "Um, Ryan," I began, prompting him to shift his focus towards me with a quizzical expression. "Yeah?" he responded, his tone curious yet attentive. "I think... I think it's time we head back inside. Looks like whoever we were hiding from has vanished, and I'm pretty sure your customers are wondering where you've disappeared to," I suggested, my voice tinged with a hint of urgency. Ryan nodded in agreement, graciously stepping aside to allow me to enter first as he held the door open for me. "Thank you," I murmured gratefully, to which he responded with a simple nod and that irresistibly charming smile of his. With his presence behind me, I reentered the bar, silently appreciating his gentlemanly gesture as I walked ahead. Yes, he definitely had the makings of a true gentleman and a genuinely nice guy.
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